Technicolor Ninjas: Difference between revisions

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** [[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]] is an egregious offender, and that's without taking into consideration the telepaths who can shield their presence from others, or people who turn invisible or can fly.
*** Wolverine wears bright yellow and frequently sneaks by the Mooks. Several of Wolverine's girlfriends are capable of the same:
**** Yuriko is almost not a ridiculously stealthy ninja, except she likes to shout "GOTCHA!" at people she's sneaked up on.
**** TigerTyger is ridiculously stealthy.
**** Viper is ridiculously stealthy, despite wearing a bright green patent leather catsuit and spiked heels.
*** Gambit has been known to wear a color somewhere between fuchsia and hot pink, and also is sneaky enough to go unnoticed in this color combination.
*** Enemy Ms. Locke, who wears a red cheongsam, is ridiculously stealthy.
