Teleportation Sickness: Difference between revisions

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** In Sandy Mitchell's [[Ciaphas Cain]] novel ''The Emperor's finest'', Cain and Jurgen are teleported over what is probably a few kilometers, and Cain spends a week in sickbay to recover from the warp exposure (which [[Anti-Magic|Jurgen]] shrugs off in less than a day). It is said that the [[Space Marine]]s who own the teleporter employ shielding devices in their armor to prevent this effect. Cain and Jurgen were not expecting to teleport and had no such protection.
* ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' has almost any translocation leading to short disorientation during which travelers are unable to act. The tactical effect is that setting an ambush at a likely destination to catch or slaughter arrivals in "teleport afterdaze" is a no-brainer, which gives teleporting people one more reason to [[Crystal Ball|scry on the exit]] unless they're sure this can't happen in the place they chose.
* ''[[GURPS]]'' has both Timesickness disadvantage (teleportation or time travel makes you ill) and Body Control skill (needed to avoid disorientation due to teleportation).