Terminator (franchise)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Naked on Arrival]]
* [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner]]: [[Shout-Out|"You are terminated!"]]
* [[Taking You with Me]]
* [[We Will Meet Again]]: While holding up the blast door, he tells John "We'll meet again." The twist is that he's talking about {{spoiler|how he killed future John before being reprogrammed.}}
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* [[Blob Monster]]
* [[Chrome Champion]]
* [[Deceptively-Human Robots]]: He can talk and behave more like a human than both versions of the T-800. If it wasn't for his [[Robotic Reveal]] when T-800 shot him, he would've continued fooling the audience into thinking he was human, let alone the hero.
* [[Determinator]]
* [[Finger Wag]]: After Sarah shoots him multiple times but runs out of ammo.
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* [[Literally Shattered Lives]]: Unfortunately, he gets better.
* [[Naked on Arrival]]
* [[Not So Stoic]]: Like all Terminators, normally stony-faced and uncaring, but is genuinely surprised/shocked when hit in the chest by a grenade by the T-101 (giving an [[Oh Crap]] look).
* [[Power Incontinence]]: In the extended edition, after being frozen, shot, thawing, and reassembling, he begins glitching and his body parts take on the texture of whatever surface they touch.
* [[Pulling Themselves Together]]
* [[Railing Kill]]
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The HK-Tank is a ground assault Hunter Killer. It serves as the heavy artillery of the Machines.
* [[Arm Cannon]]: The tank has a laser projectile one on each arm. Both move independently and are powerful enough to disintegrate humans down to the bone.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: While it's unknown what kind of programming this machine has other than search and destroy. The Tanks seem to have no qualms bulldozing over the skulls of the dead humans. The way it was filmed made it look as though it was merely just clearing the roads of obstacles.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: It's slow moving, but has very powerful weapons at it's disposal and the reflexes to use them.
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The artificial intelligence responsible for Judgment Day and the "leader" of the machines in their war on humanity.
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]
* [[Big Bad]]
* [[The Ghost]]
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{{quote|Played by: Linda Hamilton (1984-1991)}}
* [[Big No]]: Sarah almost makes it out of the asylum, but she see the T-800 walking out of an elevator. After saying "no" in a low tone of disbelief, it turns into this out of sheer terror.
* [[Broken Bird]]: Second movie.
* [[Dark Action Girl]] [[Action Mom]]: Second movie.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Third movie, {{spoiler|posthumously}} of course since she is... you know... {{spoiler|dead}}.
* [[Dawson Casting]]: 28-year-old Linda Hamilton playing 19-year-old Sarah Connor.
* [[Determinator]] She becomes like this during the second movie.
* [[Final Girl]]: During the first movie.
* [[Good People Have Good Sex]]: With Kyle in the first movie.
* [[Her Heart Will Go On]]: End of first movie.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters|She Who Fights Monsters]]: She practically became a Terminator herself, [[Lampshade Hanging|right down to her enemy's musical motif and choice of sunglasses]], when she tried to murder Miles Dyson in order to prevent Skynet's creation.
* [[Hot Amazon]]: Sarah is ripped when she's rescued from the hospital.
* [[Lady of War]]: Second movie.
* [[Mama Bear]]: Almost to the point of being a [[Knight Templar Parent]].
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Silently after the attempted hit on Dyson. Exacerbated by the fact that not only had she taken on a dimmer view on human life than the Terminator she was traveling with, but had adopted the MO of the Terminator that first tried to kill her, right down to its weapon of choice (.45 Longslide with laser sighting).
* [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]]: In the second film as a result of having lost her paramour to a cyborg that was hunting her down with the intent to kill her.
* [[Take the Wheel]]: Is made to do this in both the first and second movie.
* [[The Other Darrin|The Other Sarah:]] Played by Linda Hamilton's real-life twin sister, Leslie Hamilton Gearren, in Terminator 2. Leslie is seen as both the fake Sarah inside the steel mill and as the waitress Sarah in the nuclear nightmare scene. She is also seen inside the garage operating on the fake Arnold's head (Linda is seen with the real Terminator) in the Special Edition.
* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: "You're terminated, fucker!" Also a [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner]] and [[Precision F-Strike]].
* [[Time Travel Romance]]: One where the romance has a good deal of plot significance.
* [[Time Travel Tense Trouble]]: Sarah has a problem with Reese telling her of all the things she hasn't done yet.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: During the events between the first and second movie.
=== John Connor ===
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* [[Badass Longcoat]]
* [[Badass Normal]]: makes his fight against an unstoppable killing machine much more badass.
* [[Bodyguard Crush]]: Kyle's attraction to Sarah is what conceives John Connor in the first place.
* [[Child Soldier]]: he was born into a world with killbots attempting to destroy humanity, so yeah.
* [[Come with Me If You Want to Live]]: [[Trope Namer]].
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* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: Without a doubt. Justified in that he learnt to drive [[After the End]]. He also instinctively drives cars at night without the headlights on, as doing so in the future would draw Aerial Hunter-Killers.
* [[Future Badass]]
* [[Gaia's Lament]]: A deleted scene would have had Kyle sobbing when he saw how beautiful the world used to be.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[The Kindnapper]]: He kidnaps Sarah Connor to save her from the T-800 sent to kill her.
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* [[A Man Is Not a Virgin]]: Subverted for the first three-fourths of the film.
* [[Naked on Arrival]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Reese instinctively allows the dog at the roadside hotel to sniff him. They use dogs to sniff out Terminators where he comes from.
* [[Sawed-Off Shotgun]]
* [[Scannable Man]]: Got his tattoo in a SkyNet work camp.
* [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]]: Undoubtedly so, given that he was in [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|a SkyNet work camp complete with a tattoo]] before he was liberated by John Connor and even afterward spent all of his time either fighting against SkyNet's machines or hiding from them.
* [[Time Travel Romance]]: One where the romance has a good deal of plot significance.
* {{spoiler|[[Zipping Up the Bodybag]] }}