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== Comic Books ==
* In [[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]], [[Cable (Comic Book)|Cable]] came back in time to prevent the future he grew up in. Stryfe, his [[Evil Twin|evil clone]], then came back in time to stop him -- not so much because he was hugely enamoured of their home era, but rather because he lived to screw with Cable's life. Oh, and then Cable's evil adopted son came back as well...
** Slightly less directly, Bishop originally came back in time hunting a group of time-traveling criminals, but then decided to use his new location to protect the X-Men and prevent his home timeline. The criminals he was hunting don't seem overly concerned with this.
*** He only joined the X-Men after he had killed off almost all the criminals he came back to find. The leader of the survivors was a recurring villain for several years.
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** Also worth noting is the fact that, hilariously, Cable seems to react to every single piece of legislation worth mentioning in any comic with the assumption that it's the first step on the way to his horrible future. ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'' ''alone'' contained at least three separate instances of this.
*** To be fair, he's from the year 4000. He clearly has no idea what he's talking about...ever.
* [[Iron Man (Comic Book)|Iron Man]] and [[Doctor Doom]] for some reason do this often. They wound up in Camelot once, and another time they inverted the trope by traveling to the future (after Merlin has awaken and King Arthur has reincarnated). Often, though they end up [[Take a Third Option|taking a third option]] and working together to get back.
** And again in Bendis' Mighty Avengers. It helps that both Doom and Stark have ''nothing'' to gain from changing anything in the specific past periods they enter, and both would rather keep the present they have. Seeing as it's dangerous to fuck with reality and all that.