That Guy With The Glasses/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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** And now, [[Obscurus Lupa|Lupa]] and [[Phelous]] are a couple.
* So, [[Atop the Fourth Wall (Web Video)|Linkara]] has his 100th episode. After a massively entertaining review of a Sonic comic, {{spoiler|we cut to everybody from [[That Guy With the Glasses]] singing a part of Linkara's theme song. It really showed how much they love having Linkara on the site.}} It was such a little thing, but it actually brought tears to the eyes of this troper.
** This troper recalls hearing [[Lord Kat]] mention the crossover on his livestream when it was in the planning stages. LordKat said Linkara had just invited him to be in the video; when asked if he would do it, he replied, "Hell yeah, I'm doing it! It's [[Precision F -Strike|fucking]] ''Linkara!''" Crude? Yes. But also awesomely touching.
** Moreover, [[The Spoony Experiment (Web Video)|Spoony]] admitted on the stream (after the video was released) that he'd received ''numerous'' requests for crossover appearances around that same time and turned them all down, because he was already overworked and behind schedule with his reviews (due to recent health issues). However, he still agreed to appear on Linkara's show, and '''''only''''' Linkara's show. That in itself speaks volumes for the friendship between the two men, as well as the professional respect that Spoony has for Linkara.
* From the [[Fan Community Nickname|Treehouse]]'s POV, the fact that they've not just approved of the fanfic, but seem to really enjoy it as well. For a long while, we thought we would be hated for writing [[Slash Fic]] about internet celebrities, so hearing them reading fics and having a great time is appreciated more than they know.
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[[Category:That Guy With The Glasses]]
[[Category:Heartwarming]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]