That Guy With The Glasses/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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** Moreover, [[The Spoony Experiment (Web Video)|Spoony]] admitted on the stream (after the video was released) that he'd received ''numerous'' requests for crossover appearances around that same time and turned them all down, because he was already overworked and behind schedule with his reviews (due to recent health issues). However, he still agreed to appear on Linkara's show, and '''''only''''' Linkara's show. That in itself speaks volumes for the friendship between the two men, as well as the professional respect that Spoony has for Linkara.
* From the [[Fan Community Nickname|Treehouse]]'s POV, the fact that they've not just approved of the fanfic, but seem to really enjoy it as well. For a long while, we thought we would be hated for writing [[Slash Fic]] about internet celebrities, so hearing them reading fics and having a great time is appreciated more than they know.
* [[<!-- 3Atime20nostalgia%3Atime%20nostalgia%20critic&qo=66 This.]] When the TGWTG gang go to cons, heartwarming-s will be had. -->
** The [!/KittyMarie92 fan] in that picture admitted that she was incredibly nervous at the prospect of meeting Doug...but that all of her fears dissolved at that moment.
* While [[Lord Kat]] is no longer a member of TGWTG, his livestream chat remains a "watering hole" of sorts for himself and his former co-workers. Members from all corners of the site have joined in the call, sometimes talking into the wee hours of the morning. In listening to their conversations, this troper has born witness to more crowning moments of hilarity and heartwarming than could possibly be listed on this page. For the sake of posterity, however, the following examples come to mind:
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[[Category:That Guy With The Glasses]]
[[Category:Heartwarming]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]