The Adjustment Bureau: Difference between revisions

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* [[Humans Are Bastards]]: According to Thompson, the first time the Bureau tried a hands-off approach, "you gave us the Dark Ages for five hundred years"; the second time resulted in [[World War I]], [[World War II]] and the Cuban missile crisis. They seem to overlook all the good things that occurred during the Dark Ages, and all the bad things that occurred under their watch between the [[Middle Ages]] and [[World War I]].
** Or hell, all the bad things happening ''right now''.
{{quote| '''David Norris:''' So you handle the important things. Well the last time I checked, the world's a pretty screwed up place.<br />
'''Thompson:''' It's still ''here''. If we'd left things in your hands, it wouldn't be. }}
* [[Humans Are Flawed]]: The Chairman believes humanity ''will'' eventually be deserving of free will... just not ''yet.''
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* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]: Elise is made of this trope. They meet {{spoiler|in the men's washroom when she is hiding from security from having crashed a wedding, drops his phone into his coffee on purpose, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|is a dancer.]]}}
* [[The Masquerade]]: Apparently, very few people have been told about the existence of the Bureau, and Richardson threatens to erase David's mind (''all of it''--memories, personality, emotions, everything) if he tells anyone.
{{quote| '''Richardson:''' You've just seen behind a curtain you weren't even supposed to know ''existed.''}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]:
** "Thompson," "Richardson," and "Harry" become part of the phrase [[Fridge Brilliance|"every Tom, Dick, and Harry," which is slang for an anonymous person.]]
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* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: Terence Stamp is only in three or four scenes, but completely steals all of them.
* [[Our Angels Are Different]]:
{{quote| '''David:''' Are you angels?<br />
'''Harry:''' We've been called that. More like case officers who live a lot longer than humans. }}
* [[Portal Network]]: Used by the bureaucrats to stay a step ahead of people.