The Adventures of Milo and Otis: Difference between revisions

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[[The Adventures of Milo and Otis]], also known by its original Japanese name Koneko Monogatari, is a 1986 film. Milo is a curious orange kitten with a friend who is a pug named Otis. One day Milo drifts down the river while playing, and Otis and him cross paths and have adventures while searching for each other. [[Squee]].
=== Tropes: ===
* [[Babies Ever After]]: After all, why stop with just two adorable baby animals?
* [[Cats Are Mean]]: Naturally, averted. The movie was extensively reworked from its original Japanese release... But the protagonist cat, Milo, is portrayed as good-natured and curious, and even his occasional mischievous moments are generally endearing rather than off-putting. Also somewhat unusually, he's close friends with a pug named Otis, hence the title.