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** This was the fate awaiting a lot of the more minor characters who were not "officially" killed off. Mr. Fieldmouse simply disappeared midway through the second season, while Mr. Hare and Mr. Rabbit were both gone by Season 3, to be replaced by their descendants.
* [[Captain Crash]]: Whistler. He even lands so badly, everyone takes cover when he's going to land - not that it helps. He almost always falls on top of someone. Fox even mentions: 'When you and Speedy get cubs... please let her teach them how to fly.'
{{quote| '''Plucky''': Great landing! You almost missed me!}}
* [[Carnivore Confusion]]: Averted by the Oath of Mutual Protection the animals take and, even after the need for it has gone, uphold out of the fact they've known each other far too long as allies.
** Although once they reach White Deer Park, the carnivorous animals have the full right to eat non-Farthing Wood animals, which Adder in particular was happy to take advantage of (even over Toad's protests when she started eating some of the frogs he had befriended).
* [[Cartoony Tail]]: the foxes have beautifal red/blue tails, but you don't see any gray parts in it, which is common with real life foxes.
* [[Catch Phrase]]:
{{quote| Hurkel: "I'm kind."<br />
Bully: "Who am I?"<br />
Weasel: Her annoying laugh, and "Measly twerp!" when she's talking to Measly.<br />
Rollo: "I'm useless!"<br />
Mrs Rabbit: "Don't panic!" At which point the rabbits usually start panicking.<br />
Mr Hedgehog: "I'll second that!"<br />
Mr Hare: "Excuse me!"<br />
Crow: "Thank your lucky stars!" }}
* [[Cats Are Mean]]: The Warden's Cat
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* [[Death Is Dramatic]]: So, so true. Biggest examples are {{spoiler|the deaths of Dreamer, Bold, Badger and the hedgehogs.}}
* [[Determinator]]: Most of the Farthing Wood animals have had their faltering moments, except Fox. In every dangerous situation in the series, he usually leaps in to rescue one of his friends {{spoiler|as well as Vixen}} at the risk of his very life, even a duel to the death with Scarface.
{{quote| Fox: "But I promise you one thing. I will defend you to the last."}}
* [[Dirty Coward]]: The rabbits almost drown Fox by overweighing him to cross through a river.
* Disneyfication: especially season 3.
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* [[Fast Tunnelling]]: Of all the animals, Mole is the best tunneller. {{spoiler|This ability saves the animals from the farmer who locked them in the shed.}}
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: The blue foxes towards the red foxes and, even more blatantly, Fox's own reaction upon learning of Charmer and Ranger's relationship, which even Vixen notes:
{{quote| '''Vixen''': "You sound just like Scarface."}}
* [[Fan Sequel]]: Fan sequels based on Farthing Wood can be found on several websites.
** One of them is a psychological action thriller based on [[Ao FW]].
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* [[Heroic Albino]]: The Great White Stag.
* [[Heroic Dog]]: Averted. Rollo is just dumb, and when he tries to be heroic, he gets scared within 2 seconds.
{{quote| Rollo: {{spoiler|Don't kill me! I'm just trying to be a guard dog! But I'm useless! Useless!!!}}}}
** He fights alongside the animals against the rats in season 3, [[Harmless Villain|if that counts]].
* [[Heroic Sociopath]]: Adder.
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* [[Humans Are Cthulhu]]: Big time.
* [[I Am What I Am]]: Bold tries to get away from his 'proud heroic father', as he doesn't like being the big badass' son and wants to be his own fox. {{spoiler|When he runs away from home, he still uses the ideals he learned back home, such as caring for each other and making arrangements with other animals. Other animals in the wild don't understand this nonsense.}}
{{quote| Bold: {{spoiler|Yes, with a crow. We have an arrangment.}}<br />
Whisper: {{spoiler|I've never heard a sillier thing my whole life!}} }}
* [[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him]]: This is why Fox {{spoiler|didn't finish off Scarface.}}
{{quote| Vixen: {{spoiler|He just doesn't have the killer instinct.}}}}
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: {{spoiler|Near the end of season one, many of the animals long to get back their normal lives and forget about the Oath. Too bad that all of them changed so much in each other's company that they will never be the same again.}}
** In the beginning of season 2, {{spoiler|they even run to Fox when trouble starts, even though they thought that the Oath had stopped.}}
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* [[The Load]]: Mole, who spends several episodes in season 1 getting lost from his greediness for worms, is almost captured by humans and gets into enough trouble that Badger or some other animal has to rescue him.
** And, of course, Adder, true to her [[Genre Savvy]] nature, [[Lampshades]] this ''in the very first episode!''
{{quote| "How about we do us all a favor and give him the slip? Mole is slow, stupid and tasteless.''}}
** Toad to a certain extent; though to be fair, he is small, needs water to keep himself fresh and has homing instincts from waking up in spring.
* [[This Is Sparta]]: {{spoiler|Bully's [[Catch Phrase]] '''Who! Am! I!!!'''}}