The Batman/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(How is Black Mask a CM? And Tony Zucco isn't as bad as the Joker...though he did cross the MEH.)
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** Black Mask's first animated appearance gave them a reason to hope for Season 4 as well.
* [[Cliché Storm]] - D.A.V.E is a very cliched villain, but considering the fact [[Fridge Brilliance|he's made from most of Gotham's criminals]], [[Justified Trope|this is the point.]]
* [[Complete Monster]] - [[The Joker]]. Once a man who wanted to make people laugh, he fell into a vat of chemicals and became an insane, murderous [[Monster Clown]] and Batman's [[Arch Enemy]]. [[Lack of Empathy|Devoid of any empathy]], Joker commits crimes he views as "jokes" at the expense of Gotham. Terrible things he's done include poisoning people with his deadly laughing gas; putting people in various death traps; torturing Detective Ethan Bennett for hours and causing Bennett's mutation into Clayface; impersonating Batman and gassing people for minor crimes; using Bane's venom to go on a rampage; attempting to [[Would Hurt a Child|drop a teenage boy]] into a vat of chemicals; frequently [[Bad Boss|mistreating his henchmen]] [[Bastard Boyfriend|and his girlfriend Harley Quinn]], as well as abandoning them to be arrested or even to die; and filling the abandoned tunnels and mine shafts beneath Gotham with miles of dynamite to collapse the city. That he manages to qualify despite being toned down to all get-out is a testament to how twisted a character Joker is.
* [[Complete Monster]] - It's about time we threw this up for the Joker since he's, ya know, [[Monster Clown|THE JOKER!]] He's got a long list of terrible things he's done in this show to earn this trope just like anything else he's in.
** Black Mask is a thoroughly nasty crime boss who claims to control several crime syndicates in Gotham City, meaning that he's had influence in who-knows-how-many acts of crime and villainy that have gone on in the show. He also [[Would Hurt a Child]], as he demonstrates with Robin and Batgirl. When he passes the [[You Have Failed Me]] sentence to his Number 1 henchman, [[Bad Boss|he shoots him dead]] and demonstrates a [[We Have Reserves]] mentality by telling another member of his gang "You're my new Number 1!"
** Tony Zucco in this show is portrayed as [[The Sociopath|one of the most cold-blooded and heartless individuals]] in Gotham City. He not only arranged for Robin's parents to be killed because they couldn't pay him the amount of money he wanted, but when he has Batman at his mercy, he ties him to a wall and starts throwing knives at that wall for fun. During this, Zucco admits to having [[Self-Made Orphan|killed his own father]] with chilling causality - according to him, he and his father used to always practice knife-throwing together, and when asked by Batman about what became of his father, he sums it up with "Well one day...''I missed.''" Oh, and to top it off, he's voiced by [[Mark Hamill]].
* [[Contested Sequel]] - For both the long-canceled DCAU Batman shows, and the [[DCAU]] as a whole.
** A lot of the backlash surrounding Batgirl was because of this. [[Executive Meddling|The network insisted on pushing her to the front of the show]] (ignoring that at that point, even Robin hadn't been introduced.) Batgirl's increased role also resulted in Jim Gordon getting [[Demoted to Extra]] and Detective Yin [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome|Brother Chucked]].