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Unlike the [[Black Widow]], the Bluebeard is rarely motivated by [[Greed]], though in [[Real Life]], historically that was a fairly common motivation. Often, he just does it for [[Monster Misogyny|kicks]] or as the epitome of [[Domestic Abuse]].
Named after the [[Bluebeard (Literature)|famous fairy tale]]. Not to be confused with [[Red Right Hand]], although the [[Trope Namer|Trope Namer's]] beard fell under that category. Not to be confused with the character from [[Felidae]] either.
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* Bluebeard appears in the comic book ''[[Fables]]'', although his wife-killing days are supposedly behind him.
* ''The Haunt of Fear'' (one of the original 1950s comics on which ''[[Tales Fromfrom the Crypt]]'' is based) had a one-off story about a woman who discovers her new husband is Bluebeard's great-great-grandson and has indeed killed off all his previous wives. Predictably, he kills her as well so she can't tell anyone.
* In the ''[[Grimm Fairy Tales]]'' version, the wife who opens the room finds what she feared: His previous wives' bodies, lots of blood, and all that. On his return, he flies into a rage, and she manages to stab him. {{spoiler|Only then does she learn the truth. The room was enchanted, and had shown her what she feared to see. He was only looking for a wife who could trust him.}}
== [[Fairy Tales]] ==
* The [[Bluebeard (Literature)|Bluebeard]] from the 1697 fairy tale kept murdering his wives, reasoning that they had fallen to their curiosity by opening the door he had strictly forbidden for them to open. Traditionally, the room behind the forbidden door contains the bodies of his previous wives. [[Values Dissonance|Earlier versions use this as a moral for women]] [[Warped Aesop|not to disobey their husbands]] [[Curiosity Killed the Cast|or get too curious]].
** In a few versions, the story itself gets inverted to serve this message: specifically, the wife successfully resists the temptation to look, and this somehow grants her power over her husband to make him do whatever she says when he returns from his trip and finds himself deprived of his excuse to kill her.
** A variation of this tale appears in many versions of "The Robber Bridegroom."
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* Also played straight in Catherine Breillat's recent film version of the legend.
* The bad Richard Burton film ''Bluebeard'' (1972) ups the ante by making Bluebeard a [[No Swastikas]] [[Nazi Nobleman]], and, for additional [[Squick]], throwing in a dash of [[I Love the Dead]].
* The title character of the horror movie ''[[The Stepfather (Film)|The Stepfather]]'' marries women with children, only to slaughter them when they fall short of his expectations. He has ridiculously high standards, and so he goes through families fairly quickly.
* {{spoiler|The villain Barkis}} from ''[[Corpse Bride (Animation)|Corpse Bride]]'' fits this trope.
* Harry Powell from ''[[The Night of the Hunter (Film)|The Night of the Hunter]]''.
* In the original ''[[House On Haunted Hill (Film)|House Onon Haunted Hill]]'', eccentric millionaire Frederick Loren ([[Vincent Price]]) is currently on his fourth wife. The first one disappeared, and the second two died of heart attacks, despite being in their 20s. {{spoiler|At the end of the film, he literally frightens his fourth wife to death, but only because [[Gold Digger|she was plotting to kill him for his money]]. It's implied that her predecessors may have been similarly interested in becoming rich young widows.}}
* [[Fritz Lang]]'s ''Secret Beyond the Door'' (1948) combines the Bluebeard motif with a hefty helping of [[Hollywood Psych]].
* Implied to be the case with [[Meaningful Name|Blue]] in [[Sucker Punch]].
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== [[Literature]] ==
* The Sultan in the framing device of the ''[[Arabian Nights (Literature)|Arabian Nights]]'' stories is this in the extreme, except that he makes no secret about it. He kills off all his wives after one night to prevent their becoming unfaithful. The stories are told by his latest wife, Scheherezade, [[Scheherezade Gambit|who uses a series of]] [[Cliff Hanger|Cliffhangers]] to keep him interested enough to delay her execution. By the time she runs out of stories, it's been years and she has birthed the Sultan several children, and he realizes he is madly in love with her.
* [[Angela Carter (Creator)|Angela Carter]]'s ''[[The Bloody Chamber (Literature)|The Bloody Chamber]]'' has a "[[Bluebeard (Literature)|Bluebeard]]" retelling.
* Edna St. Vincent Millay's sonnet "Bluebeard".
* There's a short story called "Captain Murderer", in which the titular character keeps marrying women and, a month after the wedding, asks them to make him a pie... and when they're done making the pastry, he kills them and [[I'm a Humanitarian|uses their flesh as the pie filling.]] He gets done in when a girl whose sister was killed by him catches on to the plot, marries him, and, just before he kills her, [[Taking You Withwith Me|poisons herself.]] He eats her and dies from the poison.
* In ''[[The Shining]]'', Danny recalls Bluebeard as he opens the door to a certain hotel room.
* There exists a crime short story involving a elderly female genealogist who find that her charming gentleman caller is likely a Bluebeard who marries rich women and then disposes of them for their fortunes, changing his name each time. She decides to {{spoiler|marry him anyhow on the basis of that she might not live much longer anyhow, and avoiding his attempts to kill her without letting on that she knows}}.
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* In ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'''s episode {{spoiler|"Ted", Ted is an [[Ridiculously Human Robot|android]]}} who does this -- and is {{spoiler|Buffy's mother}}'s newest boyfriend.
** I assumed that {{spoiler|he just stuck them in the closet and left them, though, since his goal was to bring his creator's wife back.}}
* A [[Fractured Fairy Tale]] show put a twist on this trope -- the Bluebeard {{spoiler|sold his wives' souls to the devil, to represent the [[Seven Deadly Sins]]. In the end, his seventh wife [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard|catches him in his own trap]].}}
* Naturally, shows up on ''[[Tales Fromfrom the Crypt]]'', with the expected comeuppance: {{spoiler|his now-dead wives lure him to their graveyard, declaring they can't live... or die... without him}}.
* [[Domestic Abuser|Michael Dobson]], played by Larry Miller on ''[[Law and Order|Law & Order]]'', had his wives killed by hitmen on two separate occasions for the insurance money.
== Music ==
* [[Joanna Newsom]]'s "Go Long" is a version of "[[Bluebeard (Literature)|Bluebeard]]".
* [[Lady Gaga]]'s boyfriend in the video for "Paparazzi" is implied to be one.
** Really? I assumed that [[Lady Gaga]] herself killed all of those women.
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== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* ''[[Modesty Blaise (Comiccomic Stripstrip)|Modesty Blaise]]'' fought one of these in '"The Bluebeard Affair".
== [[Oral Tradition]] ==
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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* ''[[Bruno the Bandit]]'' tries this as one of his many schemes in [ Old Money]. Too bad his new "beloved" turns out to be not just an old rich woman, but also the [[Black Widow]].
* General Tarquin from ''[[The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)|Order of the Stick]]'' has had ''nine'' wives: while we know that he simply divorced the first one ({{spoiler|Elan and Nale's mother}}), the ninth recently died 'of mysterious circumstances'. It's recently been made clear that {{spoiler|at least some of his former wives were coerced into marriage via [[Cold-Blooded Torture]] in the first place.}} It's also distinctly possible that {{spoiler|when he said he was going out of the way to keep from having children (he didn't want an heir), he meant he was killing his wives for getting pregnant.}}
** Subverted in the case of the ninth, who really ''did'' die due to mysterious circumstances. {{spoiler|She was distantly related to a certain black dragon that Vaarsuvius cast a Familicide spell on.}}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* In ''[[Code Monkeys]]'' , Gameavision head honcho Larrity has had seven wives, all of which have died under mysterious circumstances. Added to the creepiness factor is that he has several of them stuffed and on display in either his office or his vault.
* In ''[[The Venture Brothers (Animation)|The Venture Brothers]]'', [[Evil Overlord|Baron Ünderbheit]] has the heads of his seven ex-wives mounted on his dining room wall.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* Some believe that the fairy tale has its origins in [[wikipedia:Conomor|Conomor the Cursed]], known for murdering his wives as soon as they got pregnant.
* [[wikipedia:Henri Desire Landru|Henri Landru]] is an infamous [[Truth in Television]] example who was motivated by greed.
* Henry VIII, who had [[wikipedia:Wives of Henry VIII|six wives]], is often considered to be a Bluebeard despite the fact that "only" two of said wives (second wife Anne Boleyn and fifth wife Catherine Howard) got the axe, the first for failing to produce a male heir, the second for adultery.<ref>Although the king was [[Double Standard|no stranger to adultery himself]]. It wasn't producing a male heir that was the problem; it was producing a ''legitimate'' male heir who would actually be able to become king. This led to some zany schemes like planning to marry his illegitimate son to his legitimate daughter.</ref> Two of the others (first wife Catherine of Aragon and fourth wife Anne of Cleves) were divorced, the third (Jane Seymour) [[Death Byby Irony|died of natural causes after producing a male heir]], and the last one (Catherine Parr) survived him. His reputation in this area is augmented by the fact that he had plenty of ''other'' people executed over the political and religious complications involved in his [[High Turnover Rate]] of wives.
* "Bluebeard" is the ''official'' FBI designation for this type of [[Serial Killer]].
* Drew Peterson, a former cop from Illinois who has been married four times -- to increasingly younger women, to the point that his 4th wife, whom he began dating when she was ''17'', was 30 years his junior -- physically abused all of his wives, cheated on the 2nd wife with the woman who would become his 3rd, and cheated on ''her'' with the girl who would become his 4th. He is currently awaiting trial for the murder of his 3rd wife and is the prime suspect in the disappearance and likely murder of his 4th.