The Breaker/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique]]: {{spoiler|Just about every technique done with a broken Ki center. His [[Megaton Punch]] ended with a broken shoulder, and doing a foot technique ended with him with a badly sprained ankle, if not broken as well.}}
** {{spoiler|The Black Origin Threshold}} is a more direct example.
* {{spoiler|[[De -Power]]}}
* [[The Determinator]]: You have to give Shi Woon some credit. He mentally defeated a martial arts prodigy just by his utter refusal to go down. {{spoiler|Against Yoo Ji-Gun as well}}.
* [[Distressed Dude]]: Two times so far, once in ''The Breaker'' and once in ''New Waves.'' Played for ''VERY'' serious drama both times. At the climax of ''The Breaker'', the Chief of the Alliance grabs him by the throat at the last minute and threatens to kill him should Shun Woo Han {{spoiler|refuse to show him the Black Heaven and Earth technique.}} The second time, he's abducted by the man who {{spoiler|gave him medicine that temporarily subverted the whole [[De -Power]] issue}} so that {{spoiler|a sort of medicine could be made from his blood, one that would supposedly be a great resource to the S.U.C.)}}
* {{spoiler|[[Drunk On the Dark Side]]: Courtesy of Bae Sung-Jae seriously injuring Sera, causes him to use the Black Origin Threshold technique}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Generation Xerox]]: He is extremely similar to his teacher in many, many ways.}}
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* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: His looks become better and better.
* [[Nice Guy]]: He's a really sweet kid.
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: Winds up getting one of these in nearly every fight he actively participates in.
* [[Ordinary High School Student]]: Starts out as one.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: An amazing cook.
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* [[Energy Absorption]]: One of her specialties.
* [[Handsome Lech]]
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: ''Hello Shiho.''
* [[I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!]]: Loves invoking this trope when Alex is around.
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
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The first disciple of Song Hak Jang clan and widely known as one of the strongest Murim currently around. For most of the Part 1, he is working with the Chief of the Alliance but shows to be more of [[Anti-Villain]] and all around [[Only Sane Man|level headed individual]].
* [[Aloof Big Brother]]: Is seen as this to his two younger more [[Hot -Blooded|"reckless"]] younger disciples.
* [[Anti-Villain]]
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: He ranks pretty highly in the Alliance, and then {{spoiler|becomes the new Alliance leader in Part 2}}.
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* [[Red Baron]]: His "Supernova" nickname is translated as Southern Red Star
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: He is one of the few Sun Woo authority figures that aren't trying to manipulate or deceive Shi Woon.
* [[Sharp -Dressed Man]]/[[Badass in A Nice Suit]]
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Towards the leader of Sun Woo, whoever that may be--initially Sosul, but now {{spoiler|Shi Woon}}.
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* [[Combat Stilettos]]
* [[Delinquent Hair]]: Her hair is naturally red but most people don't know that.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: Most of her interactions with Shi Woon.
* [[Dude, She's Like, in A Coma|Dude, he's like, in a coma]]: Has done this twice, both having a [[Moment Killer]] before she goes to far.
* [[Everyone Can See It]]: the fact she has developed a [[Bodyguard Crush]]
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* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: She seems to be mad at Shi Woon most of the time they've been together on-screen.
* {{spoiler|[[High Heel Face Turn]]: Not said outright yet but heavily implied. She can't bring herself to kill [[Bodyguard Crush|Shi Woon]] and runs away from home as a result.}}
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Improvised Weapon User]]: She makes tonfas out of the broken legs of a chair.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]
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* [[Meido]]: After Ji-Gun saved her, she's working at a [[Maid Cafe]].
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: May be taking over Shiho's position.
** [[Mini -Dress of Power]]: She normally wears shorts, but in her second fight against Li Jioo, she's wearing her [[Fetish Fuel|maid uniform, which has a very short skirt]], which leads to...
** [[Panty Shot]]: And plenty of them, during that fight.
* [[New Transfer Student]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Defeat Means Friendship]]: In the most recent chapters, he and Shioon have teamed up temporarily in order to fight SUC.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Defector From Decadence]]: }} {{spoiler|Ji-Gun was once apart of the early S.U.C, until the new leader took command and reformed it into the current incarnation. }}
* {{spoiler|[[Drama -Preserving Handicap]] / [[Worf Had the Flu]]: The reason why he can't fight Yang Yong-Hyun at full strength is because he seriously injured his shoulder when Yong-Hyun rammed them with his Porsche.}}
* [[Finger -Poke of Doom]]: One of his moves.
* {{spoiler|[[Good All Along]]: It is revealed later on that the only reason he was trying to kill Shioon is because he thought Shioon was a member of SUC. After he finds out that this is not the case, he acts far less antagonistic and has even teamed up with him in recent chapters.}}
* [[Jerkass]]
** {{spoiler|[[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: He's played off as an asshole villain near the beginning, but recent chapters have shown that he is a lot nicer than earlier hinted. For example, one of the main reasons he is opposing SUC is because he cannot stand how they are involving innocents in the world of the Murim.}}
* [[I Am Not Left -Handed]]: An astounding fighter unarmed, but he's actually a swordsman who just happens to using his finger in place of a blade.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: In-story.
* [[New Transfer Student]]
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* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Training From Hell]]: Tries to give one to Shioon. It backfires, hilariously.
* {{spoiler|[[The Worf Effect]]: Against Jung Chun}}
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* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita]]
** [[Pimped-Out Dress]]
** [[Mini -Dress of Power]]
** [[Zettai Ryouiki]] (Grade B)
* [[The Fighting Narcissist]]: Oh so very much, to the point she actually had a [[Villainous Breakdown|breakdown]] once she received a significant facial injury.
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* {{spoiler|[[Car Fu]]: A rare villainous example. }}
* [[Cool Car]]: He drives a Porsche
* [[Diabolus Ex Machina]]: His first meeting with Shi Woon, after it was clear {{spoiler|Chang Ho}} was not strong enough to beat Shi Woon, he takes over the fight and orders for the remaining S.U.C members to [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|'greet']] the law enforcement that was on the way.
** {{spoiler|After Shi Woon, Jinie and Ji Gun are escaping on Ji Gun's bike. See [[Car Fu]].}}
* [[Evil Gloating]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Oh Crap]]: When confronted by a pissed off Elder Kwong}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Pride Before a Fall]]: He provoked Elder Kwong and it nearly cost him his life}}.
* [[Sharp -Dressed Man]]
=== Bae Sung-Jae ===
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* {{spoiler|[[Oh Crap]]: After Sera puts two-and-two together and confronts him that he's in cahoots with Bae Sung-Jae and S.U.C.}}
* [[Playing With Syringes]]
* [[Sharp -Dressed Man]]