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* There was a ''[[Rugrats]]'' comic story where Chuckie had all but one of the collectible Reptar cards, and Angelica claimed she would give him the one he was missing if he performed a series of chores for her. When he finished them all, it turned out the card she gave him was a phony drawing.
* In the Gunslinger comic, one of the villains ask an addict for information on the heroes, implying that they will give him "metal" in exchange. After they are finished, the addict asks if he is getting gold or silver, the villain replies 'lead' and shoots him. (This is a visual re-telling of the incident from the original source, the novel ''[[The Dark Tower/Wizard and Glass|Wizard and Glass]]''.)
* In [[Power Girl]] (Issue #12 to be exact), super-villainess Satanna wants [[Mad Scientist]] Dr. Sivana to make her a super-weapon to kill Power Girl (Kryptonians being rather hard to kill). Sivana wants some bouncy-bouncy in exchange. Despite her disgust, Satanna complies, and afterwards Sivana points out that they are both "bad guys," and as long as he got his, he doesn't care that she doesn't get anything. So not only has she debased herself for nothing, he adds injury to insult by making his robots beat her up and throw her out of a fourth-story window. So not only is Sivana a ''complete'' pig, he's made Satanna's list -- helist—he'll be showing up in revenge-oriented tropes in the near future.
* The obscure French comic book ''"38e parallèle"'' features the story of the French expeditionary force in [[The Korean War]]. An officer promises his commando a treasure behind the enemy lines; it was actually an undercover operation seeking a Vietcong agent.
* Subverted in one Marvel comic. A skrull promises a human 'the most beautiful woman in the galaxy' to betray his species. He accepts, but then turns back when somebody points out to him 'Even if the Skrull was going to keep his promise, what's beautiful to a reptilian alien?' - then we see a beautiful Skrull woman waiting to be given away to some lowly human (out of love for the invading skrull). The Fridge Logic is, Skrulls are shapeshifters. He could send the ugliest woman, and she could change into the most beautiful.
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== Literature ==
* This is also sometimes known as [[wikipedia:Jam tomorrow|"jam tomorrow"]] for the White Queen's promise in ''[[Alice in Wonderland|Through The Looking Glass]]'' to provide "jam every other day" -- which—which [[Exact Words|turns out to mean]] jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today.
** Explicitly referenced by Terry Pratchett in [[Discworld]]'s ''[[Discworld/Hogfather|Hogfather]]''.
* The White Witch in ''[[The Chronicles of Narnia|The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe]]'' promises Edmund more [[Evil Tastes Good|Turkish Delight]] for playing along with her.
* Played with in the [[Buffy]] spin-off novel ''Pretty Maids All In A Row'': The novel focuses on Spike and Dru, who are hired by a demon to do a job for him, with the promised reward being a powerful magical artifact Dru has decided she wants. A third of the way through, there's a flashback revealing that this artifact was stolen off the demon sixty years ago -- butago—but then two-thirds of the way through, there's another flashback revealing that thirty years ago the demon took it back. {{spoiler|Finally, when Spike and Dru come to claim the reward, he admits that when he hired them he'd already given it away to somebody else he wanted a favour from. Final score: [[Double Subversion]].}}
* In the Philippa Gregory book ''The Boleyn Inheritance,'' {{spoiler|Norfolk did this to Jane Parker/Rochford/Boleyn with a promise of setting up another marriage for her. This ended not just with him denying her the prize, but offering a brutal, scathing commentary on her personality, and leaving her to be thrown in jail and executed while he got off scot-free.}}
* [[The Millennium Trilogy]] plays with this. {{spoiler|In "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," Henrik Vanger's "dirt" on Wennerström is not nearly as damning or damaging as was implied when the promise was made; however, Wennerström gets his just deserts in the end anyway, and Blomkvist still gets the otherwise sizable payday promised.}}
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== Tabletop Games ==
* In ''[[Shadowrun]]'' games, this is, way too often, what the "run offered by Mr. Johnson" turns out to be -- especiallybe—especially if the [[Game Master]] [[Killer Game Master|really likes screwing his players over]].
== Video Games ==
* ''[[Portal (series)|Portal]]'': [[Trope Namer]] ("THE CAKE IS A LIE" being written on walls in various places by Doug Rattmann, an employee turned test subject). Note that there ''was'' cake, it just wasn't for you. {{spoiler|YOU ARE GOING TO BE THE CAKE!}}<br /><br />Moreover, note the wording by GlaDOS: "There will be cake" (and similar vague statements, like "cake will be served" and "cake... will be available"). It's not until later (when her lies become more transparent) does GLaDOS suggest that Chell will be the one to eat it ("Okay, the test is over now. You win! Go back to the recovery annex for your cake.")
Moreover, note the wording by GlaDOS: "There will be cake" (and similar vague statements, like "cake will be served" and "cake... will be available"). It's not until later (when her lies become more transparent) does GLaDOS suggest that Chell will be the one to eat it ("Okay, the test is over now. You win! Go back to the recovery annex for your cake.")
** This is later spoofed in ''[[Tales of Monkey Island]] Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood'', {{spoiler|when Judge Grindstump asks Guybrush on what grounds the latter is not guilty of spreading the [[Hate Plague|Pox of LeChuck]], after which one of the four reasons listed is "The Pox is a lie!"}}
** Likewise referenced in the game adaptation of ''[[X-Men (film)|X-Men Origins: Wolverine]]'': in one level, the player can use a portal device to access a hidden room which contains a cake; doing so unlocks the Achievement "The Truth".
** The iPod game "Highborn" references this by promising that there will be cake at the end of the tutorial. There is none.
** Referenced in ''[[Minecraft]]''--one—one of the Achievements is to bake a cake, and its name is "The Lie".
*** Which in an odd coincidence, [[Portal 2]] was released at almost the same time of Beta 1.6 (which introduced said achievement, weather and other things). Portal 2 atleast ''tried'' to not use the gag except ''twice'' in the game.
** Also referenced in ''[[Bookworm Adventures]]'': one of the loading screen messages reads "Lying about cake...".
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** Also averted in ''Portal: The Flash Version''. However, based on the context of ''that'' game, [[G La DOS]] likely wasn't even finished (perhaps even ''created'') at that point.
** ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' has an achievement called "The Cake Is Not a Lie," earned by learning the [[Luck-Based Mission|very hard-to-get]] chocolate cake recipe and baking said cake.
* [[Word of God|Erik Wolpaw]], Portal's writer, had announced that there will be absolutely NO cake anywhere in the sequel, not even in the dialogue, because [[Discredited Meme|he is tired of cake jokes]]. However, with the binary code in the following comic translating to "the cake is a lie," and Doug Rattmann's drawing of the cake in the Portal 2 preview, that turned out to be a lie of its own. He even stated [ they couldn't resist putting one joke]--on—on a door claiming to lead to [[G La DOS]]' emergency shutdown and cake dispensary. [[The Cake Is a Lie|Take a guess as to the door's authenticity]]. Other than that, the [[Arc Words|Arc Word]] has turned into [[It Makes Sense in Context|"potato"]].
* In the ''[[Neverwinter Nights]]'' mod Tales of Arterra, if you complete the obstacle course in Vannik the Red's hideout you find a large chest containing a sheet of paper: "Congratulations! Your reward is knowledge! Word: bamboozled. Synonyms: hoodwinked, befuddled. Definition: to be deceived. Example: The foolish adventurer was bamboozled into thinking there was loot at the end of the obstacle course!"
* In ''[[Bully (video game)|Bully]]'', Gary prompts you to follow him through the school's [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer|basement]], promising nothing [[Cryptic Conversation|specific]], just having something to ''show you''.
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{{quote|'''Duel Robot''': Welcome to the Aperture Science Duel Monsters Training Programme. If you win this children's card game, [[There Will Be Cake]].
''(Some time later, after Kaiba trounces the Duel Robot with Obelisk)''
'''Kaiba''': [[The Cake Is a Lie|The cake is a lie,]] [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch|bitch.]] }}
* [[Touhou Project|Walfas]] shorts have this...apparently, the only way to get Yukari out of bed to do anything is to promise her waffles. There are never any waffles.
{{quote|'''Yukari''': I'm not falling for that again.
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** [ Seems Pepsi could have used a lesson from] [[Burma-Shave]].
* Burrell Smith (who designed the hardware for the original [[Apple Macintosh|Macintosh]]) would often promise to [ be your best friend] in order to get you to do something. This relationship, however, only lasts a few milliseconds.
* Happens all too often when you're a toddler. Your parent will promise you a reward if you do something or go through something, and once that's over with they take back their word. This even happens to kids, teenagers, and even adults, and it encourages kids to engage in rebellious behavior--andbehavior—and they wonder why there's so many rebellious teenagers around.
** As the description for [[Moving the Goalposts]] points out, this is actually [[Abusive Parents|a subtle form of psychological abuse]] which may result in life-long trust issues since, well, if you can't trust your parents, [[Paranoia Fuel|whom can you trust?]]
*** [[Blatant Lies|Me]].
* Although the exact amount is disputed Thomas Edison reportedly promised 10-50,000$ (1.1 million today) to anyone who could solve the crippling inefficiencies in his prototype automobile motors and electrical generators. [[Nikola Tesla]] solved them both while Edison refused to honor his agreement. Edison told Tesla he had a lot to learn about an American sense of humor--thehumor—the cruel irony is that Edison ''still'' gets the credit for being a genius despite inventing very little of what he's credited with while Tesla, who invented more things than Edison had patents, was all but forgotten (though that's starting to change).<br /><br />Edison also refused to raise Tesla's salary from 18 to 25 dollars a week (a rather reasonable request as the original salary was for a line worker while Tesla was now making some of the most advanced creations at Edison's plant). All of this was the main reason why Tesla went to work for Westinghouse, who not only fully acknowledged him, but also paid him a crap-load of money, which Tesla then immediately spent [[Mad Scientist|on various bizarre inventions]]. That said, Tesla indeed was one of the fathers of a modern AC power grid, and won the "War of Currents" for Westinghouse.
Edison also refused to raise Tesla's salary from 18 to 25 dollars a week (a rather reasonable request as the original salary was for a line worker while Tesla was now making some of the most advanced creations at Edison's plant). All of this was the main reason why Tesla went to work for Westinghouse, who not only fully acknowledged him, but also paid him a crap-load of money, which Tesla then immediately spent [[Mad Scientist|on various bizarre inventions]]. That said, Tesla indeed was one of the fathers of a modern AC power grid, and won the "War of Currents" for Westinghouse.
* Jodee Berry, a former Hooters waitress in Panama City, Florida, won a contest for most beer sales held by her boss, who announced that the grand prize was a new Toyota. On the day of the presentation, she was blindfolded and led to the restaurant's parking lot to receive her prize...which turned out to be a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Toy]] [[Star Wars|Yoda]]! She quit immediately and won an undisclosed settlement against Gulf Coast Wings, Hooters parent company, a year later. [ Part of the settlement included a Toyota car of her choice.]
* Swedish-Finnish journalist, writer and talk-show host Mark Levengood once said this happened to him. His mother told him that if he did not start smoking before his 18th birthday, she would pay for his drivers license. When he turned 18 and asked for his reward, his mother [[Hypocritical Humor|lit another of her cigarettes]] and told him she had never planned to pay his driving lessons. "The important thing was that you did not start smoking, and it did succeed, didn't it?"
