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Related to and sometimes overlaps with [[Death Byby Origin Story]]. The [[Forgotten Fallen Friend]] is the name of the trope where, after the hero starts the adventure, he or she gets over the deaths with [[Angst? What Angst?|remarkable aplomb]]. May be referenced in a [[Troubled Backstory Flashback]]. Contrast with [[Plot Detour]].
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* [[Spider-Man (Comic Book)|Peter Parker]] was taught that power comes with [[Comes Great Responsibility|responsibility]] through the [[Death Byby Origin Story|death of his Uncle Ben]].
* Matt Murdock loses his strict but loving father when the old man refuses to [[Throwing the Fight|take a dive in a prizefight]]. [[Death Byby Origin Story|Father is killed]], ''ergo'' [[Daredevil]]. (Note that Spider-Man and Daredevil were created by [[Stan Lee|the same person]].)
* [[The Punisher]] exists because the mob knew where Frank Castle lived.
** Most conspicuous in ''Born'', set during Castle's time in Vietnam. Castle is seen having an internal monologue with himself, pushing him towards violence and guaranteeing that he could keep Castle's war going on forever. {{spoiler|Towards the end of the book, Castle is in the middle of a truly hopeless battle, alone versus a massive amount of VC. The voice says that it will let Castle live and continue to fight... if he pays a price. Castle agrees, goes on to murder the entire enemy force alone, but promptly leaves the service, planning to live in peace with his wife and children. The voice then reminds him, there's a price to be paid.}}