The Case Files of Yakushiji Ryoko: Difference between revisions

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* [[Adaptation Distillation]]: While the manga did take some aspects from the light novels as some of its stories were available with the former, there's no way that the anime did the same. But the production team did a bit of a good job with a reference to the Tokyo Nightmare novel.
* [[A Wizard Did It]]: With regards to the digital pictures the newspaper reporters had when the camera was destroyed after being ambushed by a JACES tactical team. Same with the giant frog's appearance near Azabu-Jūban.
* [[Back -to -Back Badasses]]: Usually the maids, but they shine after confronting thugs outside Ryoko's penthouse apartment and in the Black Spider manga/novel arc.. Ryoko with Marianne in the last episode after facing JPP tactical teams.
** Izumida fighting alongside Yukiko in the Black Spider arc.
* [[Between My Legs]]
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* [[Brown Note]]: {{spoiler|The Ultrasound Bug}}, which [[Driven to Suicide|drives people to suicide]].
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Ryoko is something of a slacker who is often found shopping, bossing around her underlings and enjoying the finer things in life... while also being incredibly competent at her job, speaking several languages and being a graduate of Tokyo University.
* [[BusmansBusman's Holiday]]: As expected, her vacation to Okinawa ends up involving an investigation of the supernatural. It's implied she did it on purpose.
* [[But Thou Must]]: Ruriko offering Monami the chance to be the "true" Ryoko by joining her and having Izumida to herself after Ryoko is taken care of.
* [[Call Back]]: There's a mention to the Tokyo Nightmare novel in the first episode. Only those who have seen/know about the novel series would understand this reference.
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** Near the end of the show, the JPP and JGSDF (The latter under the crooked Defense Minister) team up with Ruriko and Shiba.
* [[Groin Attack]]: Ryoko interrogates a suspect by keeping her foot on his groin. '''Ouch!!!'''
* [[HanlonsHanlon's Razor]]: The answer to most of the cases Ryoko, Izumida and sometimes Yukiko and Kishida are involved in.
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: The maids destroying the mutant mangrove tree in Okinawa on Ryoko's orders. She walked away upset after Marianne fired napalm to take it out with Yukiko agreeing to it since its victims inside the Tadomura estate were beyond saving.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: The dual maids using an airport baggage cart to knock down a purse thief in Narita Airport.
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* [[Nothing Personal]]: Nonogase to Izumida as he needed to fulfill his role as a double agent with JACES and Shiba.
* [[Ninja Maid]]: Ryoko's maids, Marianne and Lucienne. They're also French for some reason. Both are experts in small arms handling and infiltrating into various places.
* [[One -Man Army|One Woman Army]]: Ryoko heads down to a deserted downtown Tokyo to defeat Ruriko and Shiba, but her attempts were defeated when JGSDF tanks and gunships block her way.
* [[The Ojou]]: Ryoko is the heir to a massive security corporation, and she's actually called "Ojou-sama" by several people who work for it.
* [[Otaku]]: Several different ones, not necessarily anime and manga related (such as Nonogase, a security buff) while Kishimoto is more of a traditional example.
* [[Panty Thief]]: A sight gag in the second episode shows a JACES operator taking one down in a montage of images.
* [[Playful Hacker]]: Lucienne is an expert in computers, especially hacking.
* [[Private Military Contractors]] / [[Law Enforcement, Inc.]]: The JPP, which does contracts for security duties abroad in war-torn countries. In real life, a Japanese PMC would probably have problems being tolerated in the Japanese public.
** Depending on your view, JACES.
*** Ruriko mentions to the corrupt Defense Minister on the strong ties between the JPP and the JSDF with JACES and the National Police Agency. You can see the source of manpower for these two corporations.
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** Nonogase near the end of the TV show.
* [[Screw Destiny]]: Monami supposedly to be the "true" president of JACES. Ryoko screwed that up and allowed her to live with her maids in France.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them]] / [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]: How Ryoko tries to solve cases and take down the bad guy while using police/JACES resources whenever she feels the need for it.
** The former for Shiba, when they were able to get the media to slander Ryoko.
* [[She Fu]]: Ryoko's main fighting style, though it appears to completely take her opponents off guard as a result of all the [[Fan Service]] it involves.
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* [[Vetinari Job Security]]: No matter how corrupt Ryoko is...{{spoiler|she has the advantage of not being Ruriko.}}
* [[Weirdness Magnet]]: To quote Yukiko, "trouble follows wherever [Ryoko] goes." {{spoiler|This also extends to Monami}}.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]: Ruriko Isurugi.
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: With regards to Ryoko and Izumida in the entire franchise.
* [[Zip Me Up]]: One of the many ways Ryoko torments Izumida.