The Colbert Report/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Media Research Failure]]: Comparing John Kasich's Cabinet to the [[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]], if they were all the White Ranger. They made a big deal about him having a [[Long -Lost SiblingRelative]] [[Magical Native American|on an Indian reservation]] and [[Unfortunate Implications|guess what color he was wearing at the time]]. Also, for having Green and White in the same picture.
* [[Dyeing for Your Art]]: See [[Important Haircut]] in the main section.
* [[Fake Nationality]]:
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* [[No Export for You]]: Several (but not all) countries outside the US can't watch the videos on the site. Many fans aren't happy.
* [[One of Us]]: Even before his and Jon's ''[[Star Trek]]'' trivia war at the Reality to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, Jon played a clip of Stephen reciting [[The Lord of the Rings|Aragorn's]] entire geneaology.
** Asked [[James Franco]], in a Tolkien fan Nerd-Off, why Galadriel came to Middle-Earth. And Colbert ''corrected'' Franco with stats straight out of ''[[The Silmarillion]].'' ''Badass'' in the annals of nerddom.
** He also plays both ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'' and ''[[Dark Souls]]'', along with other games (besides ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'', obviously).
* [[Real Life Relative]]: Stephen's children occasionally show up. One of Stephen's brothers, a lawyer, has appeared at least twice, the last time at the start of the Vancouver Olympics series to tell him he can't legally use the word "Olympics". Or "Vancouver".