The Daily Show: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| ''"When news breaks, we fix it!"''}}
[[Long Runners|Long-running]] satirical news program on [[Comedy Central]].
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* [[Artistic License Physics]]: When interviewed on the Daily Show, Neil deGrasse Tyson reminded Jon that the globe in the opening is spinning in the wrong direction.
* [[As the Good Book Says...]]: When Pat Robertson made his infamous "pact with the devil" remark in the wake of the Haiti earthquakes, Stewart responded by [ reminding him what the Bible really says.]
{{quote| "Have you ''read'' this book?"}}
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: [ Squirrel!]
** He also likens them to "kids playing soccer." No strategy, they just run after the ball.
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** Minor, but a nerve that Sarah Palin touched: Pit bulls as vicious murderers. They're not actually any more aggressive than, say, golden retrievers, so unless you think goldies are dangerous, he's probably going to get very mad at you.
* [[Better Than a Bare Bulb]]: In response to CNN putting together a discussion panel to discuss simply what they'll discuss after the 2009 election in NY's District 23rd, [ TDS's ensuing speculation-on-speculation panel provides four full minutes of Lampshading goodness. (Starting near the 5min mark)...]
{{quote| '''Oliver:''' "[[Alpha Bitch|I'm]] likely to try to put this in a [[Blatant Lies|ludicrously fabricated]] [[Based on a Great Big Lie|historical context]], the [[Broad Strokes]] of which I will have derived from a [[Cowboy Bebop at His Computer|cursory reading]] of [[The Other Wiki|Wikipedia]] [[Refuge in Audacity|literally moments before going on air]]."}}
* [[Big No]]: [ Just one example].
** Subverted on [ 8/23/2010], where Jon starts going into the [[Big No]], but the view doesn't change to the dramatic camera angle. He turns to a different camera to try again... and another... and another...
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** "My point is this!"
* [[Censorship by Spelling]]: Subverted in a segment, when Samantha Bee has her young son standing right next to her (Take Your Child to Work Day) while talking about torture methods:
{{quote| '''Sam:''' When a bound and naked prisoner has electrodes attached to...<br />
'''Jon:''' ''(interrupting)''' Okay, Sam, Sam, Sam...<br />
'''Sam:''' Oh, I'm sorry. To his T-E-S-T-I-C-L-E-S... testicles. }}
* [[Chewing the Scenery]]: Jon can never seem to resist a good [[Skyward Scream]] or [[Big No]].
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* [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch]]: Robert Novak, frequent target of [[Take That|Take Thats]] due to his role in the Valerie Plame affair, was asked in an interview whether he'd ever seen ''The Daily Show'' or any of its material on him; he said no, then promptly went on to describe Jon as "self-righteous" and a "phony" and so forth. The old incident of Geraldo Rivera ranting to Bill O'Reilly about how TDS and TCR "exist in a small little place where they count for nothing" is most likely also an example, since he cited their supposed use of [[America's Funniest Home Videos|"video of old ladies slipping on ice and people laughing,"]] which are not exactly Stewart and Colbert's stock in trade. (We would say these were in-universe examples, except y'know, it happened in ''[[Real Life|this]]'' [[Real Life|universe]]).
* [[Content Warnings]]: On the Global Edition only, as it airs on serious news channels in some countries.
{{quote| The show you are about to see is a news parody. Its stories are not fact checked. Its reporters are not journalists. And its opinions are not fully thought through.}}
* [[Continuity Nod]]: You know how Jon made Kristen Schaal depressed by revealing that the Chinese "one baby" rule [ had some bad consequences to female babies]? Well, apparently he learned his lesson when she expressed how nice it was that Hugh Hefner "lives with his three grand-daughters."
{{quote| '''Kristen''': Why, what do you mean?<br />
'''Jon''': ...nothing. }}
* [[Corpsing]]: Jon tends to giggle a lot while trying to report. One of the greatest examples is when he and Stephen completely lose it while reporting the [ Prince Charles Scandal.] He does it often during the tosses to the Colbert Report as well, or whenever one of his correspondents says something he wasn't expecting. Jon rarely tries to keep a straight face during his reporting, however.
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*** Stephen Colbert noted in a Rolling Stone interview that he doesn't understand where Jon finds the time to do it, but yes, he reads EVERY book that people are there to promote on his show... every word. Colbert notes that obviously this gives Jon a formidable advantage in an interview, as most people do not expect the host to have gotten past the summary or "cliff notes" that a staffer gave them.
*** One of the rare exceptions was when Jon was interviewing Jeremy Scahill for his book ''Blackwater'' (about the [[Private Military Contractors|PMC]]), Jon clearly ''hadn't'' read the book and the interview came off confrontational, while failing to discuss the novel's main themes <ref> ie. the limited government oversight on hired contractors in the Middle East</ref>. Fast-forward a week, where Jon clearly ''had'' read it in the interim, owned up to his mistake and dedicated a segment showing just how badly he'd dropped the ball.
{{quote| '''Jon''': Sometimes I can be unexpectedly confrontational, and other’s almost as though I don’t know what the f**k I’m talking about at all.}}
*** It also happened that all the terrible things surrounding Blackwater began to appear in the news which completely validated Scahill's argument.
** There is a very, ''very'' good reason that Lawrence O'Donnell once said:
{{quote| "The bottom line: don't pick a fight with Jon Stewart. ''Do not do it. You cannot win.''"}}
* [[Cute Kitten]]: [ This video] has Jon show a kitten's adorably despondent reaction to the bank bailout - just 'cause.
** Used again on [ April 7, 2010], when more sex abuse scandals come to light around the Catholic church:
{{quote| '''Jon:''' Very cute. The kittens lack the capacity to understand the horror of this story.}}
*** [[Playful Otter]]: In fact, kittens playing isn't enough to take the whole of the scandal so a baby otter is thrown in too:
{{quote| '''Jon:''' Aw, now the baby otter is playing with a kitten. }}
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* [[Dastardly Whiplash]]: Jason Jones claims Geraldo Rivera is [ this.] To be fair, he does have the mustache for it.
{{quote| '''Jason Jones''':Plus, what is with that ridiculous disguise? I mean, come on. I'm surprised he didn't put on a cape and tie [Anna Nicole Smith] to a railroad track!}}
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Almost the entire staff.
** [ Any interview Jon has with Brian Williams turns into a deadpan-off.] Brian can hold his own.
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* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: [ Here's] a fairly good example of it.
* [[Don't Explain the Joke]]: On "Back in Black" discussing the power vacuum in Al Qaeda following bin Laden's death.
{{quote| '''CNN Anchor''': [Al-Zawahiri] is more of a no. 2 than a no. 1<br />
'''Black''': I dunno, Al Qaeda's former no. 1 seemed like more of a no. 2 to me. ([[Beat]]) I'm talking about poop, Jon.<br />
'''Stewart''': Yes, I know. }}
* [[Double Entendre]]: the "Jon Stewart [insert double entendre such as "Touches Kids" here]" segments.
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* [[Fox News Liberal]]: Notable aversion. Though a decidedly liberal-leaning program, the Daily Show often hosts conservative guests. When it does, Jon Stewart treats them with respect and actually attempts to understand their point of view, and thus help the audience to do the same.
** In addition, despite the assumed viewpoint that he would go "easy" on the Obama administration, he is perhaps one of its most vocal critics. Yes, they are pulling for them to have success and find ideological similarities, but that merely colors his criticism, which is expressed more as disappointment when the administration fails to follow through on something they claimed. In other words, it bases its views not on party, but progress. Or in layman's terms:
{{quote| "C'mon, guys, we should be doing ''better'' than this!"}}
* [[Follow the Leader]]: The Daily Show has spawned a number of similar shows in the Middle East, notably ''[ Parazit]'' [ in Iran] and ''[ The Bassem Youssef Show]'' [ in post-revolution Egypt]. Both show's hosts and producers [[Sincerest Form of Flattery|openly admit that they are attempting to replicate]] ''The Daily Show''.
* [[Foreshadowing]]:
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* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: She's p-p-p-p-[ poisonous]
* [[A Good Name for a Rock Band]]: Cribbing a quote from a CNN Anchor about a sex scandal, Jon proclaims
{{quote| '''Stewart''': "If there's not a hip indie band named ''Lesbian Bondage Fiasco'' by next week..."}}
* [[Godwin's Law]]: The ''Back in Black'' segment ripping [ Glenn Beck's "Nazi Tourettes."]
{{quote| '''Lewis Black:''' It's "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon", [[Dissimile|except there's just one degree, and Kevin Bacon is Hitler!]]}}
** Also [[Defied Trope|defied]] in a "Rally to Restore Sanity" poster - "I may disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're ''not'' Hitler."
** Later subverted in a segment about Planet Fitness, a gym that excludes hardcore weightlifters.
{{quote| '''PF Rep''': All the animals [the bodybuilders] can go in their cages and the rest of the people can come here."<br />
'''Jason Jones''': You know how else said that?<br />
'''PF Rep''': .....Hitler?<br />
'''Jason Jones''': What?? No! I was going to say [[Thomas Jefferson]]! }}
** Jon does not like when anyone, of any stripe, compares anyone else to the Nazis. He's been complaining about it since as early as 2004 on Oprah, when it was the Democrats comparing Bush to Hitler and Republicans in the House comparing Democrats to Hitler and Democrats in the House comparing Republicans in the House to Hitler.
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== I - J ==
* [[I Know Kung Faux]]
{{quote| '''Jon:''' You can't be a dick to (Newt) Gingrich. He's a master of [[Foo Fu|dick fu]]. He will use his opponents' dickishness against ... Newt studied it in the mountains of Tibet with the [[wikipedia:Dalai lama|Dicky Lama]].}}
* [[I Love Nuclear Power]]: Alluded to during the Alexander Litvinenko poisoning.
* [[In My Language, That Sounds Like...]]
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* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: He warned the Audience after they laughed at this that, because it was positive reinforcement, he would use more of these in the future.
** Kristen Schaal pulled one of these in a <s>[[Dead Baby Comedy]]</s> [ never-have-baby-comedy] moment. After talking about [[Sarah Palin]]'s new group, "Mama Grizzlies", she mentioned that she'd "never be a Mama Grizzly."
{{quote| '''Jon Stewart:''' I'm sorry Kristen, I... why, why, why is that?<br />
'''Kristen:''' Well Jon, you might just say... I'm "bear-en". }}
** Jon criticized the news media's habit of using lame puns in a segment called [[Hypocritical Humor|You're Not Punny]].
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* [[In Joke]]/[[Noodle Incident]]: Jon comes out to chat with the studio audience for a bit before the show starts, and then during the show he will often make a [[Call Back]] to something that one of the audience members said, leaving the home audience scratching their heads at the seeming [[Non Sequitur]].
* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja]]: In a sketch introducing the newest correspondent, Aasif appears from behind a piece of greenscreen down to his waist.
{{quote| '''Jon Stewart:''' Uh, Aasif, how did you do that?<br />
'''Aasif:''' I'm ''Asian,'' Jon. I'm a ''ninja!'' }}
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: John Oliver/Orangutan OTP!
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** Topped on the March 18, 2010 episode by taking it even further in a ''fifteen minute'' segment that concludes that Bert from [[Sesame Street]] is actually Hitler. Perhaps he is in cahoots with his colleague, Gitmo.
** On June 27, 2011, the Moment of Zen showed a clip from Fox News:
{{quote| "I'm going to say it right now, Jon Stewart is a racist. I don't believe that to be true, but I'm saying it."}}
* [[Irishman and a Jew]]: [[The Daily Show]] is headed up by Jon Stewart ([[Stage Names|born]] ''Jonathan Liebowitz''--and no, [[Do Not Call Me Paul|you're not allowed to call him that]]); its sister show, [[The Colbert Report]], stars [[Stephen Colbert]], who self-identifies as Irish-American, despite the French-sounding name. Like many other instances of such pairings, the Jewish half is [[Deadpan Snarker|sarcastic]] and exasperated with [[Crapsack World|a world gone mad]], while the Irish half is blustering and [[Ted Baxter|self-assured]], but [[Too Dumb to Live|oblivious to the problems around him]].
** Also happens during the many times Jon's good friend [[Denis Leary]] is on the show.
* [[Ironic Echo Cut]]: A staple of the show is Jon recapping the basics of a story and assuming a result, then cutting to a clip of a reporter or speaker saying the exact opposite.
* [[It's Been Done]]: After Jon's recap of the Bipartisan Health Care Summit of 2010, Stewart and John Oliver proceeded to [ explain in great detail] a hypothetical system where legislators could come together, sit down, and talk about relevant issues. OH WAIT, THAT'S CONGRESS.
{{quote| "What if both of those bodies are ''fucking idiots''?"}}
* [[It Got Worse]]: A parody of the "It Gets Better" campaign (aimed at preventing suicides among gay teens), in pointing out that John McCain has placed himself in the "George Wallace role" in the military's gay policy debate, actually uses the line "It Gets Worse" repeatedly.
* [[Jewish Complaining]]: Some of the jokes.
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* [[Kent Brockman News]]: Most of the correspondents
* [[Kill the Poor]]: During the banter segment with Jon Stewart at the end of ''The Daily Show's'' 10th Anniversary episode, [[Stephen Colbert]] remarked about how Stewart's show is all about supporting "the underdog" and Colbert can't believe how he ever backed that "losing horse." That's why Colbert on [[The Colbert Report|his own show]] now supports "the overdog" (specifically, big business). When concluding his point, [ Colbert quotes the Trope Namer!]
{{quote| Like ''[[Gratuitous Spanish|mis hermanos]]'' The [[Dead Kennedys]] say, "Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the poor!"}}
* [[Kung Fu Jesus]]: [ Weight class 155-170 lbs!] Extreme Ministries ftw!
* [[Left It In]]: Commonly [[Played for Laughs]].
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* [[Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics]]: If news reports trot out questionable statistics, the show will call them out on this, like the time(s) Fox's statistics totaled over 100%.
* [[Logical Fallacies]]: Thoughtfully provided by the "[[Science Is Bad|Large Hadron Collider]] [[The End of the World as We Know It|will destroy the world]]" pundit/high school science teacher.
{{quote| '''Teacher:''' I'd say there is a 50/50 chance. It will either destroy us or it won't.<br />
'''John Oliver:''' I'm not sure statistics work that way.<br />
''later''<br />
'''John:''' After the apocalypse, we should try breeding. ''(the teacher is male)''<br />
'''Teacher:''' I don't think that will work.<br />
'''John:''' It either could happen or it won't. }}
** They had a field day with people claiming that [[Snow Means Cold|snowstorms proved global warming wasn't real.]] Apparently global warming=negation of seasonal weather trends.
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** The muppet!Steele became a guest on April 7, 2010. [[Hilarity Ensues]]
*** And when the ''real'' Michael Steele appeared as a guest, [[Funny Moments|so did muppet!Steele]].
{{quote| '''"Real" Michael Steele:''' Take a hike, Dick van Dyke.<br />
'''Puppet Steele:''' ...I can take that he's better looking than me, but rhyming's ''my'' thing, Gordon Sumner - also known as Sting! }}
** Or when he was trying to pronounce the name of the island "Mah Na Mah Na"...
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** When then-Prime Minister Tony Blair was "Harumphed" (heckled) by Parliament, Stewart noted that "The act of harumphing dates back to the [[Statler and Waldorf|Earl of Statler and the Duke of Waldorf]]."
** And don't forget when he interviewed [ Kermit the Frog]:
{{quote| '''Jon''': Isn't that the whole thing, if you lick a frog you get crazy thoughts?<br />
'''Kermit''': If you lick a frog, you're crazy before you started!<br />
'''Jon''': I can't believe it, the frog's running circles around me! }}
*** And [ Miss Piggy]
{{quote| '''Jon''': [[Double Entendre|Got a little frog in your throat?]]}}
** And now that John McCain is refusing to do the show, Muppet John McCain has been filling in for him from time to time.
* [[N-Word Privileges]]: Invoked [ here] when John Oliver and Wyatt Cenac try to debate which racial insults are worse; John can't bring himself to use the N word.
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* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: [ A charge leveled at Gretchen Carlson] of "Fox and Friends" for her having to look up the words "czar" and "ignoramus", despite being a Stanford honors graduate in Sociology, having studied at Oxford and being a talented violinist, and so probably being familiar with those words.
** And done ''again'', [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshade included]] ''and'' [[Invoked Trope|vocally invoked]] [ by Wyatt Cenac] when discussing how Fox and Friends had connected the "Ground-Zero Mosque" with the leader of The Kingdom Foundation, Prince Al-waleed bin Talal... who happens to be a 7% shareholder with NewsCorp, parent company of [[Fox News]]. (This makes him the largest shareholder outside of the Murdoch family.)
{{quote| '''Wyatt Cenac''': Bum-bum-bum! That's some evil shit! It's a level of knowing obfuscation that can only come with having a heart filled with ''pure evil''!}}
* [[Oh, Cisco]]: The Moment of Zen.
* [[Oh God, with the Verbing!]]: On pronouncing Rod Blagojevich:
{{quote| "It's not that hard to pronounce. Repeat after me: Rod-- BLAGOJEVICH WITH THE SCHNITZENDREUBLE, WITH THE GOVERNING AND THE CORRUPTION..."}}
* [[One-Man Army]]: Former correspondent and all-around [[Badass]] '''[[Colonel Badass|Lt. Col.]]''' Rob Riggle, USMCR.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Averted. In addition to Jon Stewart the show has John Oliver, and occasional ''You're Welcome'' host John Hodgman. And of course, there were also [[Steve Carell]] and [[Stephen Colbert]] before they left the show (complete with the segment "Even Stephven" where they "debated" a topic by hurling insults at each other).
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** Jon will occasionally do something random (like vigorously scratch the back of his head) while waiting for the audience to stop applauding or laughing, then when they quiet down, he'll continue to do it until they laugh again.
** [ Full clip]. When MSNBC named a New York police officer "Anthony Bologna" (pronounced like [[wikipedia:Bologna|the Italian city]]), Jon insisted on calling him "Tony Bologna" (pronounced like [[wikipedia:Bologna sausage|the sausage]]) and proceeded with a rap:
{{quote| Guy's name is Tony Bologna<br />
Favorite pasta, rigatoni<br />
Favorite island, Coney<br />
Favorite Italian prime minister, Berlusconi<br />
Favorite southern buffet restaurant, Shoney's<br />
Favorite dessert, [[Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion|fresh mixed berries]]<br />
(''beat'') <br />
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*** After the rap, Jon showed a clip of a fake TV show, ''The Vigilogna,'' starring [[wikipedia:Chris Meloni|Chris Meloni]] (spelled "Melogna" in the clip) as the rogue Tony Bologna.
**** Later, on the [ November 28, 2011 show], he [[Call Back|mentioned Tony Bologna]] and continued:
{{quote| The theme music to that done by Tony! Toni! Toné!<br />
Sponsored by Rice-A-Roni<br />
The lead-in program: ''[[My Little Pony]]'' }}
* [[Paedo Hunt]]: [[Running Gag]].
** During the [[Michael Jackson]] trial, then-correspondent [[Stephen Colbert]] was referred to as "...our Senior Child Molestation Expert."
{{quote| '''Stephen:''' [ Jon, I've been meaning to talk to you about that...]}}
** Another time, [ Jon Stewart Touches Kids].
* [[Painting the Fourth Wall]]: When discussing ways to grab the attention of younger viewers, Demetri Martin [ created pictures, sparkle and rainbow effects, and a ticker with hand gestures] while the person he was interviewing stared at him, confused.
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* [[Pixelation]]: Whenever someone makes a rude gesture, and everything Dick Cheney touches.
* [[Porn Stash]]: John Oliver, with his life supposedly in danger, not only lists the location of the porn in every room he has, but also:
{{quote| ''In the bedroom you'll find a box marked's not porn, Jon, it's [[No Except Yes|erotica]]! It's my legacy! [ That has to go to a library!]''}}
* [[Prayer of Malice]]: Back when [[Stephen Colbert|Stephen]] and [[Steve Carell|Steven]] were still on The Daily Show, an "Even Stevens" segment had them debating whether Islam or Christianity was the one true religion. Needless to say, prayers of "Smite mine enemy" were evoked on both sides.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Done with beauty while commenting on CNBC's having had a guest - Sir Allen Stanford - on the show who was being investigated on allegations of running a Ponzi scheme (arrested one month later) and they get to [ the final question...] Cut to 7:50.
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*** Done in the same vein on [ 02-07-2008] with perverse deliberation.
** Used against [[Fox News Channel|Fox News]] on [ April 15th, 2010] (making it worse, the timing was RIGHT after one of them making a remark that having 5 kids with one of them having Down Syndrome was something that liberals "certainly don't allow to happen"). Fox's response was then analyzed, line-by-line, on the 20th, culminating in a [[Cluster F-Bomb|cluster-GoFuckYourself-bomb]] set to music.
{{quote| "I've said this before, and I'll say it again... [[Precision F-Strike|Go fuck yourself]]!"}}
** Done several times by John Oliver when discussing the 2010 World Cup.
* [[Preppy Name]]: Stewart likes to make up names for the 2012 Republican presidential nominee that sound even ''more'' preppy than Willard "Mitt" Romney.
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** The episodes posted on Hulu avert this, either because Hulu turns up the volume of the videos before posting them or because they just have quieter commercials. The ones posted on the show's official site are still too quiet with too-loud commercials, though.
* [[Rousing Speech]]: John Oliver's [ rousing defense of moats] during the 2009 British MP expenses scandal (during which one MP was found to have used public funds to preserve the moat on his property) comes complete with [[Lampshade Hanging]]:
{{quote| '''Jon Stewart''': You're going ''Richard II'' on us?<br />
'''John Oliver''': [[Sound Effect Bleep|F--k]] yeah, strap in! }}
* [[Rule 34]]: The Constitution and the Emancipation Proclamation on a Betsy Ross carpet with the Magna Carta stroking its wax seal.
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* [[Sarcasm Failure]]:
** [ Stewart's reaction] to a repeal of a bill to provide treatment to firefighters who obtained respiratory problems from working in the WTC ruins rescuing survivors (because it was funded by closing a tax loophole used to keep corporations from paying income taxes) is a particular example. Appropriately, it was even named "I give up".
{{quote| '''Stewart:''' [[Angrish|I mean, if they had... I don't even... Honestly, I just don't...]]}}
** On March 26, 2012, Stewart opened the show with two news items: Dick Cheney's heart transplant, and the Treyvon Martin shooting. Every time he'd try to lighten the mood with a heart transplant joke, he would fall flat over the seriousness of the shooting, until he finally gave up.
* [[Sarcasm Mode]]: Happens quite frequently, but particularly in the entirety of [ this] where Jon and John throw out completely hypothetical ideas of two government bodies discussing and voting on ideas inside buildings. ...Then again, what if both of those bodies are ''fucking idiots''?
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: Jon's [[Take That]] segments. Don't try to [[Tempting Fate|answer back]] unless you're ''really'' sure you can win {{spoiler|([[Failure Is the Only Option|you can't]])}}. This fact is so well known by now that [[Keith Olbermann]] played with it a bit, teasing a typical [[Large Ham]] response for a whole episode before meekly agreeing with Jon's main point and apologizing.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: In one skit, Stewart was mocking a (defeated) bill that would've said, "Life begins at conception." He then monologues to himself about a screenplay idea involving the killer being a woman's unborn baby. The camera then pulls away like they're going to commercial, leaving Stewart confused and [[Corpsing]], and [[Discussed Trope|quoting the trope]] by name ([[Precision F-Strike|mostly]]):
{{quote| '''Stewart''': You known it's bad when ''the camera guy'' goes, "Fuck this! I'm outta here!"}}
* [[Self-Demonstrating Article]]: When Jon plays a clip of George Carlin's famous "The Seven Words That You Can't Say On TV," the entire clip is bleeped out. [[Captain Obvious|You can't say those words on TV, you see.]]
* [[Self Deprecating Humor]]: Jon, at both himself and the show. He even gave kudos to a man with a very unfortunate name for putting up with "this juvenile bullshit."
* [[Serious Business]]: Pizza in New York, as Jon demonstrates [ while chewing Donald Trump out] for taking [[Sarah Palin]] to a pizza chain and [[Berserk Button|eating his pizza with a fork]].
* [[Shoehorned First Letter]]: On one [ toss] to ''[[The Colbert Report]]'', Jon Stewart made fun of [[Stephen Colbert]] for playing the letter "Z" on ''[[Sesame Street]]: All-Star Alphabet'', leading to this exchange:
{{quote| '''Stephen:''' Yeah, you know what "z" stands for, Jon: ''[[Revenge|zrevenge]]''!<br />
'''Jon:''' See you in a minute, Stephen!<br />
'''Stephen:''' ''I will have my zvengeance!'' }}
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*** Basically, he's played this straight, deconstructed it, reconstructed it, and exploited it for all its worth. And it's still kind of hilarious.
* [[Squee]]: After showing [ President Obama having a candid talk at a GOP conference], and President Obama completely blowing away every one of their talking points, Jon Squeed.
{{quote| (In high pitched voice) "...Holy S** t! They're gonna air this!? This is gonna be awesome!"}}
** You can literally hear the female section of the studio audience squeeing in the 4/26/10 show when [[Fetish Fuel|Jason Jones swaggers on set holding an assault rifle.]]
** And of course, the time they had [[Robert Pattinson]] on, and the entire audience was made up of teenage girls.
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* [[Straight Man]]: Stewart to the correspondents.
* [[Straw Man Has a Point]]: Invoked intentionally during one of Stewart's Glenn Beck impersonations.
{{quote| "Strawman slippery slope dumb guy may have a point."}}
* [[Stuffed Into a Locker]]: John Oliver, [ reporting live from inside Malia Obama's locker].
* [[The Swear Jar]]: An "[[Barack Obama|Obama]] [[Osama Bin Laden|Osama]] Flub Jar".
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** An older [[Take That]] at CNN for letting someone go by without calling them on a completely [ BS claim].
** The [ deconstruction of Keith Olbermann] was choice as well.
{{quote| And no, this teleprompter is not stuck!}}
** A more playful [[Take That]] was when former-correspondent [[Steve Carell]] was a guest. Their opening clip was not of Steve Carell in his new movie, but of other-former-correspondent [[Ed Helms]] in [[The Hangover]].
** Jon's [[Take That]] against Bernie Goldberg was genius. [ It is quite possibly the best and most hilarious use of a Baptist choir in recent memory.]
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*** And again, during the Egyptian uprising of February 2011 the show was on hiatus ''again''. By the time Jon and crew made it back, the protesters had gotten the military to throw out Mubarak. And left Aasif Mandvi complaining about missing out on all the love reporters were getting from the protesters after the overthrow.
*** During a weeklong hiatus in March 2011 Japan got hit by the earthquake and the tsunami, Middle Eastern leaders opened fire on their own people, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Knut the polar bear died]] and the US militarily enforced the no fly zone in Libya.
{{quote| '''Jon''': When we left the world's two biggest trouble spots were Wisconsin and the set of [[Two and A Half Men]]. And then suddenly ALL HOLY HELL BREAKS LOOSE! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO LOOK AT!}}
* [[The Glasses Come Off]]: In this [ segment] he takes off and puts on various pairs of glasses while making his dramatic speech.
* [[The Last of These Is Not Like the Others]]: In October 7, 2008, while analyzing the "stupid" vote, John Oliver broke it down into twelve sections: paste eaters, numbskulls, nitwits, fucktards, people whose hands get stuck in pickle jars when they eat pickles, people who lose arguments to babies, douchenozzles, tiger petters, people who jump up and down on frozen lakes, shaved gorillas who've somehow managed to acquire a driver's license, the voluntarily lobotomized, and [[Take That|Cubs fans]].
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* [[This Is Gonna Suck]]: "Ohh, this one's gonna get you upset..."
* [[Time Travel Tense Trouble]]: Done, amazingly, without actual time travel, when [[Stephen Colbert|Stephen]] hijacked one of the "And on tonight's ''[[The Colbert Report]]''" segments.
{{quote| '''Jon''': [ You're hurting my brain, Stephen.]}}
* [[Tontine]]: In one segment, John Hodgman suggests fixing the national debt by making Social Security into a tontine. And making murder legal.
* [[Totally Radical]]: Spoofed in a segment about the rush by politicians and the media to embrace [[Twitter]], Samantha Bee gave a report which included the following exchange:
{{quote| '''Samantha Bee''': Man, this stuff is wizard!<br />
'''Jon Stewart''': Is that a new word for "good"?<br />
'''Samantha Bee''': Probably. }}
* [[Training Montage]]: John Oliver performs one of these ''[[Rocky (film)|Rocky]]''-style to "get in shape" for being [[Football Hooligans|a drunken, violent lout]] during the 2010 World Cup.
Line 526:
*** ''''''08!'''''
*** And then Jon Stewart lit former Majority Leader of the House Dick Gephardt [[Incendiary Exponent|on fire]], and [[Stuff Blowing Up|blew him up]].
{{quote| '''Stephen Colbert''': ...did you set fire to Dick Gephardt?<br />
'''Jon Stewart''': That's right, Stephen, we lit former Majority Leader of the House Dick Gephardt on fire...and then we blew him up.<br />
'''Stephen Colbert''': ...kudos. }}
* [[When I Was Your Age]]: Happens briefly in [ this] segment. [[Stephen Colbert]] tries to outdo an interviewee's impoverished upbringing with "[[Alien Geometries|Did you have floors?]]"
* [[White Dude, Black Dude]]: ''"Yo, white dude runs for President like this..."''
* [[Who Writes This Crap?]]: [ Right here.]
{{quote| '''Jon Stewart''': In a segment we like to call "Jon Stewart's Story Hole". Remember, it's our little secr-who wrote this?}}
** Jon's also a good enough sport to admit this about ''[ himself]''.
{{quote| '''Jon''': *chuckles* I'm a bad writer.}}
* [[Worst News Judgement Ever]]: Mentioned [ here].
** Done again, along with a subtle [[What the Hell, Hero?|What the hell, news!?]] [ here], where John can be seen literally ''pleading'' that the interviewer realizes just how idiotic the piece is, and cut it short. No points for guessing what happens.
Line 545:
* [[Yiddish as a Second Language]]: Jon's been known to pepper his lines with Yiddish, and (as part of Jon's grant of [[N-Word Privileges]]), so do some of the correspondents.
** Also, note this exchange between him and Brian Williams:
{{quote| '''Stewart:''' What's with the Yiddish tonight? What's with the -- "shmaltzy", and the "just gave me a little schpilkis, but" -- "I took my punim over there", bing bang boom -- <br />
'''Williams:''' Joey Bishop, ladies and gentlemen. }}
* [[You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!]]: Jon's response to [[Blonde Republican Sex Kitten|Dana Perino]], a commentator on [[Fox News]], when she criticized [ Anthony Weiner's tirade] over the 9/11 healthcare bill.
{{quote| '''Dana Perino''': I don't know all the particulars of the bill, *stammers* the point of it... I have no idea what Anthony Weiner's even talking about! He's just screaming and it is ''such'' a turn-off.<br />
'''Jon Stewart''': Is it? Is it a turn-off? Is that from your Playboy profile? "My turn-offs include Weiner screaming, and in any way [[Take That|justifying my being treated as an expert]]"?! }}
* [[You Keep Using That Word]]: Jason Jones asks if the (bigoted) local leader of and ''Americans Against Hate'' chapter knew what "against" meant. Said leader had passed out pamphlets to not officially allow a Muslim-American into the party.
Line 554:
{{quote| '''Waldorf''': Hey, do you think we could get on this show?<br />
'''Statler''': Hm. They only let Muppets on if they're in Guantatamo Bay... or Republicans!<br />
'''Waldorf''': Uh... well, [[Take That|I best start packing for Cuba then]]!<br />
'''[[Statler and Waldorf|Both]]''': [[Memetic Mutation|Doh-ho-ho-ho-ho!]]