The Daily Show: Difference between revisions

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* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: In the [ 5/5/10 episode.] [[Captain Obvious|"I'm beginning to think 'the American people' is a meaningless phrase.]] ...And as such, perhaps should be struck from public utterance, along with other such false monolithic projections such as 'the Founders intended', 'our children deserve better', and [[Blatant Lies|'nobody doesn't like Sara Lee'."]]
* [[Artistic License Physics]]: When interviewed on the Daily Show, Neil deGrasse Tyson reminded Jon that the globe in the opening is spinning in the wrong direction.
* [[As the Good Book Says...]]: When Pat Robertson made his infamous "pact with the devil" remark in the wake of the Haiti earthquakes, Stewart responded by [ reminding him what the Bible really says.]
{{quote| "Have you ''read'' this book?"}}
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: [ Squirrel!]
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* [[Double Entendre]]: the "Jon Stewart [insert double entendre such as "Touches Kids" here]" segments.
** Perhaps the best yet, lifted directly from a senator's rant to Anderson Cooper: Jon Stewart and Anderson Cooper Have Their Fun Looking At Gaping Holes.
** During a segment inviting former president [[George W. Bush]] to, er, be a guest on the program: "Come On Jon Stewart!"
*** He later asks them to change this when he's asking the same of Glenn Beck to come on. First they make an offer to take some thing off his chest into "Drop a Load on Jon Stewart", then an offer to get to know each other becoming (despite [[Lampshade Hanging|Jon's hopes]]) "Two Established Television Personalities Penetrate Each Other On The Daily Show While People Watch".
* [[Double Subversion]]: For instance, when during the episode with the Glenn Beck impression he made reference to masturbating to a Calvin Klein billboard he could see from his apartment window. An ad with a shirtless male model came up, to which he said, "No!"; then it was replaced by an ad with a scantily-clad female model, to which he said, "Ewww, no!"; it turned out to be an ad with a more muscled and and well-oiled male model.
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*** And got extra jokes out of it, too. [ "It's as if Harvey Fierstein had hosted the Daily Show!"]
* [[Here We Go Again]]: Jon Stewart cut his hand by breaking a glass object [ AGAIN!]
* [[High -Class Glass]]: Toppington Von Monocle, the show's "biggest fan," who appeared in a segment in response to Bernie Goldberg accusing Jon of playing to an "incredibly unsophisticated audience" (see [[Sophisticated As Hell]] below).
* [[Hilarious Outtakes]]: Frequently left in. For instance, Jon Stewart stumbling all over the camera placement while talking with Gitmo.
* [[Homage]]: Jon riffed on Churchill while talking about his ''Crossfire'' appearance: "Tomorrow, I will go back to being funny, and your show will still blow."
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== I - J ==
* [[I Know Kung Faux]]
{{quote| '''Jon:''' You can't be a dick to (Newt) Gingrich. He's a master of [[Foo Fu|dick fu]]. He will use his opponents' dickishness against ... Newt studied it in the mountains of Tibet with the [http://en.[ lama|Dicky Lama]].}}
* [[I Love Nuclear Power]]: Alluded to during the Alexander Litvinenko poisoning.
* [[In My Language, That Sounds Like...]]
* [[If I Had a Nickel]]: "You know, if I had a nickel for every time Bush has mentioned 9/11, I could raise enough reward money to go after bin Laden."
* [[Implausible Deniability]]: They get sitting heads of state, major government officials, Hollywood stars, scientists at the top of their field, and ''actual news anchors'' as guests. They've earned Emmys and Peabody Awards(!), and can get celebrities to drop by unannounced for a cameo and good joke. Their news is at ''least'' as insightful as the regular stuff put out by the networks and the 24-hour news channels (though people like Fareed Zakaria and Christiane Amanpour are probably better). But as he said when it was still true (and people were even treating the show as serious news), "The show leading into mine is puppets making crank phone calls."
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* [[News Parody]]
* [[Nice Guy]]: Among other things, Jon Stewart has been an active proponent for granting medical aid to the dying rescue workers and volunteers from the 9/11 terrorism massmurder; and [[Needs More Love|improved education]] for autistic children.
* [["El NinoNiño" Is Spanish for "The Nino"]]: This is a bit of a [[Running Gag]] regarding Arabic phrases with the article "Al". For example, in one episode featuring an interview with an Al Jazeera reporter, Jon helpfully informs us that "Al Jazeera" means "The Jazeera" and that hopefully their guest will explain what a "Jazeera" is (he doesn't).<ref>Al-Jazeera means "The Peninsula" in Arabic, in reference to the Arabian Peninsula.</ref>
* [[Not Making This Up Disclaimer]]: "-- and this is true --" Jon has to do this with disturbing frequency.
* [[Not So Different]]: His claims to this effect - which he insists are weaker than they've been taken - have provoked a ''lot'' of backlash from the left, especially following the Rally to Restore Sanity, which he [ mocked] with his "[[Blame Game|The Rally to Determine Precisely the Percentage of Blame to be Doled Out to the Left and the Right for Our Problems]] [[A Lighter Shade of Grey|Because We Know the Only Thing That Matters Is That the Other Guys Are Worse Than We Are]] [[The Colbert Report (TV)|and/or Fear]]."
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* [[Overly Long Gag]]:
** Jon will occasionally do something random (like vigorously scratch the back of his head) while waiting for the audience to stop applauding or laughing, then when they quiet down, he'll continue to do it until they laugh again.
** [ Full clip]. When MSNBC named a New York police officer "Anthony Bologna" (pronounced like [http://en.[ |the Italian city]]), Jon insisted on calling him "Tony Bologna" (pronounced like [http://en.[ sausage|the sausage]]) and proceeded with a rap:
{{quote| Guy's name is Tony Bologna<br />
Favorite pasta, rigatoni<br />
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[[Discussed Trope|You thought I'd say]] spumoni or tortoni<br />
No, he's [[Painful Rhyme|lactose intoleroni]] }}
*** After the rap, Jon showed a clip of a fake TV show, ''The Vigilogna,'' starring [http://en.[ Meloni|Chris Meloni]] (spelled "Melogna" in the clip) as the rogue Tony Bologna.
**** Later, on the [ November 28, 2011 show], he [[Call Back|mentioned Tony Bologna]] and continued:
{{quote| The theme music to that done by Tony! Toni! Toné!<br />
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* [[Short Title Long Elaborate Subtitle]]: Many of the guests' books.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Jon's interviews. Especially the authors - Jon reads every book plugged on his show cover-to-cover, and it shows.
* [[Shout -Out]]: [ A truly hilarious one.] [[Two Words Obvious Trope|Five words:]] {{spoiler|John Oliver as a [[Avatar|Na'vi]].}}
** Jon's impression of Dick Cheney depicts him as Burgess Meredith's version of [[Batman (TV)|The Penguin]].
** John Hodgman is perhaps best known as the PC in Apple's ''"Mac vs. PC"'' ad campaign. Jon Stewart forces him [ to admit this during the show].
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* [[Stacy's Mom]]: Made fun of in their sketch about [ "cougars"].
* [[The Stoic]]: Of all the possible people, Colbert had a moment of this during the 2008 elections. When Obama locked up California and, thus, the elections, the entire crew started freaking out and wondering what the post-Bush world must be like. So, they head outside and start gushing over the fact that the sun is shining, children are at play, etc. Meanwhile, Colbert just stands there, and firmly reminds them that Bush is still president for two more months, killing the mood of the others.
* [[Stop Helping Me!]]: In the midst of an uphill battle to retain his Senate seat, John McCain had Sarah Palin speak for him to garner some much-needed publicity for his campaign. [ This proved to be a very bad idea.]
* [[Straight Man]]: Stewart to the correspondents.
* [[Straw Man Has a Point]]: Invoked intentionally during one of Stewart's Glenn Beck impersonations.
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** The running joke about Dick Cheney. Did you know that anything he touches becomes pixelated? Except plants, which die three days later?
** When Cheney had a heart transplant, Stewart did an intro in which he thanked the gods of comedy for the setup... except that it coincided with the Treyvon Martin shooting and he [[Sarcasm Failure|couldn't keep up the gag]].
* [[We ARE Struggling Together!]]: [ The Socialist Network].
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: "The best f* cking news team ever. We have a rocket. CNN doesn't have a rocket."
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'''Stephen Colbert''': ...kudos. }}
* [[When I Was Your Age]]: Happens briefly in [ this] segment. [[Stephen Colbert]] tries to outdo an interviewee's impoverished upbringing with "[[Alien Geometries|Did you have floors?]]"
* [[White Dude, Black Dude]]: ''"Yo, white dude runs for President like this..."''
* [[Who Writes This Crap?]]: [ Right here.]
{{quote| '''Jon Stewart''': In a segment we like to call "Jon Stewart's Story Hole". Remember, it's our little secr-who wrote this?}}
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{{quote| '''Stewart:''' What's with the Yiddish tonight? What's with the -- "shmaltzy", and the "just gave me a little schpilkis, but" -- "I took my punim over there", bing bang boom -- <br />
'''Williams:''' Joey Bishop, ladies and gentlemen. }}
* [[You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!]]: Jon's response to [[Blonde Republican Sex Kitten|Dana Perino]], a commentator on [[Fox News]], when she criticized [ Anthony Weiner's tirade] over the 9/11 healthcare bill.
{{quote| '''Dana Perino''': I don't know all the particulars of the bill, *stammers* the point of it... I have no idea what Anthony Weiner's even talking about! He's just screaming and it is ''such'' a turn-off.<br />
'''Jon Stewart''': Is it? Is it a turn-off? Is that from your Playboy profile? "My turn-offs include Weiner screaming, and in any way [[Take That|justifying my being treated as an expert]]"?! }}