The Dark Knight Saga/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Decay]]: In the span of the first movie, Scarecrow goes from [[Big Bad]], to getting taken down in a matter of seconds by Rachel Dawes. In the next movie, he is no longer working for the League of Shadows and turning mob bosses insane. Instead, he's just a glorified drug dealer who is fodder for a [[Batman Cold Open]].
** [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Crane never really comes into his own as a [[Big Bad]]. In fact, [[The Reveal]] in ''Batman Begins'' shows he was never the [[Big Bad]] at all. So why the drastic [[Badass Decay]] if he was never a badass at all? The decay happens because the viewers and Batman alike are no longer ''scared'' of him.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Various versions of [[The Joker]] fall into this category, but the [[Heath Ledger]] version is widely regarded as theone of THE darkest and cruelest version of him EVER.
** While not as obvious an example for [[Affably Evil|various]] [[Alternate Character Interpretation|reasons]], Dr. Jonathan Crane from the first movie arguably meets the criteria as well.
*** Series of heinous evil deeds? {{spoiler|Spraying people with a toxin designed to cause intense panic attacks, trying to burn people alive, releasing a bunch of rapists and serial killers from an asylum and out into the streets, and giving his fear toxin to a guy who supposedly told him the plan was to hold the entire city to ransom, etc...}}
*** Revulsion from other characters? {{spoiler|Well, he's a [[Villain With Good Publicity]], but characters who find out his real nature tend to fear him. Rachel Dawes is already suspicious of Crane when he declares several criminals insane to move them into his asylum, but once Crane shows her the factory where they make the fear toxin he gave Falcone, Rachel Dawes runs away FAST. The one exception might be Ra's al Ghul, who doesn't seem to mind having Crane's help, but even he might not know much about Scarecrow apart from that he has said fear toxin.}}
*** No adequate justification? {{spoiler|The story gives him no excuses for his evil deeds. Ra's al Ghul has the excuse of being a [[Knight Templar]], but Crane evidently doesn't share Ra's al Ghul's fanatically genocidal ideology, (see the scene where Ra's claims Crane thought the idea was to hold Gotham to ransom) and seems to be in it primarily out of self-interest.}}
*** Remorseless? {{spoiler|Crane doesn't show a shred of remorse in the movie. [[Loves the Sound of Screaming|He even seems to enjoy making people scream and cry in terror.]]}}
*** Irredeemable? {{spoiler|Again, the movie shows no signs of redemption on Crane's part. While Crane isn't killed off, he's evidently [[Hoist By His Own Petard|driven insane with his own fear toxin]], and by the sequel he's reduced to selling his toxin as just another drug on the black market, and getting confronted by the organized crime community for it. That isn't even getting started on what the 3rd movie will do with him...}}
** Additionally, Bane seems set up to be this. See [[Moral Event Horizon]].
*** Hardy describes him as this: ''He's crushing skulls and snapping heads of'' or ''He’s brutal, brutal. He’s expedient delivery of brutality,'' and ''He is a terrorist in his mentality as well as brutal action. So he’s horrible. A really horrible piece of work.'' Nolan also stated that Bane has an "[[Genius Bruiser|incredible brain]]". This is truer to the comics than [[Batman and Robin (Film)|the previous movie version of Bane.]]
*** He also has henchmen attack his enemies by shooting at them through plane windows, when the opponents aren't even aware the henchmen are nearby.
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* [[Deconstruction Fic]]: Has several fics that deconstruct the [[Rape Is Love]] and OC/Joker Rape Fic genre.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]:
** Johnathan Crane.
** The Joker. Yes, even with the scars.
*** The scars actually make him all the more powerful, in many eyes. Would ''you'' do that to yourself, for belief in an idea?
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*** A perfect example of a villain who can pull of being both a [[Magnificent Bastard]] and a [[Complete Monster]] at the same time.
** Henry Ducard / Ra's al-Ghul.
** Catwoman, Bane, and Talia al-Ghul.
* [[Marty Stu]]: Subverted in the person of Harvey Dent, a handsome-as-hell, lantern-jawed, blue-eyed, blond-haired ''manly'' man's man who waltzes into the movie to steal both Bruce Wayne's girlfriend and Batman's crime-fighting thunder. He's quick-witted, fearless, and willing to continue examining a witness who's just tried to kill him in open court. The subversion kicks in (and hard) when {{spoiler|Dent incurs a traumatic loss similar to the one that created Batman. Unlike Bruce, [[Face Heel Turn|he doesn't react in the most constructive fashion]], and [[Red Right Hand|loses his Marty Stu polish accordingly]].}}
* [[Memetic Badass]]: The Bank Manager, strangely enough.
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*** {{spoiler|Actually, it's implied that he was only threatening to kill Gordon's son, and he was going to use a coin flip to decide whether or not to actually do it. Still pretty heinous though.}}
** We've only seen trailers for [[The Dark Knight Rises]], but we've already lost all sympathy for the Nolan version of Bane after that clip of Gordon in critical condition at the hospital (and it's implied that Bane was the one that put him there, since Catwoman wouldn't be so monstrous).
*** And now he's {{spoiler|blown up a footbal field. During the game.}} Oh, and he breaks Batman's back too.
*** And he {{spoiler|blew up two bridges!}} Well, it was presumably Bane, anyway. It certainly wasn't the Ventriloquist.
* [[Older Than They Think]]: The Joker [[Eye Scream|murdering someone with a writing utensil?]] [[Batman (Film)|Sounds awfully familiar...]]
* [[Ruined FOREVER]]: The following items are [[Sarcasm Mode|unanimously agreed to have ruined the franchise by fans]], long before anyone sees the final product in action: