The Dark Knight Saga/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Depending on how you interpret some of the Crane's dialogue, he could be either a [[Complete Monster]] or a strong case of [[Even Evil Has Standards]]. When Falcone says there's "an answer" to idealistic prosecutors, Crane says he doesn't want to know. Is it indignation, or just fear of the potential consequences of knowing that information? When Ducard says that Crane thought the league's plan was to hold Gotham to ransom, does this mean he wouldn't have supported genocide, or that he only got involved because he saw something in it for him?
** The CEO who takes over Wayne Enterprises after Thomas & Martha's deaths can fall victim to this. Is he a [[Jerkass]] [[Regent for Life]] for refusing to hand the company over to Bruce; or is he justified in not handing the company over to Bruce, as young Master Wayne was pronounced dead ''several years ago'' and has no experience in the business world? Is he a [[Jerkass]] for firing Lucius Fox, or is he simply cutting costs by ditching a division that's losing them money?
** Rachel: Strong, principled woman with a deep belief in justice, or whiny, shallow woman-child spouting off self-aggrandizing morals she doesn't really believe in?
* [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]]: "Yeah that's a interesting line of thought Lieutenant Gordan is having with Batman...hmm okay there's been a robbery...oh, [[The Joker|that's an interesting turn of events.]]"
** As the trope entry reminds us, a lot of people were leery about [[What the Hell, Casting Agency?|the casting of]] [[Heath Ledger]] as the Joker until they saw clips of his performance.