The Dark Side Will Make You Forget: Difference between revisions

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* Case of the Lifestream, a ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' novella, shows that Sephiroth considers memories of his friends, appearance, and childhood "unimportant" compared with his contempt for humanity.
* Zouken Matou from ''[[Fate/stay night]]''. He originally began his hunt for the Holy Grail as a way to honor the woman he loved, Justica Von Einzbern. But as he grew older and began turning to more and more twisted magic to keep himself alive long enough to accomplish this, his soul began to rot and his mind went with it, leaving him a corrupt, ruthless madman obsessed with immortality.
* ''[[Dragon Quest IV]]'' has this happen to Psaro the Manslayer, who starts out thinking [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]] due to how they treated his beloved Rose and sets out to ensure she'll never be hurt again... despite her constantly begging and pleading with him to stop. Things only get worse after {{spoiler|she's murdered by human thugs}}, causing him to declare he'll simply [[Kill'Em All]]. By the time the chosen ones confront him, he's used {{spoiler|the perfected Secret of Evolution}} and completely lost his mind, declaring that all he remembers is his name and his hatred of humankind.
* Arakune in ''[[Blaz Blue]]'' starts out as a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] version of scientist named Lotte Carmine, who wished to use the power of [[The Corruption|Boundary]] in order to achieve a discovery that would be beneficial to mankind in the long run... even at cost of a lot of human lives. He tapped onto it, and slowly turned into a man-eating [[Eldritch Abomination]] that couldn't remember anything except "Want to eat", especially the Azure Grimoire. He still remembered some of his best friends like Litchi, but that 'discovery beneficial to mankind' AKA his original intention? All forgotten.
* Riku goes through this in the first ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' game. He starts out using the darkness because he wants to retrieve Kairi's heart. This eventually takes second place to his jealousy of Sora - after taking the Keyblade, losing the Keyblade and getting his ass kicked, he's willing to open himself completely to the darkness if it means he can be stronger than Sora. [[Grand Theft Me|Big mistake.]]