The Dresden Files/Characters/The Vampires: Difference between revisions

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* [[Always Chaotic Evil]]: Big time. The Black Court usually attack first and ask questions never, though Mavra at least can be more subtle when she needs to be.
** A short story implies this is inherent in their condition, with two security guards brutally and painfully turned being loyal to the woman who killed them only minutes prior.
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: They can induce a couple of levels of this, from an easy-to-reverse charm all the way towards turning the victim into a permanently-unhinged mook.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: Classic undead ones. Black Court [[Mooks]] are basically blood-drinking zombies, while more powerful ones like Mavra are more like Dracula (and Dracula himself is Black Court, though he's never shown up in person).
* [[The Renfield]]: Accepted terminology for their [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] minions.
* [[Vampires Are Sex Gods]]: Thoroughly averted; at best, Blacks are [[Uncanny Valley]]-tastic, and at worst, they're visibly decomposing corpses.
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== '''Red Court''' ==
These vampires are demons who can change themselves into (superficially) human forms; like Blacks, Reds feed on blood, but are less supernatural, meaning that both their powers and [[Weaksauce Weakness|Weaksauce Weaknesses]] are less. Because they masterminded a war between the vampire courts and the wizards, they are some of the most visible villains in the series. {{spoiler|As of ''Changes'', the Red Court is effectively extinct}}.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Moreso than Black, less so than White.
* [[Always Chaotic Evil]]: Unlike Blacks, Reds can at least put on a show of humanity, and are capable of loyalty towards each other, but they're completely consumed by bloodlust and have absolutely no regard for human life, the [[Vampire Refugee|Order of St. Giles]] excepted.
* [[Cannon Fodder]]: The ''esclavos de sangre'', aka "blood slaves." They are Red Court vampires who have given in entirely to their blood thirst, going completely feral and thus are unable to form flesh masks or behave in any civilized manner. They are considered scum by the rest of the Court and are used as disposable troops. By the reckoning of the Red Court, letting the blood slaves get killed in combat is no waste, as they're just a strain on the Court's food supply.
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]: In light of ''Changes'' {{spoiler|the whole Red Court would seem to have been this}}.
* [[Fantastic Drug]]: Their saliva is highly addictive narcotic.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: Most of them spend most of their time in human form, but almost always shift to demonic bat-thing to fight or feed.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: Formerly-human batlike demons who can assume human form, they're burned by sunlight and repelled by sacred objects.
* [[Vampire Refugee]]: The Order of St. Giles are humans who were turned into Red vampires, but never fully gave into vampiric nature- they oppose the Red Court proper wherever they can, and are allies of the White Council. {{spoiler|Harry's girlfriend Susan is one}}.
* [[Vampires Are Sex Gods]]: Deconstructed. They're only ''superficially'' this way, and it takes their narcotic saliva to cement it. When they [[One-Winged Angel|take off their flesh masks,]] to humans they're pure [[Fetish Retardant]].
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]: All Reds (except for those who've been completely consumed by their bloodlust) can assume a human "fleshmask". The most powerful can create fleshmasks with a variety of appearances, rather than just based on what they looked like as humans.
== '''Kukulcan''', the '''Red King''' ==
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* [[A God Am I]]: Views himself as a god, having effectively replaced an Aztec one (see [[Did Not Do the Research]], below).
* [[Bigger Bad]]: Arianna is the primary antagonist in Changes, but Big Red takes over once Harry takes Arianna down.
* [[The Caligula]]: As Harry describes him, he's basically a junkie with blood as his fix, and his behavior can be somewhat erratic as a result. All or part of this may be part of his [[Obfuscating Stupidity]], however- we don't see enough of him to really tell for sure.
* [[Completely Unnecessary Translator]]: He speaks Mayan with Harry during their first meeting but later reveals that he can actually speak perfect English.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: On the character's part. Surviving texts suggest Kukulcan was a pretty benign deity, and his [[Captain Ersatz]] equivalent in the Aztec religion, Quetzalcoatl, refused human sacrifice. When {{spoiler|Susan uses both a veil and ''Amoracchius''' light to protect Maggie, Harry theorizes that the Red King's hesitation and fear may be because he believes that the deity whose name he stole is back and ''pissed'' at the perversion.}}
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* [[Eye Scream]]: During his final battle with Harry {{spoiler|he's beaten when Harry impales his eyes and then sets them on fire}}.
* [[False Reassurance]]: Uses this along with his [[Loophole Abuse]] and [[Completely Unnecessary Translator]] to double cross Harry.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Only vampires of original Mayan ancestry can rise to the highest levels of the Red Court under his rule. He also views all humans in general as cattle.
* {{spoiler|[[Hoist by His Own Petard]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Karmic Death]]}}
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** [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse]]: He's still got more raw power than almost any other villain in the series.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: He's much more on-the-ball than he seems; he plays Harry and Arianna against each other quite well.
** he also demonstrates that he had to have understood Harry before Alamaya actually talked to him; as such he may have been faking entirely.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: looks to be middle aged but is more than 4000 years old
* [[Physical God]]: Roughly on par with ''Odin'', no less. His chief minions, the Lords of Outer Night, are also godlike.
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Wife of Paolo, highly placed in the Red Court, and a sorceress.
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: Loses her final battle with Harry because she was unable to adapt to the artificial handicap placed on both individuals. Harry actually implies that if she had been allowed to use Hand to Hand combat she would have won whether or not he had powers.
* [[Big Bad]]: Of Changes
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: during her first meeting with Harry she pretends to be compassionate telling him she knows exactly how much pain he's feeling (since she had his daughter kidnapped)
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* [[Unholy Matrimony]]
== "The Ik'k'uox" ==
A Mayan devourer demon under the Eeb's command that's used as their heavy-hitter when [[Boring but Practical|normal tactics]] aren't effective. Harry [[The Nicknamer|calls it the Ick]] due to pronunciation problems.
* [[Abnormal Limb Rotation Range]]: Seems to be able to rotate its whole body if necessary
* [[Black Eyes of Evil]]: Its whole body is black but shares its eye color with the Red Court
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* [[The Dreaded]]: Susan has a major freak out in the FBI building after hearing its heartbeat.
* [[Four Legs Good, Two Legs Better]]: Can switch between them if necessary
* [[Game-Breaking Injury]]: Gains one from Mouse,slowing it down enough to be defeated.
* [[Implacable Man]]: Takes Harry dropping a city bus sized stalactite on top it to put it down.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
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* [[Blue Blood]]: Considering that her grandmother's the Red king's daughter she's practically royalty.
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: The reason she hates Thomas and Justine is because Thomas got Justine to be his sex partner instead of one of her whores. Also vamps Susan as a screw you to Harry. {{spoiler|This turns out to be a very bad idea}}.
* [[Lesbian Vampire]]
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]
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== '''White Court''' ==
The most human of the vampires, the White Court feed on emotional energy, rather than blood. White Court vampires are born, not made, and they look like eerily beautiful humans. They're immune to most of the traditional vampire weaknesses, but are literally allergic to the opposite emotion they feed off of. (Lust-Love; Fear-Courage; Despair-Hope). Also notable for their cultural [[Complexity Addiction]] and the fact that {{spoiler|Thomas, Harry's half-brother, is one}}.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Most of them at least try to be this.
* [[Allergic to Love]]: It burns the Raiths, literally.
* [[Always Chaotic Evil]]: Subverted. Thomas proves that, unlike the other Courts, Whites ''can'' resist their darker urges. It's hard, though, and most don't really bother.
* [[The Beautiful Elite]]
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* [[Emotion Bomb]]: They can inspire the emotion they use to feed.
* [[Emotion Eater]]
* [[Fantastic Drug]]: Being fed off of by a Raith (and possibly all Whites) is addictive.
** Their blood can inspire the same emotions that they feed on, as well.
* [[Heroic Host]]: Villainous host, rather. A well fed host has access to [[Super Strength]], [[Super Speed]], and a powerful [[Healing Factor]].
* [[Horny Devils]]: The Raith family feeds on Lust, and have the ability to generate it in their victims.
* [[Horror Hunger]]: Known simply as 'the Hunger'.
* [[Immortality Begins At Twenty]]: Harry remarks that you could mistake the White King for Thomas.
* [[In the Blood]]: White Court vampires reproduce just like humans.
* [[Out with a Bang]]: Victims of the Raiths can die this way if they give too much.
* [[Raised by Humans]]: At least in the Raith family; Lord Raith makes very certain that none of his children know anything about their true nature or the supernatural world at large before they start to turn in late adolescence.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]
* [[The Symbiote]]: The Hunger of a White Court vampire results from a spirit known as a Phage attaching itself to a human. {{spoiler|It's possible to drive the Phage off before the host's first feeding, leaving them fully human.}}
* [[Uh-Oh Eyes]]: White Court Vamp eyes act as a handy barometer for their internal state. Blue eyes are the mark of a well-fed and happy vamp. They get paler as they get hungrier, and the demons get stronger. [[Blank White Eyes|Silver eyes]] mean it's past time to run.
* [[Vampires Are Rich]]: The Raiths have an entire series of mansions. The lesser houses presumably also have substantial fortunes.
* [[Vampires Are Sex Gods]]: Thoroughly straight, especially for the Raith family, who literally ''feed'' on lust.
* [[Vampires Own Nightclubs]]: The Raiths do, at least.
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* [[Kiss of Death]]: Coined the phrase, according to Thomas.
* [[Offing the Offspring]]
* [[Parental Incest]]: How he treats his daughters.
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: He and Thomas appearantly look near-identical.
* [[Thicker Than Water]]: He deliberately instilled this attitude in his family....because it makes them easier to handle.
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* [[Berserk Button]]: If you value your life, don't even consider threatening Justine. After {{spoiler|Shagnasty breaks him and forces him to acknowledge his White Court nature, Justine is the ''only'' thing Thomas really cares about.}}
** For that matter, don't try to hurt Harry either.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: According to Lara, he's extremely loyal to and protective of his siblings, especially Inari {{spoiler|and Harry.}}
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: With Dresden's [[Badass Longcoat|coat]] and [[Sawed-Off Shotgun|shotgun]].
* [[Break the Cutie]]: In addition to getting broken after {{spoiler|he breaks Justine, the naagloshii in ''Turn Coat'' tortures him into at least temporarily stopping his attempt at [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampires]].}}
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* [[The Lancer]]
* {{spoiler|[[Long-Lost Relative]]}}
* [[Mate or Die]]: Thomas deliberately starves himself, since he doesn't want to hurt people.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: A deliberate case, since it was the best way he could come up with to keep women from constantly trying to seduce him.
** So you could say it's Played Straight?
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* [[Significant Birth Date]]: As discussed in ''It's My Birthday Too'', he was born on Valentine's Day.
* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]]: With Justine.
* [[Tell Me About My Father|Tell Me About My Mother]]: It's subtle, but it's there.
* [[Thicker Than Water]]: As Lara says, he'd rather saw off his right arm than see any of his siblings hurt. Even the evil ones.
* [[The Unfavorite]]: His father tries to kill him, like he did the rest of his sons, and his mother abandoned him when he was five to give birth to his brother.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Thomas commonly carries both an old US Cavalry saber and a kurki, and packs either a sawed-off shotgun or a Desert Eagle. {{spoiler|In Changes, he swaps the cavalry saber for a falcata}}.
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* [[Affably Evil]]: She actually calls herself an "affable monster." And then she eats the soul of a wounded security guard.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: She's not as anti as Marcone, but in any conflict with another villain, she's almost always the lesser evil (you've really got to root for her against both her father and the Skinwalker, for example). It's not that she's ''not'' evil, just that really blatant, destructive evil isn't her style, and doesn't suit her purposes.
* [[Badass]]: as demonstrated in ''White Night'' and ''Turn Coat'', Lara Raith is an incredibly dangerous physical combatant when the situation calls for it.
* [[Big Brother Instinct|BigSisterInstinct]]: Is extremely protective of her little brother Thomas, and even baby sister Inari.... in her own twisted way.
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* [[Cool Car]]: In ''Turn Coat'', she loaned Harry a Rolls Royce Silver Wraith. It is so unspeakably awesome that most of the cast spends at least a couple of minutes worshiping at its shrine.
* [[Daddy's Little Villain]]: But considering this is [[Parental Incest|Lord Raith]] [[Squick|we're talking about.....]]
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: And how.
* [[Fan Disservice]]: "I've wanted to do this since we were kids..."
* [[Flash Step]]: When in a ''very'' bad place (like the climax of ''White Night''), she shows she's capable of this.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]
* [[Lesser of Two Evils]]: Usually the reason Harry teams up with her.
* [[More Deadly Than the Male]]: Much more ruthless then Thomas or Harry and willing to end threats to her power in very brutal ways.
** Indeed, Harry wonders if helping her {{spoiler|seize control of her House through her puppet-father}} made the White Court even deadlier than it was under the previous administration.
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* [[The Vamp]]
* [[Verbal Tic]]: When speaking [[Terms of Endangerment|affectionately]] to others, she'll sometimes call them "(title) mine" i.e. calling Harry "wizard mine" or Thomas "brother mine."
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Is normally described as wielding what Harry calls a "wavy-bladed sword" (probably a kris or kalis), or occasionally a rapier accompanied with some type of pistol.
== '''Madrigal Raith''' ==
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* [[Affably Evil]]: Less so than Lara or Papa Raith, but he can be charming, when he tries. That happens rarely, however; he prefers to simply use his vampire mojo.
* [[Anti-Magic]]: He has a pair of enchanted gauntlets that shed magic quite easily. {{spoiler|Doesn't hold a candle to Luccio's work on the silver swords of the Wardens}}.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: Bolts when {{spoiler|the Scarecrow}} shows up after he {{spoiler|kidnaps Harry}}, and later on {{spoiler|he tries to back out of the [[Duel to the Death]] in the Deeps when Harry and Ramirez show up.}}
* [[Emotion Eater]]: Prefers fear, saying it is more satisfying than lust.
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* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Mentioned in passing a couple of times in ''Blood Rites'', along with Madrigal. In ''White Night'', it's mentioned that she is responsible for the one injured thrall on the path to the Raith Deeps. Harry doesn't meet her until ''Turn Coat''.
* [[Emotion Eater]]: Lust. She takes great pleasure in it.
* {{spoiler|[[Out with a Bang]]: Lara drains her dry.}}
* [[Rich Bitch]]
* [[Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense]]: Binder has to explain to her that Harry can't afford to flee town.
* [[Vampires Own Nightclubs]]: She appears at the Raith-owned club 'Zero' to harass Thomas and Harry.
== '''Felicia Raith''' ==
A member of the White Court acting as the contact between Murphy's group and the Court. She tries to get the {{spoiler|two Swords}} in Murphy's possession and [[Pistol-Whipping|gets thoroughly rebuffed]].
* [[Evil Brit]]
* [[The Vamp]]: She's white court, it goes with the territory.
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** As the text only says he "feeds" without further specifics, he may have been dining on their fear while {{spoiler|the super-ghouls}} [[Eaten Alive|ate them alive]].
* [[Knife Nut]]: Specializes in throwing knives. While Harry points out that throwing knives are not terribly great for humans, a being with as much natural strength as Vittorio can chuck them at hundreds of miles per hour.
* [[Super Speed]]: Apparently outclasses both Lara and Thomas in this department.
* [[Quick Draw]]: For both guns and blades
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* [[Allergic to Love]]: Briefly as her powers hadn't kicked in yet.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Sees Lara as this and Lara feels the same way.
* [[Dhampyr]]: Same as with the rest of the Raiths,though her abilities kicked in during her twenties.
* [[Daddy's Girl]]: She seems to adore her father and he seems to be protective of her, though that may only have been becuase she hadn't developed her powers yet and he hadn't needed to establish "[[Parental Incest|dominance]]".
* [[It Got Worse]]: It's impossible not to feel bad for the poor girl,as she gets attacked by Black Court Vamps and gets her arm broken,unconsciously tries feed off Harry and gets burned,shot at by her father's guards and find out her family is made of emotional vampires who've intentionally kept her in the dark her whole life.
* [[Youngest Child Wins]]: Luckily she gets a chance to walk away from all of it.