The End - or Is It?: Difference between revisions

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* [[House of the Dead]]. Both villains are most definitely dead and they're ''still'' making plans.
* ''Limbo of the Lost'' uses these exact words in its ending, showing Fate and Destiny [[Here We Go Again|about to throw down again]] with a new human pawn, [[Sequel Hook|promising a sequel to pick up where the game leaves off]]. Considering how the game itself turned out<ref>completely awful</ref>, a sequel seems unlikely at this point.
* ''[[Metal Gear Solid]] 1'': {{spoiler|Ocelot calling the president about the situation and letting slip that the president is not only involved, but one of the Snakes?}} [[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty|MGS2]]: {{spoiler|Otacon finding out the Patriots ''have all been dead for 100 years?''}} [[Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater|MGS3]]: {{spoiler|That Ocelot has handed the Legacy to the US Government, who he's been working for the whole time?}} [[Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops|MGS: Portable Ops]]: {{spoiler|Ocelot's in on the true forming of the Patriots?}}
* Each of the ''[[Metroid Prime]]'' games had one of these as its [[One Hundred Percent Completion|best ending]]. In the first game, {{spoiler|the end of the credits cuts to the bubbling remains of Metroid Prime, out of which a clawed, eyeballed hand rises, revealing [[Evil Twin|Dark Samus]].}} In the second game, {{spoiler|we see the glowing blue particles of Dark Samus reform in space.}} In the third game, {{spoiler|Samus is followed off by a ship that closely resembles Sylux's ship, the Delano 7 from Metroid Prime Hunters. [[Metroid/WMG|Let the wild speculation begin]]!}}
* The ''[[MOTHER]]'' series LOVES this trope.