The Expendables (franchise)/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: the Somali in the film is legitimate, hilarious Somali.
* [[Classically-Trained Extra]]: Not in the usual sense. General Garza's two bodyguards, who look mind-boggingly similar to one another? Twin [[Useful Notes/Mixed Martial Arts|MMA]] fighters Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and Antonio Rogerio Nogueira, who currently compete in the UFC alongside [[Randy Couture]]. Sadly, they're not seen in any hand-to-hand combat.
* [[Dueling Movies]]: Was released around the same time as the [[The Movie|film]] versions of the ''[[The A-Team (film)|The a Team]]'', ''[[The Losers]]'', and ''[[Red]]'', as all four are very similar on the surface. ''[[Machete]]'' also covers similar ground.
* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Cordelia]] [[Charisma Carpenter|Chase]] is Lee's girlfriend.