The Fairly OddParents/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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== Note: Before posting something, ask yourself "Can this be answered by [[Rule of Funny]]?" If the answer is "Yes," consider whether posting it is a good idea. ==
It Just Bugs Me ([[Fridge Logic]]):
* The [[Halloween Episode]] "Scary Godparents", isn't really odd that while, Mummy!Timmy just looked like a rotten version of himself, while everyone else looked exactly like vampires, superheroes, and frankenstines and nothing like how they usually look? True, this affected Timmy later in the episode, but still...
** Well, a mummy is basically a corpse wrapped in bandages.
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** Most of Timmy's wishes aren't that "world-affecting". The other times, it's easily explained by world-wide memory-wiping, as Timmy does. And when that doesn't work, remember that we are focusing on Tiimmy. As to why he keeps his fairies: He's definitely not the worst kid to have had fairies.
* If fairy godparents are assigned to "miserable kids" to make them happy, then how come there are still millions of miserable children in third world countries or the Middle East who have to suffer horrible traumatic experiences ''everyday''? What the hell, why don't they all have fairies? I mean jeezus, a homeless orphan who's on the brink of starvation with a terminal illness is more deserving for magical fairy guardians than an "average kid that no one understands".
** Maybe [[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents]] universe is different from ours. Maybe the kids there DO have fairies, and as a result, the nations are no longer in poverty, so it's not really a concern.
** That's a difficult question to answer, but I'll try. The response below (someone with no luxuries would not be able to hide them) does give a rather good explanation. I imagine there are other factors; one fanfiction suggested that (in terms of depression at least) there are some people that are so far gone not even a fairy could help them. Also, if you listen to some of the things Jorgen (who is apparently the head of fairy world), it's clear there's some [[Fantastic Racism]] going on; perhaps, he feels the same way about lower class people; human or fairy. Also, just because you're poor doesn't automatically mean that you're miserable. Chester, in the story, is an optimistic person yet he is clearly poor, and he does not have fairies, or at least [[Wild Mass Guessing|as far as we know!]]
** I'm guessing it would be pretty hard to hide the existance of wish-granting fairies in nations with little to no luxuries.
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** One more depressing theory: those children on the brink of starvation and with terminal illnesses, if they got fairies, probably wouldn't have had much longer to live anyways. They could even be beyond the help that the fairies' magic could provide. With all the sadness a fairy would have to deal with when losing a godchild through their death, it may have become forbidden to help these children because it was pretty much a lost cause.
** But you see, all of those explanations really only answers things in a [[Watsonian Versus Doylist|Doylist context]]. What bugs me more than anything else is that like the above stated, the creator seems to completely ignore this fact as it is never brought up anywhere in the series. In addition, it was stated in "It's A Wonderful Life" that Chester (who is slightly lower class) got Cosmo and Wanda, while children in the local orphanage didn't.
*** In this world, santa claus grants wishes to any child in the world once a year (In the christmas episode, many nations where christmas IRL isn't celebrated were represented as well). A single wish from any fairy could solve world food problems and there are dozens of them. This world probably never had a third world in the first place. There are many differences between the real world and the FOP worlds which can only be explained by fairies, this could just be one more.
*** No, a Doylist guess would be "The writer just didn't think about the third world." These are all Watsonian guesses.
*** In one episode, we see the third-world, turnip-obsessed country Ustinkestan, in which 'inside' hasn't been invented yet, and people live in poverty and work in 'turnip mines'. Apparently the fairies there only grant turnip-based wishes.
** [[Once Upon a Time]], everybody was unhappy. Then came along fairies, who helped the people they could, but there were too many humans for them to help everybody. Thus, third world countries could not be helped.
** It doesn't matter. It's a happy kids show. You're acting like not bringing this up is terrible and ignorant of the creator but there's really no reason for him to bring this up. What'd you want him to do, have Timmy randomly ask Cosmo and Wanda if poor kids have fairies? Have Timmy randomly decide to help the poor people of the world? These are cartoons, the worlds don't exist, so it's not like they're actually letting children starve. Bringing up how fairies in a cartoon interact with poor people isn't going to help anyone, and not bringing them up isn't going to hurt anyone.
** Jorgen states that it's rare for kids to ever keep their fairies for over a year due to the difficulty of keeping them a secret. So all the miserable kids in the world ''did'' have fairies...then most of them blew it.
* I can't believe no-one's really mentioned this yet but ... '''What the hell is ''the point'' of the fairy god parents if all the memories of them and all the effects they've had on the kid's life are erased?'''
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* Timmy hadn't been born 10 years ago in The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker, which would make him 9. Later on he says he's 10, which would make sense seing as how he's clearly shown to be in the 5th grade (unless Crocker was 4th grade teacher one year and changed to 5th grade teacher)... and it can't be just that his birthday's near the start of the school year since it's March.
** You're trying to put logic into aging in cartoons? [[Pokémon|Ash Ketchum]] has been ten for at least a decade. And who knows how long it'll be until [[Archie Comics|Archie and the gang]] graduate from Riverdale High?
** Kindly refer to [[Comic Book Time|this page]] for more information.
* Timmy's parents meeting a different way each time it's mentioned. Intentional? Maybe. Confusing? Yes. And then there's the whole nickname thing in Father Time and The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker.
** My opinion: Timmy's shouting out of "DAD!" in "Denzel Crocker" is what started the nickname. And...well, perhaps short-term memory made them forget each other until the day of the race?
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** The male fairy has the babies? It's not just because Timmy wished it instead of a proper "conception," or whatever they do?
** Yeah, he does. Fairly Odd Baby.
* Cosmo states that he was the last fairy baby born at the time (before Poof), although it is fairly obvious that Binky is younger than he is.
** Binky could just ''look'' younger than he is.
* Mama Cosma stated that it was customary for the godchild to throw a baby shower. However, earlier in the story, Cosmo and Wanda explained that the reason they had godchildren was to fill the void of not being able to have biological children.
** Well, fairies have been around for ages. Even though Cosmo was the last baby one, Mama Cosma must remember how things used to go.
*** That's not what the above troper means. Fairies have godchildren because they can't have real children. Mama Cosma says it is traditional for the godchild to throw a party when the fairy has a real child. If they could still have biological children, they would not have godchildren yet. (This troper thinks Mama Cosma was lying to get out of organizing the shower herself.)
**** While a lie isn't above Mama Cosma, I think it's more likely that fairies without children would have a godchild. And then when they get a wife/husband, they still have the void. And when they have their own child, they still must stay with the godchild until the time is up.
**** Just because they can have actual children, doesn't mean they do. Because fairies live forever, they probably can't have a baby whenever they want to prevent overcrowding.
* Poof is revealed to be a boy, but there are eyelashes on Poof's eyes. Since only female characters have eyelashes, Poof should be a girl. This might be the result of designing the character to look "cute" like a baby..
** Exactly, you answered yourself.
* In the episode "Beddy-Bye", when Timmy made a wish that people didn't have to sleep, everybody got really irritable and tired. But if they didn't have to sleep, why would they feel the effects of not having had slept?
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** It was explained in the original script: [ link]. Norm also had influenced the other competitor's choice of songs and seemed a slight bit smarter (though he is a genius already) then in the episode that this troper actually watched on TV. Also, Cosmo's singing part in original ''Fairy Idol'' mostly consisted of him dissing Norm in song, whereas the actual episode had less of that.
* Why didn't Jorgen wipe out Chester's memory when he gave Norm to Timmy?
** It is because Chester did not actually lose Norm, unlike Timmy.
* In "Back to the Norm", why didn't Norm just GONG up in the pizza in the first place instead of arguing with the pizza guy on the phone and then GONGING but anything but it?
** Even Genies need human interaction of some kind. Being trapped in a lamp is pretty annoying, you know.
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* Seems odd that Remy Buxaplenty keeps trying to wish Timmy's Godparents away. Isn't there something in Da' Rules?
** Yeah, but he wasn't trying to wish them away himself with his fairies. He was trying to make Timmy ''lose'' them forever, regardless of method.
* If Norm is smart and [[Genre Savvy]] (like about [[A Simple Plan|Crocker's plans]] and the [[Three Wishes|Three Wish Rule]] and stuff) why does he [[Evil Gloating|monologue]]? Is he addicted to it? Did [[The Powers That Be]] ruin his character or something? Why?
** It's fun. Try it some time.
* Why weren't genies in the Fairly Odd Games? Or the other magical creatures? Deciding what the best magical creatures are is unfair if not all of them are there. Is this the fairies' [[Fantastic Racism]] against them or something? Why didn't they at least ask? Possible reasons:
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* Why is Timmy still after Trixie, even though she's been shown on at least two occasions to be extremely paranoid and [[wikipedia:Histrionic personality disorder#Symptoms|severely histrionic]]? You would think that nearly getting garden-tooled to death for leaving her alone for twenty seconds would be enough to turn a guy off, even with [[Status Quo Is God|Status Quo]]. ''Especially'' since Status Quo agrees that she's flat-out, probably homicidally insane, and it wasn't just a one-episode wish backfire. Yeah, he thinks she's hot, but wouldn't the very things he tried to get rid of her for in at least two episodes be reason not to resume his already (mostly) baseless pursuance of her?
** [[In-Universe]] [[Draco in Leather Pants]]
** This is [[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents]]. In case you haven't noticed, every human character is either insane or has some sort of psychological disorder. Timmy seems to have ADHD and makes completely crazy wishes, [[Aesop Amnesia|never learning anything despite the outrageous consequences.]] [[Abusive Parents|Timmy's parents]] [[Devil in Plain Sight|are completly oblivious to Vicky's cruelty even though she has burst into their house with chainsaws]], suggesting they spend too much time in a fantasy world. Vicky is a sadist and pretty quick tempered. Tootie is probably bipolar and has an [[Stalker with a Crush|unhealthy obsession with a boy that treats her like dirt.]] Veronica seems to think she's Trixie. Chester gleefully eats garbage and has a number of other weird obsessions. AJ...well, he's pretty sane, but he seems to have some [[Mad Scientist]] qualities to him. Crocker speaks for himself. Principal Waxaplax has attacked people over food. Doug Dimmadome seems to be [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|megalomaniacal.]] In short, sanity is overrated in this world.
*** [[Aesop Amnesia|Never learning anything despite the outrageous consequences]] is probably the key phrase.
** How does Status Quo agree with that? Trixie went insane for one episode, when she discovered that [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|everyone she cared about had disappeared]].
** Not to mention she had [[Hidden Depths]]. She kissed him in one episode for choosing his friends over popularity (though she made sure no one saw) and was shown to care for him.
*** And now she's not insane. Status Quo.
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* Why doesn't Tootie have fairy god parents? Timmy himself noted that Vicky spends more time tormenting her since they live together. Shouldn't she be the one in more need of them?
** In the episode "Birthday Wish" it is said that Tootie is twice as miserable as Timmy and can have fairies, but she also tried to give away her secret. Still, C&W never explained Da Rules or tried to stop her the way they did when Timmy almost blabbed in the first episode, so [[Your Mileage May Vary]] on this being a situation explanation.
** A more believable explanation is that she is too happy to have them. Yes, that Birthday episode said she was twice as miserable as Timmy, but that episode, Love Struck, and Boy Toy are the only episodes she acts truly miserable in, and in all three Timmy was just as responsible for her misery as Vicky was. As long as Timmy keeps occasionally doing nice things for her, Tootie stays in a medium where she is just about happy enough to not receive fairies, sort of like Timmy keeping Vicky around to remain miserable enough to keep fairies.
*** Or perhaps SHE was assigned fairy godparents after the episode Birthday Wish, it's just pure speculation but {{spoiler|from the previews of the movie Grow Up Timmy Turner, she seems to interact with Timmy's godfamily}} that would imply that she is perhaps somewhat aware of them, also, {{spoiler|if this is the case, it may have been explained to her that she shouldn't reveal them}}. As for why we never have seen Tootie's godparents, perhaps she's just better at hiding them than Timmy!
* Near the beginning of "Just the Two of Us"... Chester is too poor to afford skates, but he can afford an entire female skating outfit?... Riii''iii''iiight...
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** Plus, real life social services aren't too much better.
** We have repeated episodes that show that his parents do care for and love him. Remy even outright states it as his primary reason for hating Timmy: Timmy has godparents AND real parents that love him while Remy only has Wandissimo who even remotely cares for him. Plus there's Vicky. If you were to talk about the CPS, then Tootie would come before Timmy. But of course Vicky wouldn't allow either.
* Okay, Mark Chang KNOWS about Cosmo and Wanda, so why don't haven't they been taken away?
** General fanon answer: because he's not human. Da Rules only apply is a human sees them.
*** Technically, that's the only reason the [[Nicktoons Unite!]] video games can include Timmy and actually work in canon. [[SpongeBob]] [[Captain Obvious|is a sponge,]] [[Danny Phantom|Danny's]] half ghost, and [[Jimmy Neutron|Jimmy]] is under the guise they're elaborate "computer programs".
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* Why hasn't Timmy lost his fairies because of Crocker? He knows they're his faires and has caught them at least once, so someone knows he has fairies. They should be gone.
** Crocker knows about all fairies, so he's kind of a special case. It's probably on the same reason a kid with fairies doesn't have them taken away when another kid with fairies finds out.
** Crocker needs undeniable proof that Cosmo and Wanda are Timmy's godparents. Even if he saw them doing magic, they wouldn't have to go away as long as he has no proof that they are connected to Timmy.
* Why did Crocker loses his show and the money once the monsters were poofed away?
* As a kid, why would Timmy's parents go by such nicknames as "Dad" and such?
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[[Category:Headscratchers (animation)]]
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