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* [[The Abridged Series]] / [[Real Life Writes the Plot]]: Done on a more serious note in Chapters 13-18, as Wren explains that the extensive plots, details, and diaologue she had mapped out for each "episode" would have taken more hours than she could afford to with other commitments. She mostly makes up for this by summarizing scenes which help set up the parts she DOES write about, and reasons that the parts she has written provide more intimate moments between the characters. Chapter 19 comes out in full once she has more time to devote to the series.
* [[Berserk Button]]: For Zuko, anything that comes between him and [[Parental Substitute|Iroh]]. General How learns this the hard way in "The Trial". Through a bad case of [[Poor Communication Kills]], Zuko believes Iroh's trial for his attack on Ba Sing Se is being rigged ''against'' rather than ''for'' him. Zuko '''flips his shit''', [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|attacks How in a murderous rage]], and is an inch away from ''burning How's neck'' until Kuei steps in and explains the situation.
* [[Conflict Ball]]: Aang drops and picks this up a few times throughout the series. By "The Herbalist", he seems to have suppressed his physical attraction for Katara and his devotion to her whims. After his run-in with Tanha in "The Shallows", though, he seems to have picked up the ball in resentment of Katara and Zuko's growing fondness for one another and [[Green -Eyed Monster|Aang himself being denied that same sort of sentiment with Katara]]. He drops it in "The White Lotus", only to pick it up again in Chapter 14 with Katara pleading with him to use to eclipse to contact Roku, something he'd been explicitly against before. He only decided to do it because it'd be "for her", which means [[Aesop Amnesia|he's gone right back to abiding by Katara's wishes above all else.]]
* [[Deal With the Devil]]: [[Invoked Trope|Invoked]] in "The Shallows" with the malevolent spirit Tanha, "The Thirst Giver", who tempts mortals with their innermost longings, ones people may not be even be fully aware of. The price of accepting her "offer" is that she possesses your body and can only be driven out by destroying the object of desire, which can have disturbing complications ''[[Fridge Horror|if it's a person.]]''
** She tempts Sokka with the notion of having the ability to bend. She thinks he'll be easy to tempt with wanting to be powerful like the others. However, he refuses, asking why she would give someone from the ''[[Making a Splash|Water Tribe]]'' ''[[Playing With Fire|fire]]''bending. Tanha [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] the annoyance of trying to tempt a [[Idiot Hero]] with something as simple as power.
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{{quote| '''Sokka''': "Just that…well…if that had been me in your place…*sigh* I'd have a scar too."}}
{{quote| Zuko glanced at the other boy uncertainly, but as their eyes met, he could see quite plainly that Sokka meant what he said. A strange sensation came over Zuko that was not unlike what he felt earlier that day when the water tribe boy had so casually referred to himself as Zuko's friend. [[Fire -Forged Friends|And in that instant, a rare bond was forged between them that neither would ever be able to fully describe, only accept as fact.]]}}
* [[Hurting Hero]] / [[Iron Woobie]]: Zuko, '''full stop.'''
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: Zig-zagged. Zuko fears that if his feelings for Katara, [[Will They or Won't They?|reciprocated or not]], came out into the open, it would cause Aang to lock off his crown chakra for good, rendering him unable to ever enter the Avatar State and fix the Avatar cycle. Because of this, he keeps them hidden and subtle when Aang's around, but reveals them little by little whenever he and Katara are alone, which actually happens a lot.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: In "The Solstice Festival", Azula and co. drop off a flyer that supposedly releases Mai and her father from [[Arranged Marriage|"previous obligations"]] to the Fire Lord concerning Zuko, who goes into a [[Heroic BSOD]] after reading it. Then we find out the flyer is offering a bounty on Zuko...''for his severed head.'' [[It Gets Worse|And that wasn't the worst part.]] The flyer referred to him as ''just'' "Zuko", not "Prince Zuko." This, along with Iroh's explanation that royals were executed with honor and even given a trial, drives the real pained statement home: ''Ozai disowned Zuko as his son.''
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: In 17:2, "Learn as You Go", [[Breather Episode|the Gaang has splash wars in the temple pool, Toph learns how to swim, and they laze in the sun discussing favorite foods.]] How does 17:3, "Division of Loyalty", start out? Aang and Appa in chains, Toph and Ty Lee are wounded, Sokka's in hiding, and Zuko and Katara are supposedly ''dead.'' That's as big a mood changer as you can get.