The First Wives Club/YMMV

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  • Unfortunate Implications: There isn't a single young woman in this movie who isn't portrayed as a gold-digging, airheaded tramp, fully deserving of the verbal abuse that is constantly hurled at them, which is of course, played for laughs and/or seen as perfectly acceptable. About the only younger woman given any intelligence is Annie's therapist, and even then, she's still a rotten person--extremely unethical and manipulative: she's been having an affair with the husband of her patient while all the time having considerable sway over Annie.
    • Curious that Annie never took revenge on her therapist, considering all she would have to do is report her and subsequently ruin her career.
    • Additionally, the four men are made to be the villains in the divorce proceedings, even though NONE of them are pulling the stunts that the wives are. This film may been seen as approaching Lifetime Movie of the Week-levels of "women as victims/heroines and men as villains."