The Hebrew Hammer: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.TheHebrewHammer 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.TheHebrewHammer, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* [[All Jews Are Ashkenazi|All Jews are American Ashkenazim]]. Of course, an Israeli Hammer would have played to stereotypes known to fewer people (as well as [[Badass Israeli|doing the job too quickly for a feature-length film]]), and non-American non-Israeli Jews really don't have any stereotypes that stay out of [[Unfortunate Implications]] territory.
* [[All Jews Are Cheapskates]]: Hammer falls for a trap set off by this trope.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Carver is not heroic because he wants to be.
* [[Bad Santa]]: Saint Nick the Nasty in the prologue, and ''Andy Dick'' in the main plot.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]
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* [[Cameo]]: Melvin van Peebles appears as his title character in the almost-Blaxplotation classic ''[[Sweet Sweetbacks Baadasssss Song|Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song]]''.
* [[Cool Car]]: The Hammermobile has a sweet blue-and-white color scheme (based on the flag of Israel) and is decked out with the Star of David.
* [[DaddysDaddy's Girl]]
* [[Doting Parent]]: Mrs. Carver, stereotypically so.
* [[Dramatic Gun Cock]]: [[Overly Long Gag|Drawn out to an obscene length]] when [[Extended Disarming|the entire Kwanzaa Liberation Front draws and cocks their weapons]] when Carver enters their building.
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* [[Film Noir]]: The scene where Esther meets Carver in his office starts as a straight example, and then devolves into parody.
* [[Geeky Turn On]]: Jews evidently love it when you plan out your life, down to your two-point-five children who will, of course, go to [[Ivy League]] schools.
{{quote| I want to have children with you. I want to get a good paying, stable job. I want to move to Long Island somewhere, someplace nice, fancy but not fancy shmancy. I want our children to go to private schools and take music lessons, maybe Abraham will go to Stanford. Sarah will go to an Ivy League, maybe Vassar. And afterward they will decide for themselves if they want to continue their religious studies in Israel because we will have practiced a highly effective assertive democratic style of child rearing, sprinkled with a healthy dose of liberalism. On a daily basis, I want you to tell me what to do, where to do it, and how I should live my [[Precision F -Strike|fucking]] life}}
* [[Going By the Matchbook]]: The black elf gives Carver a matchbook from Duke's, telling him that's where Santa will be. {{spoiler|Of course, Duke's is actually a Neonazi skinhead bar...}}
* [[Guns Akimbo]]: With ''shotguns''.
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* [[Most Definitely Not a Villain|Most Definitely Not A Jew]]: The scene where Carver and Esther pretend to be gentiles to get close to Santa.
* [[Noisy Guns]]: the Kwanzaa Liberation Front has some ''very'' noisy guns.
* [[N -Word Privileges]]: Mordechai & Rahim's first onscreen meeting:
{{quote| '''Mordechai''': How's it goin, my nigga?<br />
'''Rahiam''': How's it goin, my kike? }}
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{{quote| '''Accountant''': You just called him a kike...and you just called him a nigger.<br />
'''Rahim''': It's OK when ''we'' calls each other that. }}
* [[Passive -Aggressive Kombat]]: The ''other'' part of the ultimate Jewish weapon.
* [[Perma Stubble]]
* [[Phrase Catcher]]: Remember, the fate of Hanukkah is resting on your shoulders.
* [[Pimp Duds]]: The Hammer's usual clothes. And even Damien Claus wears a fur coat with his Santa hat when he's in full evil mode.
* [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]: Damien.
* [[Precision F -Strike]]: "Shabbat Shalom, motherfuckers!"
** When Adam Goldberg was first given the script, he opened to a random page, saw the line, and immediately agreed to do the film.
* [[Pretty in Mink]]: A dame in a fur coat shows up at Hammer's office, but he tells her she wants [[Mike Hammer]].
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* [[Underground Railroad]]: A rare literal example.
* [[Unflinching Walk]]: After the fight at Duke's.
* [[Wig, Dress, Accent]]: Carver and Esther disguise themselves as gentiles to get close to Santa at a public appearance.