The Heroes of Olympus/Heartwarming

  • Jason meeting up with Thalia, his sister after they'd been separated for years. Bittersweet, though, in that he also finds out some pretty hard things about their mom.
  • Percy telling Frank he's proud to be related to him and later, Tyson calling Frank "brother" and Percy going along with it.
  • Frank entrusting his lifeline stick to Hazel.
  • Grandmother Zhang telling Frank that she's proud of him.
  • YMMV, but basically anytime Nico was being a big brother to Hazel.
  • Annabeth was hit pretty hard by Percy's disappearance, especially so soon after they'd finally gotten together. Piper being so sure that she and Jason were boyfriend and girlfriend probably didn't help. Then, mere pages into Son of Neptune, we find out that Annabeth was the only thing Percy remembered.
    • Percy giving up the Curse of Achilles, and the chance for a long, peaceful, safe life for the chance to find Annabeth.
    • Heck, any time Percy mentions Annabeth is undeniably heartwarming!
    • Percy wanting to protect New Rome partly because he wanted a life for him and Annabeth there.
  • Hazel recalling the best day of her life.
  • Percy's reaction to the arrival of the Argo II at the end of Son of Neptune.

Come on. Let me introduce you to my other family.