The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction: Difference between revisions

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No sequel was ever announced, but here's hoping. The closest gamers may get is ''[[Prototype (Video Game)|Prototype]],'' made by the same development company with many identical gameplay features carrying over. The 2009 ''Incredible Hulk'' game made to tie in with the movie being released at the time may also be considered an attempt at a sequel to this game, but most consider it a pale imitation.
=== This game provides examples of: ===
* [[Adaptation Distillation]]: Unlike the previous game, this one takes advantage of the various comic book continuities.
* [[The Alcatraz]]: The Vault, specifically designed to hold mutant and gamma powered prisoners, such as yourself.
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* [[Enemy Chatter]]: ''Tons.'' They'll talk about everything they're doing and everything ''you're'' doing. Blast away in a direction and they'll remark on that. Grab a weapon and they'll warn each other that Hulk is even more dangerous now.
* [[Escort Mission]]: There are quite a few, but most of them are not annoying due to the fact the military targets YOU, not the person/thing you are escorting.
* [[Everythings Better With Cows|Everything's Better With Cows]]: Not only can you smash your enemies with the various cattle roaming the badlands, but they're the only things in the game that don't eventually break from doing so, meaning you can conceivably go on a rampage using a single cow and nothing else.
** The appropriately named [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|"Cheese Gun" cheatcode]] that changes all missiles into cows. Suddenly an army of tanks is shooting a barrage of cows at you from a distance. ''[[Crazy Awesome|Homing cows.]]''
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: The Abomination.
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* [[For Massive Damage]]: Certain moves are more effective against certain types of enemies; ground smash and shockwave work well against tanks, while the sonic clap defeats helicopters easily. Headbutts and the spear throw move work extremely well on Hulkbusters (the ones that are around Hulk's size, anyway). Hulk also has access to "critical" moves whenever he reaches critical mass.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Blonsky hates Gamma mutants so much because {{spoiler|the research he and his wife did into the subject ended up turning her into one. His motives are essentially the same as [[Batman the Animated Series|Mr. Freeze]].}}
* [[GodwinsGodwin's Law]]: Comes out of absolutely nowhere in one of the Blonsky File discussions.
{{quote| '''Samson''': Well, Blonsky's certainly convinced himself of his good intentions.<br />
'''Bruce''': Yeah, well, so did [[Adolf Hitler]]. }}
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* [[Mirror Boss]]: Most of the Abomination fights. Even when he's {{spoiler|''bigger than the Hulk''}}, he still uses similar, or even the same, attacks. It's no wonder [[And Your Reward Is Clothes|he's one of the unlockable costumes]].
* [[New Game Plus]]: You can play through the story again, but with all of your costumes and upgrades.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: It isn't a good idea to follow Samson's, {{spoiler|or should I say Devil Hulk's}}, orders into destroying Division buildings when in fact {{spoiler|there's innocent people}}.
* [[Not So Different]]: Really, the only significant difference between the Abomination and the Hulk is that Blonsky gave in to the power, while Bruce didn't.
* [[The Problem With Licensed Games]]: Not just averted, but smashed to pieces by the game's outstanding combat engine, entertaining story, and a design team that knew their source material and weren't afraid to make use of it. Many critics said that the game actually succeeded in making them feel like the Hulk.
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** You can unlock several behind the scenes movies before certain plot points and boss fights. If you are one of those guys who watch these instantly when unlocked several spoil certain cutscenes like {{spoiler|Mercy's death and the Defeat of Abomination.}}
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: ''Literally'' unstoppable, since the Hulk is so powerful that he ''overloads a machine designed to use his own strength against him''.
* [[VideogameVideo Game Caring Potential]]: The Hulk can safely put down civilians with a friendly pat on the head.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: Never before has the Hulk's potential for collateral damage been so fully realized in a video game. Just about anything you see can be smashed in a variety of entertaining ways. You can punt cars, swing a street lamp like a golf club to send soldiers flying, beat your enemies with [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Cows|invincible cows]], and even ''surf through traffic on a flattened bus''. It's not even possible to pretend that isn't awesome.
* [[Wanted Meter]]: The threat meter determines how many enemies you face in free roaming mode. Get it all the way up and a strike team is sent to hunt you down. They don't know what they're getting themselves into.
* [[Wearing a Flag On Your Head|Wearing a Flag on Your Legs]]: Several of the unlockable costumes are just pants with various country's flags on them. For some reason.
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