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I have a related theory based on a reread of the first book: '''Denna is not Denna.''' I noticed that her introduction didn't make sense, and I realized why: in the interlude Kvothe makes a big speech about not knowing how to describe how he met her -- except he already had met her, a year ago, traveling with the caravan. At first I thought that Rothfuss was being tricky and that the unnamed "her" actually referred to Devi or Auri, but Kvothe's wording is quite specific: he met "her," for the very first time, across the river, at the Eolian. Kvothe then has trouble describing her, despite the fact that he'd already described Denna back at the caravan. It's all carefully arranged to contradict itself, and the only way it makes sense is if the Denna from the Eolian onwards is a completely different person than the Denna Kvothe met at the caravan.
{{quote| "I remember your name, Denna." It sounded good to say it to her. "Why did you take a new one? Or was Denna just the name you were wearing on the road to Anilin?"<br />
"Denna," she said softly. "I'd almost forgotten her. She was a silly girl."<br />
"She was like a flower unfolding."<br />
"I stopped being Denna years ago, it seems." She rubbed her bare arms and looked around as if she was suddenly uneasy that someone might find us here. }}
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**** Depending on the definition of "true son of the blood" and depending again on how the other family trees really fared there might be a lot more of them. To me most of them having "spiraled into obscurity" sounds like genealogy-talk for [[Put on a Bus]]. I might almost be able to convince myself, that Devan "the Chronicler" Lochees is part of one of those families, almost. Though I have no plausible idea as to how that might make an interesting story.
* Let us also not forget the song that Kvothe's father wrote (that ended up with him sleeping under a wagon). Stands to reason her issue with it wasn't really the rhythm, but something a bit more telling...
{{quote| "Dark Laurian, Arliden's wife,<br />
Has a face like a blade of a knife<br />
Has a voice like a prickledown burr<br />
But can tally a sum like a moneylender.<br />
My sweet Tally cannot cook.<br />
But she keeps a tidy ledger-book<br />
For all her faults I do confess<br />
It's worth my life<br />
To make my wife<br />
Not tally a lot less..."<br />
<br />
Not tally a lot less<br />
Netalia Lockless }}
** Seems totally in keeping with his fathers sense of humor. I like it.
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* I think this is pretty telling:
{{quote| I walked the Lady Lackless to the table and held out her chair. I had avoided looking in her direction as we walked the length of the room, but as I helped her into her seat, her profile struck me with such a strong resemblance that I couldn’t help but stare. '''I knew her, I was certain of it. But I couldn’t for the life of me remember where we might have met...'''}}
== Ambrose is the king Kvothe kills ==
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* Kvothe was told the Maer was close to the Amyr without realizing it. It's possible Bredon is an Amyr, thus being the link, and would also explain his knowledge as well as his interest in and tutelage of Denna
* When Bredon is first introduced, Kvothe describes him:
{{quote| Bredon was older. Not elderly by any means, but what I consider grandfather old. His colors weren’t colors at all, merely '''ash''' grey and a dark charcoal. His hair and beard were pure white, and all cut to the same length, making a frame for his face. As he sat there, peering at me with his lively brown eyes, he reminded me of an owl}}
His colors are ash and grey