The Last Airbender/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** X, there is Y under your feet! Why don't you fight?
** {{smallcaps|X scene was cut from the movie because it was too "distracting".}}
** [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?|It really hurt!]]
* [[Mis Blamed]]: Everyone still insists that M. Night is completely at fault with the movie's short comings when [[Executive Meddling]] forced him to cut 25 minutes from the movie due to being too cheap to pay for 3D effects.
** Though the blame has been shifted back to M. Night after the deleted scenes were revealed to be...less than stellar, potentially worse than what got left in. People blaming M. Night now also say that the studio only cut it down to its short runtime because the longer version was worse.
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** What makes this even sadder is that [[Industrial Light and Magic]] were the ones behind the special effects. You know, the guys that did ''[[Star Wars]]'', ''[[Transformers (Film)|Transformers]]'', ''[[The Terminator|Terminator 2]]'' and ''[[Jurassic Park]]''?
* [[Tainted By the Preview]]: Part of the fanbase of the [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|source cartoon]] already declared the movie a lost cause before the first trailers came out. [[M Night Shyamalan]] did not prove them wrong.
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]: Long before the movie was anything more than a casting list and a few trailers, fans were complaining about changes to the source material. One of the biggest examples from the movie once it finally came out was the pronunciation changes, which Shyamalan deliberately included to make the character names sound closer to their "correct" Asian pronunciations than the Americanized pronunciations from the cartoon. Fans were not pleased.
** And they weren't pleased because A. "Ah-vatar" doesn't exist because Sanskrit (the language that the word Avatar comes from) doesn't have a stressed "Ah" sound in it and B. the changes in pronunciation were arbitrary and downright stupid (where in the bloody hell do you get "Ki" from the word "Kai"?)
*** Not to mention that the names Aang, Katara, and Sokka were ''made up'' by the creators. When they found out Katara was an authentic Inuit name, they were surprised. Aang and Sokka don't ''have'' "proper" Asian pronunciations. Besides, [[Fridge Logic|why would you care how Asian the names are]] [[Race Lift|and not care how Asian the characters are?]] Insisting on "real" Asian pronunciations is stupid and pointless when you cast white actors.
* [[They Just Didn't Care]]: Take a good, hard look at the [[Race Lift|unnecessary changes]], the [[Compressed Adaptation|nonsensical adaptation]] of the first season, and the downright stupid direction Shyamalan brought the film in. Needless to say, [[Stillborn Franchise|it'll probably be nothing short of a miracle that a sequel would even be greenlit,]] much less with Shyamalan still attached.
* [[Took the Bad Film Seriously]]: Shaun Toub and Dev Petel, though at least the latter was somewhat close to the original character portrayal.
* [[Uncanny Valley]]: Appa's face in the movie, from what's been seen in the trailers and [[Merchandise -Driven|tie-in toys]]. Samples [ here].
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: [[media:castingchars.jpg|This]] explains most of the commotion. See: [[Unfortunate Implications/Film|Unfortunate Implications: Film]].
** [[Fan Nickname|Racebending]], as horrible as it was, seemed to drown out the heavy sexist tone in the film, too.
* [[What an Idiot!]]: Here's an interesting bit of trivia: Nickelodeon was apparently so confident in Shyamalan, [[Protection From Editors|that they gave him full creative control over the film,]] while giving the creators of the TV show none to speak of. Needless to say, it didn't pan out very well. It's like none of them had even ''heard'' of the guy and his career.
* [[WTH Casting Agency]]: [[The Daily Show|Aasif Mandvi]] as Zhao?
** White kids Nicola Peltz, Jackson Rathbone, and Noah Ringer as the dark-skinned, Inuit-based Katara and Sokka and the Tibetan based Aang. [[Unfortunate Implications|Surrounded by Asian extras and fighting dark-skinned bad guys.]]