The Leet World: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Ahmad, particularly after HAX. Sometimes Player, {{spoiler|[[Artificial Human|although he has an excuse...]]}}
* [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]: Somewhat bizarrely, {{spoiler|just as Player's self-destruct goes off.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|Dr Sung: "How did you override the termination code?"}}<br />
{{spoiler|Player: I LEARNED FATHER.}}<br />
{{spoiler|Dr Sung: "So you have, my boy." [proud smile] "So you have."}} }}
* [[Death Is a Slap on The Wrist]]: Within the context of the challenges, getting killed means waiting in the Death Room until you respawn. {{spoiler|Though it turns out that [[Death Is Cheap]] in the series as a whole.}}
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* [[I'm Not Here to Make Friends]], [[This Is a Competition]]: Various characters, especially Cortez in the first half of season one and Westheimer in the second half.
* [[Insult Backfire]]: In Season 1 Episode 2
{{quote| '''Ellis:''' I believe that Montrose, here, is the only one who wears [[Real Men Wear Pink|panties]]?<br />
'''Montrose:''' Oh, you mean the ones I got from your dad?<br />
'''Ellis:''' Oh, ye-well what a...bout...son of a bitch!<br />
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* [[Precision F-Strike]]: {{spoiler|The producer's last words are a deadpan "Well, shit."}}
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]: {{spoiler|Player's answer to Chet's question in the death room}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Chet''': Who are these guys?"}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Player''': Practice.}} }}
* [[Punctuated Pounding]]: Ahmad punctuates his pounding of {{spoiler|Asher}} with shotgun blasts.
{{quote| '''Ahmad''': "YOU!" *BANG* "LEAVE!" *BANG* "MY!" *BANG* "FRIENDS!" *BANG* "ALONE!" *BANG*}}
* [[Ratings Stunt]]: Or, the Producer's excuse for the ramped-up challenges in Season 2.
* [[Reality TV Show Mansion]]: The Leet World House, although it is far from extravagant.
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* [[Running Gag]]: Many, including Leeroy's 'online social life,' Player's ass, and the ski-masked Ochos Muertos continually getting their names mixed up between them.
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Player and Chet to the Producer in the season 2 finale.
{{quote| '''Chet:''' End of the line, Prod! Call off the attack on the House!<br />
'''Producer:''' Oh, but we're just getting started. You see, Dr. Sung and I--<br />
'''Player:''' [[Leet Lingo|OMG STFU!!]]<br />
'''Producer:''' Well, Player, I--<br />
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'''Chet:''' Oh, for fuck's sake, just kill him, brah!" }}
* [[Son of a Whore]]: Westheimer's mother was a dear, but she was also kind of a slut. Referenced in the second season by Cortez.
{{quote| '''Cortez:''' "I know that your mother would not like that her son is as much a whore as she was."}}
* [[Sound Effect Bleep]]: Most swear words are bleeped out. Played with when a furious Ellis "starts inventing new ways to swear."
{{quote| '''Ellis''': "Those CTs have crossed the line! Next time I see one of those BLEEPs I'm gonna BLEEP the BLEEP out of their rat-BLEEPing hides with a BLEEP that's BLEEP 200 feet long!"}}
* [[Sunglasses At Night]]: Why doesn't Cortez take his sunglasses off during a night fight in the rain?
{{quote| '''Cortez''': "Ah, noobito, you forget: I do not need my eyes to kill a man."}}
* [[Talking to Himself]]: Eddie voices [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Cortez]], [[Team Dad|Westheimer]], [[Camp Gay|Montrose]] and [[Mysterious Mercenary Pursuer|the Domination Guy]]. Daniel voices both Chet and [[The Chessmaster|the Producer]].
* [[The Chessmaster]]: The Producer.
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* [[Verbal Tic]]: Cortez and his apparent obsession with ''buuuurros''.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Ellis and Montrose in the latter part of the first season and in the second, very much Type II. Particularly during the series finale, plus right after Montrose insinuates that Ellis likes farm animals and Ellis threatens to pee in his bed:
{{quote| '''Westheimer''': Why are you guys teaming up on me? Don't you hate each other?<br />
'''Ellis''': Uh, ''yeah''. Loser. Let's get out of here, Montrose.<br />
'''Montrose''': Later, beeyotch. }}
* [[Wham! Episode]]: Episode 2.7, and then again shortly afterwards with episode 2.10.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Westheimer and Cortez, albeit begrudgingly; the Domination Guy and Cortez; and, oddly enough, [[Ax Crazy|Mendoza]] to Westheimer.
{{quote| '''Westheimer:''' If anything happens to my soldiers I'm gonna come after you myself, challenge be damned.<br />
'''Mendoza:''' I would hope for nothing less. }}
* [[Your Mom]]: Played with, Montrose responds with an insult with Your Dad. And it was actually good, so he followed up with a remark that became his [[Catch Phrase]].