The Legend of Korra/Characters/The Equalists: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ambiguously Evil]]: It's ''still'' not clear just how villainous Amon is. We know so little about him that he could end up being anything from an [[Anti-Villain]] to a [[Complete Monster]]. It's undeniable, that he's certainly sinister. Whether [[Dark Is Evil]] or [[Dark Is Not Evil|Dark Is Misguided, Not Evil]] is yet to be seen.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains|Type]] [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|III]]. Wanting equality and to help lower class citizens isn't bad... but doing so by trying to eradicate bending is extreme. Also, as of "And The Winner Is", so far Amon has only {{spoiler|[[De -Power|removed bending from]]}} benders who intentionally hurt others with their abilities... but his rhetoric suggests that he's just building up steam (and probably support) and is planning to eradicate bending worldwide. He has also told Korra to her face (while his men held her down) that the only reason she still has her bending is that he is saving her for later.
** For all purposes, he does appear to have a moral code. It's just that he is pragmatic enough to take more amoral or even outright immoral actions to see his plans come to fruition.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]
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** White is the color of death in Asian cultures, which fits well with the symbolism often attributed to the [[White Mask of Doom]]. Red and gold are generally considered positive colors in Chinese culture, making their use [[Light Is Not Good|ironic]] in this case.
** The gold on his mask can also be seen as green. Another [ analysis] through that lens holds that the white symbolizes cunning, treachery, and craftiness, the green is violence and lack of self-restraint, and the red dot is both spirituality and the mocking of it.
* [[Hero -Killer]]: Spiritually if not literally. {{spoiler|Anyone he can lay his hands on is effectively neutralized since they can no longer bend. His first confrontation with Korra also implies that he plans to kill her after taking away her bending, though that may have been poor use of the phrase "untimely demise" as a metaphor.}}
* [[Holy Hand Grenade]]: Claims that {{spoiler|his ability to remove bending is divine in origin. If it is energybending, it most certainly fits this trope.}}
* [[I Am the Noun]]: When confronting {{spoiler|Tarrlok}}.
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* [[Gas Mask Mooks]]: Since they use gas grenades, this is a necessary aspect of their outfit.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Electrocuting Shiro Shinobi, the announcer, who is a non-bender and wasn't fighting back.
* [[Kung Fu-Proof Mook]]: The Equalists' [[Mini -Mecha]] are made from platinum, metal so pure metalbenders are incapable of manipulating it.
* [[Mage Killer]]: Their combat training specifically targets benders.
* [[Mini -Mecha]]: Their platinum mech-tanks.
* [[Ninja]]
* [[The Paralyzer]]: Their blows cause temporary (and apparently painful) paralysis in addition to serving as a...