The Legend of Korra/Recap/B1/E02 A Leaf in the Wind: Difference between revisions

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The second episode of the series ''[[The Legend of Korra]]''.
Now officially situated on Air Temple Island, Korra is engrossed reading about the Pro-Bending matches going on in Republic City. Excited about it, she tries to convince [[The Mentor|Tenzin]] that it would be fun to go see one, only for Tenzin to tell her that the sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending in all its forms; to which Korra attempts to persuade him to let her go see one because she has dreamed of seeing a Pro-Bending match for years. Tenzin refuses, and insists that she must only remain on the Island.
And so Tenzin and Korra begin their airbending training. Korra [[Epic Fail|does horribly]]. Korra accuses Tenzin of being a bad teacher in a fit of anger. Korra then sneaks out to watch the pro-benders.
Arriving at the Pro-Bending Arena, Korra is quickly caught sneaking around by Toza, the arena's caretaker and ex-pro-bender. An argument begins, only for a young man in pro-bending attire to arrive and vouch for Korra. He introduces himself as Bolin, earthbending member of the Fire Ferrets, and invites her to watch the upcoming match at their private lockers. Bolin then shows Korra to the other members of his team: his older brother, the brooding firebender Mako, and their waterbender Hasook. Korra watches with amazement as all three, Mako in particular, win the match. Mako scolds his brother for bringing fangirls in. After the match, Korra and Bolin discuss her learning a few moves, and Mako realizes that the fangirl he was so short with previously is the Avatar.
Meanwhile, at Air Temple Island, Korra is still doing poorly in airbending. Most of her attention is still at the pro-benders, such as when Mako and Bolin show her the basics of pro-bending during their practice session. Korra sneaks off Air Temple Island again to see the Fire Ferrets' next match. Tenzin, eating dinner with his family, curses Korra's sudden impulsive disappearance.
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=== Tropes in this episode: ===
* [[Big Beautiful Man]]: Bolin.
* [[Bratty Teenage Daughter]]: Tenzin expresses frustration with Korra, now his live-in student. After his daughters witness a particularly bad bout where Korra insults Tenzin's teaching skills, Tenzin tries to avoid the inevitable.
{{quote|'''Tenzin:''' You ''must'' promise me your teenage years won't be like this!
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* [[Chekhov's News]]: Korra hears of up-and-coming pro-bending team the Fire Ferrets and star player Mako via a live radio broadcast.
* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: The spiral dodging movements and footwork Jinora demonstrates and Korra struggles to master.
* [[Color-Coded Elements]]: Pro-bending teams identify which element each team member bends with by their color-coded belts and helmets.
* [[Continuity Nod]]:
** When Korra tells Toza she got lost looking for the bathroom, he scoffs at the old [[Avatar: The Last Airbender/Recap/Book 1/01 The Boy in The Iceberg/Recap|"I have to pee"]] excuse.
** Korra's not the first Avatar to have trouble sitting still during meditation. In the ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' web game in between seasons 2 and 3, we see that Avatar Roku had similar problems.
* [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]]: Korra accidentally earthbends when she becomes frustrated during her first pro-bending match despite assuring Bolin just prior that she would only waterbend to stay within the rules.
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* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: Bolin is first shown in-series in the background of an argument between Korra and Toza; at first he's [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight|just passing through]], [[Crowning Moment of Funny|then]] [[Hot Amazon|double-takes at Korra]], [[The Charmer|slicks back his hair]], and [[Dulcinea Effect|struts forward to help her out.]]
* [[Exact Words]]: Tenzin tells Korra she cannot watch a pro-bending match. When he catches her enjoying one on the radio, she points out that he never said she cannot ''listen'' to one. Tenzin, of course, points out that it's a violation of the spirit of the order, if not the letter.
* [[Face Palm]]: Mako does this when Korra makes her first mistake as their team's replacement player in the game breaking pro-bending match.
* [[Fan Girl]]: Apparently, Bolin has a ''ton'' of them.
** One of them can even be heard screaming very loudly "I love you Bolin!"
* [[Fictional Sport]]: We see here the introduction to pro-bending.
* [[Flexible Tourney Rules]]: Averted; Korra makes two fouls in about as many seconds in her first match, since no one bothered to explain the rules to her. And although [[Aint No Rule|technically there's no rule that says the Avatar can't compete]], they do restrict her to only waterbending.
* [[Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling]]: Mako and Bolin have shades of this. Mako is a tightly controlled young man focused on winning the pro-bending prize money to keep himself and his little brother from going back on the streets, while Bolin is more of an easygoing type with a sense of humor and [[The Charmer|a way with the ladies.]]
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* [[Funny Background Event]]/[[Meaningful Background Event]]: Bolin's first scene. May be one of the best [[Establishing Character Moment|character introductions]] ever.
** Might be a running gag between the brothers. After Korra reveals that she can bend earth, water, ''and'' fire, Mako reacts in silent amazement before saying, "You're the Avatar, and I'm an idiot."
* [[Held Gaze]]: Between Korra and Mako at the end after they have won the match.
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]]: Korra briefly tries to airbend by actually shouting "[[Calling Your Attacks|Airbend]]!"
* [[Instant Win Condition]]: In pro-bending, regardless of how the rounds end, if the entire team falls off in a single round they lose the whole match.
* [[Little Miss Snarker]]: Jinora. See the [[Bratty Teenage Daughter]] exchange.
* [[Mistaken for Racist]]: Before he learns she is the Avatar, Bolin offers to teach Korra some tricks, with the caveat that he is not sure how well his knowledge of earthbending will translate to her waterbending. When Korra responds that she can earthbend, Bolin freezes up before immediately backpedaling; stumbling through an apology about not meaning to assume things about her by the way she looks. The whole bit is played as if Bolin made an embarrassing social ''faux pas'' about Korra's nationality.
* [[Not Bad]]: Mako quotes this when Korra follows Bolin's pro-bending advice successfully. He was sincere, but his lack of [[The Stoic|exuberance]] and the neutral sound of the compliment had Korra think she was being [[Damned By Faint Praise]]. He's more charitable later, when she helps his team win.
* [[Not So Above It All]]/[[Not So Stoic]]: After complaining about how disgraceful and frivilous Pro-Bending is for the entire episode, Tenzin can't help but cheer when Korra wins a match. He quickly tries to pretend it never happened.
** Somewhat similarly, the very fact that apparently the Order of the White Lotus guards are Pro-Bending fans.
* [[Offscreen Teleportation]]: Special points to Tenzin in "A Leaf in the Wind" for somehow making it from Air Temple Island to the Pro Bending Ring in the 30 seconds between the match resuming and Korra getting knocked into the pool below.
** He's an airbending master, and the arena is just a few kilometers away. He could probably fly there himself with fair ease.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Tenzin's face shows this trope perfectly when he overhears the White Lotus listening to the radio and learns that Korra is playing in the pro-bending playoff.
* [[Retcon]]: The episode "[[Avatar: The Last Airbender/Recap/Book 2/09 Bitter Work/Recap|Bitter Work]]" of the original show very, very heavily implies that Avatars have the most difficulty with learning to bend the element which is the [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors|opposite]] of their home nation. Aang, as a native Airbender, had the most trouble with earth. This is later confirmed in [[Avatar: The Last Airbender/Recap/Book 3/06 The Avatar and Thethe Fire Lord/Recap|a later episode]] when Avatar Roku, a fire nation native, states that water was the most difficult of the elements for him. During this episode, Tenzin instead explicitly states that it's whatever element is most opposite the Avatar's personality.
* [[Ship Tease]]: Bolin is obviously smitten with Korra and tries to impress her when he meets her, and there's the [[Held Gaze]] that Korra and Mako share after the match and they are (finally) on somewhat friendlier terms with each other than they were previously.
* [[Shy Finger-Twiddling]]: Bolin does this in reaction to Korra's poor performance at the same time his brother [[Face Palm|Facepalms]].
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: Mako and Bolin.
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* [[Try Not to Die]]:
{{quote|'''Mako:''' ''(to Korra)'' Don't do anything too fancy or aggressive... in fact, don't do anything - just try not to get knocked off the ring!}}
* [[Twitchy Eye]]: Tenzin displays this on hearing that Korra has {{spoiler|participated in a pro bending match}}.
* [[Verbal Backpedaling]]: When Korra tells Bolin that she's actually an Earthbender, he does this, saying that he didn't want to assume she was a water-bender based purely on her clothes.
{{quote|'''Bolin:''' I'm sorry, no, no! I didn't mean to assume! It's that, I was just figuring... with your Water Tribe getup... that you are... a Water Tribe... gal. }}
* [[Victory by Endurance]]: The Fire Ferrets win two matches by simply dodging or blocking their opponents' attacks until they've tired themselves out, at which point the Ferrets win with ease. Mako impressively manages this when it's three-on-one.
* [[Why We Can't Have Nice Things]]: Korra destroys the 2000 year old airbending training device out of frustration.
{{quote|'''Tenzin:''' That was a 2000 year old historical treasure! What is ''wrong'' with you?!