The Legend of Korra/WMG/Amon: Difference between revisions

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== Amon is that whistle blower working in the factory who closes the door and gives Korra the note and then directs them to Hiroshi's underground factory. His plans are probably complete by the time Hiroshi's exposed and he intends to take down the City's industry while simultaneously exposing his true power. ==
Now Amon always has ways to let the city know of his power, so he would either direct them towards [[The Dragon|Hiroshi]] who would capture them with his [[Humongous Mecha]], and even if they managed to escape him, the whole city would come to know about these new machines. Probably Amon knew that they could escape and Hiroshi could be exposed. But he's probably planned for this and Hiroshi was just a pawn in his hands all along. Book one already has 7/12 episodes complete, so seeing the [[Humongous Mecha]] it's likely that by this point Amon's plans are already more or less complete, so he could safely go and expose Hiroshi, and his own power to the world.
* Knowing that Hiroshi employs benders as the backbone of his workforce and has a monopoly in the city's industry means Amon has good reason to dispose of Hiroshi too. It would start the collapse of the city's bender powered industry. Are we looking at a great Depression on the horizon? Good heavens, what a [[Magnificent Bastard]] Amon is!
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** Maybe Aang knew enough to pass on the Avatar Spirit itself to maintain the cycle. That way he could work on a non-bender revolution while his duties as Avatar would be taken over by another. Come on, look at his fight with Lightning bolt Zolt - the way he does the sidestepping with the hand movements - how many times have we seen Aang do that against Zuko? Also remember Amon is only targeting criminals; and we've already seen that taking away a criminal-bender's powers instead of killing him is a solution Aang favours...
** Additionally, there is the possibility that Aang somehow energybended himself. While this would logically remove himself of his bending, it might also pass on the Avatar state to someone else. Plus, energybending seems so far removed from normal bending it might not be able to affect itself. This would allow Aang to truly fake his death, while allowing for the passing of the Avatar state. Alternatively, this is an unaffected side affect. Perhaps he WANTED to stop the Avatar state from continuing.
** Here's an idea to add to this: Aang kept the Spiritual part of being an Avatar. Why didn't Korra go into the Avatar state when Amon attacked the Pro-Bending arena? It's not like it was a minor cut and then she was tied up.
*** Because it's not like Aang didn't get into fights and captured all the time without slipping into the Avatar State? That's a pretty weak guess.
* NO! Aang got so angry when The Last Airbender got released into theaters, that he gave up his own status as the Avatar! He decided to release his Energy Bending upon the world for being sellouts!
* Perhaps when Aang {{spoiler|energybent Yakone, some of Yakone's inner corruption found its way into him, like it almost did with Ozai. It took a while, but that corruption overtook Aang and he became Amon. The Avatar, the champion of purity and peace, was then no more in a spiritual sense, and so Korra was born.}}
* The evidence for this WMG is mounting:
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== Amon will eventually be revealed in the season 1 or 2 finale as a new and rival Avatar ==
Due to the events of the past 170 years with the near extermination of one of the four nations, the brutal 100 year war, the (temporary) death of the moon, the whole energybending thing, and now Technology and industry spreading, as well as knowledge and awareness of the spirit world slowly vanishing, the Spirit world is thrown into utter chaos and anarchy, and due to the Avatar being the "spirit of the planet" and innately linked with the spirit world, this role is somehow split. In this confusion a new avatar is created by the spirits in a desperate attempt to bring back order, only for him to decide to bring this order by eliminating the spirit world altogether, starting with the benders.
* Hey, Aang ''did'' die for a short time during [[Avatar: The Last Airbender/Recap/Book 2/20 The Crossroads of Destiny/Recap|"The Crossroads of Destiny,"]] and it was only by the extraordinary luck of having a healer on hand with a rare vile of Spirit Water that he was revived. Maybe [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|the second Avatar is the Kendra to Aang's Buffy.]] Only instead of being able to tap into phenomenal cosmic power, the Second Avatar can only access the knowledge of their past lives. So Amon can't bend at all, ''but'' he knows, say, all the tessenjutsu that Kyoshi knew. Multiply that by a few hundred lifetimes and Amon is simply, by inborn skill and archived knowledge, the single greatest non-bending fighter on the planet. And Korra? She gets the unrivaled bending power but no access to her past lives. That's why she's such a spiritual dunderhead; that aspect of the Avatar Spirit, the whole of which had been damaged by Azula's killing strike, split off following Aang's final death to form the Second Avatar. So to continue the Buffy analogy, [[Fray|Amon is the Harth to Korra's Fray]].
** That would indeed help explain why she states she has such trouble with the spiritual side of the Avatar thing. Furthermore, I am going to guess right now that Koh has something to do with this
** ''Related Theory:'' Aang's "death" at the end of Book 2 messed with the avatar cycle and at that time another person was born with the potential to bend all four elements. Although given the circumstanced surrounding his birth, he doesn't have access to the avatar state or the spirits of past Avatars. Training and amassing forces in secret for 70 years, Amon plans to eliminate the competition before taking over the world.
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In "The Revelation" {{spoiler|what Amon does is clearly supposed to invoke energybending...except there's a lack of flashing lights. He's probably using some high-level chi-blocking or even some unknown form of normal bending to suppress bending abilities. Amon's showmanship and chosen one spiel bears resemblance to that of a faith healer...}} The Revelation was just a way of sowing fear while he prepares his ''real'' plan...
** Energybending is a battle of wills. Perhaps he wants Korra to learn Energybending and use it on him so that he can use his willpower to destroy the Avatar spirit without knowing any Bending at all.
* ''Related: Amon's entire [[Origin Story]] [[Unreliable Narrator|as told by him ]] is a calculated lie.'' Born a young man of humble ubringing... just like Sokka! Oppressed by benders... just like Aang! Unjustly attacked and scarred... just like Zuko! Chosen by the gods... just like Korra! A new Avatar, for a new age? Bull. Amon's got a hidden agenda, and part of that agenda involves a carefully crafted false identity and {{spoiler|Chi-blocking faux energybending... until, that is, he is able to eliminate or conrol the one person who can actually energybend... }}
* The story is very likely to be a partial or a complete lie, considering that it follows the fabricated lifestory of almost every self-styled dictator in the 20th century, but that doesn't mean that {{spoiler|the energybending itself is a lie. It's visually all but identical to Aang's, minus the flashy effects since we don't see the act from the viewpoint of either Amon or his victims, and literally nobody but Ozai himself witnessed Aang's deed in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender|The Last Airbender]]''.}} Not all spirits are nice, and one might well have granted Amon power for its own reasons.
* [ This tumblr post] explains one theory as to how he's doing it and why it might not be real.
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*** But Amon sees the situation as black-and-white, even though it isn't. He wants to remove the powers of ''all'' benders, not just criminals, because he thinks bending powers are inherently unfair and evil (and also because he's kind of an egomaniac); he made this intention pretty clear at the rally, so he's not trying to make anyone think he's just a vigilante hunting down benders who abuse their powers. It may be true that {{spoiler|stealing the Avatar's powers}} would drive this point home a little better, but it would also prove his power beyond any doubt, remove a potentially serious threat, and probably convince a lot of non-benders to join his cause to avoid ending up on the losing side.
**** He doesn't necessarily see it as Black and White. He's trying to gain support. The easiest way to rally support is by painting it black and white. While he doesn't exactly see it as one way or the other, it's much easier to simplify the issue to garner support(because people don't like complicated stuff). Politicians do this ''all the time''.
** Seemingly Jossed by "... And the Winner Is." He took the Wolfbats' bending, and they definitely lived. I had assumed that they had simply killed off the Triple Threat Triads (or at least planned to) before whatever bending blocking he had done wore off, but it doesn't look like that's feasible with the Wolfbats.
*** That doesn't Joss it. He still might be just using some ultimate chi blocking technique that lasts for a long time. Several months, a year maybe? But it's still missing everything that separates Spiritbending from regular chi blocking, such as flashy lights, a battle of wills and a chance to fail. All we really have on the point of permanently taking away bending is Amon's word.
**** Those effects in the original series were quite explicitly visual representations of the spiritual battle between Aang and Ozai, not physical events that visibly happened around them. Amon is clearly unusually strong-willed, while the people he de-Bends are overconfident fools. While its true source remains unknown, there is so far nothing to indicate that his work isn't real Energybending.
** The preview for "The Aftermath" seems to lend credence to Amon's energybending being legit; Tahno explains that he spent days visiting the best healers in Republic City, and not a single one of them was able to help him. He himself certainly believes that whatever Amon did was permanent.
== {{spoiler|Amon's Energybending is real, but incomplete.}} ==
{{spoiler|Yes, Amon's the real deal. However, he does not ''really'' take away people's bending, he '''''turns it off'''''. Many people have noticed that Amon pushes the same vital point on the head that Aang did, but he does NOT press the one on the chest. My theory is that this doesn't take away bending, it merely turns it off. The process IS permanent in that it doesn't wear off, but it is reversible. Korra could theoretically learn Energybending and restore Amon's victims. Where it to be done with ''both'' vital points, though, it'd be TRULY permanent. The alternate theory is that Amon DOES know how to do the nasty version, but he doesn't use it since it requires much more of an inner struggle. The victim's spirit puts up a MUCH fiercer fight when the version Aang used is applied, so it's easier for Amon to use the lesser version more often and still get the desired effect. Where he to face Korra, though, then he'd try the nasty one.}}
== Amon made a [[Deal with the Devil]]. ==
He claims that the spirits granted him {{spoiler|the power of Energybending.}} The power actually came from some malevolent spirit who made a pact with Amon to destroy the balance between the living world and the spirit world so badly so that the barriers would break and it could break through. In the final battle this spirit will possess Among, making him go [[One-Winged Angel]] on Korra. And this spirit is...Koh of course.
* Worse when you consider the waterbender avatar before Korra isn't on good terms with Koh, and he did say to Aang they would meet again.
* Furthermore, Koh's whole schtick is taking away people's faces... Makes the mask all the more creepy.
** On an even more subtextual level, Amon's defining character trait is his apparent ability to {{spoiler|deprive benders of their bending}}. This has very similar parallels to what Koh does; remove your identity, the thing that makes you who you are. The idea that Koh and Amon are in cahoots is a frightening thought indeed.
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== Amon's mask covers up a face he acquired in the [[Spirit World]]...''Aang's'' ==
Amon's "revelation" came from Koh the Face Stealer, patron saint of [[Malevolent Masked Men]], who managed to finally get Aang in his clutches once Aang passed away. (And probably tried, with Kuruk, to rescue Kuruk's wife Ummi from Koh's clutches) Koh elected to [[Deal with the Devil|gift]] Amon with {{spoiler|the skill inherent in Aang's captured soul. ''chi-bending'',}} because no matter the incarnation, he hates the Avatar. This is why Korra finds airbending so difficult. Her immediate airbender incarnation, Aang, is cut off from her, and being forcibly channeled via Koh's mediumship into Amon.
== Who Amon is doesn't matter ==
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== Amon's identity will be willfully obfuscated by [[Steve Blum]] being [[Cast as a Mask]] ==
And the audible difference of his [[Secret Identity]]'s voice artist will be lampshaded as a result of careful practice disguising his voice, which puts many of the supposedly less plausible theories below back in play. In addition, Blum will perform tertiary characters and crowd walla-walla both for utility and in a calculated effort to defeat our attempts to [[Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize|Narrow It Down To The Guy We Recognize]].
== Amon is descended from Sokka and Suki. ==
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* A: It would be implied that Azula was raped during her mental care.
** There is no way that would even be implied.
* B: She raised her children to hate benders.
* Or how about this: Amon IS Azula.
* It doesn't help that he has yellow eyes like someone from the Fire Nation.
** Though if Amon IS telling the truth, he could have been given away for adoption and may not quite no or accept his heritage, which is also why the first bender we see lose his bending is a firebender.
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== Amon is [[Hijacked by Ganon|Ozai]]! ==
He convinced Zuko to let him help in the search for Ursa, and then used the opportunity to escape. He then fled to Republic City and took advantage of growing anti-bender sentiment to start a revolt. He did this as either [[Batman Gambit|a plan]] to get revenge on the Avatar, or as [[Gambit Roulette|a plan]] to restore his rule. (those last two [[Pothole|PotHoles]] are interchangeable, btw)
* Why would Zuko have ''ever'' done something as stupid as letting his father out of prison for even a moment?
* Unlikely seeing as he would be a hundred something years old by then, and the only characters to have that kind of longevity are earthbenders like King Bumi and Avatar Kyoshi
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* That's why Amon hides behind a mask, the creators don't want anyone (including the viewers) knowing it's him.
* Just saw the trailer and their voices are clearly the same. Take that as you will.
** While similar in timbre, (and this is likely intentional) [[Steve Blum]] and [[Mark Hamill]] are different people.
** ''Alternate Theory'': In the Avatar universe, a lot can happen. Ozai escaped from prison and disappeared, after many years was presumed dead and people stopped looking. He discovered some way to keep himself young and live for a long time. (possibly forever) He started to spread anti-bender philosophy under the new name "Amon". He decided that if he can't be powerful, no one should and thus wants everyone to turn against the benders. If everyone is against benders they will be against the Avatar, the most powerful one, and will do anything Ozai/Amon tells them if he says it's in the name of getting rid of benders.
*** The man was in his forties by the time he was defeated. ''Korra'' takes place seventy years later; he'd be ''at least'' 110 by the time the new series started. There's no way he's lived that long.
*** That's why the WMG theory SAYS he found a way to keep himself young and live longer. This is the Avatar universe. There's chakras and controlling the elements, it wouldn't be surprising if there was some spiritual method to stretch out the lifespan. Remember, Guru Pathik was friends with Monk Gyatso, who died about 100 years ago in the story universe.
*** Except that no one that we have seen that made it to that age had anywhere close to the physique Amon has. Ozai did back in the day, but the only person that's been shown having never aged is Aang.
== Amon is a [[Legacy Character]] ==
To contrast from Ozai, at least.
== Amon will be the [[Evil Counterpart]] to Ozai ==
Ozai was inactive throughout much of the first series; Amon will be far more hands-on. Ozai was a [[Complete Monster]] that ''tried'' to be a good father; Amon will be a [[The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney film)|Frollo]]-esque [[Complete Monster]], with [[Alternative Character Interpretation]] to give him reasons (but not excuses) for his atrocities. Ozai was [[Authority Equals Asskicking|frighteningly powerful]]; Amon will be [[The Dreaded|disturbingly threatening]], outmatching Azula and Combustion Man for ''Avatar's'' default [[Hero-Killer]]. Ozai was saddled a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] and achieved a [[Near Villain Victory]]; Amon will suffer through a [[Karmic Death]] or an [[And I Must Scream]] scenario. Ozai was manipulative, but only towards three people; Amon will be manipulative towards everyone in the main cast. Ozai attempted genocide; Amon will ''commit'' genocide. Ozai failed in killing a character; Amon will be responsible for several major deaths.
* This doesn't make Amon the [[Evil Counterpart]] of Ozai, but [[Eviler Than Thou]].
** [[Beyond the Impossible|How can anybody be more eviler than Ozai?]]
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== Amon is Tom Tom, Mai's Brother. ==
This would explain the lack of bending, since Mai's family doesn't bend. He would be about 72, so he'd still be active enough to fight for being sort of old.
== Amon is Baby Hope from The Serpent's Pass. ==
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== Amon is Bumi, Aang's other Son. ==
* Bumi is mentioned as being 'less uptight' than Tenzin, but it's just another one of the masks that he wears. Furious that he was unable to bend like his siblings, and forced to live in the shadow of his father, he started the Equalist movement as his form of revenge.
** This has my vote - Bumi was the only non-bender of that family. Worse - his father was the Avatar, his mother an incredibly famous master waterbender, his elder sister Kya followed their mother as another master waterbender, and his younger brother is a master airbender revitalizing that nearly wiped-out group. Seriously, he could very easily be extremely resentful for being the "non-bender" in such a well-known family.
*** While his official picture looks rather shifty, I'm more inclined to believe that he will be introduced as a blatantly villainous character, only to be revealed to be perfectly reasonable and friendly at the end of the episode. Remember who he was named after?
*** {{spoiler|Also, who better to learn Energy Bending from than dear old Dad, the expert, who taught it to him as a way to make up for not being as talented as his siblings?}}
*** On the other hand, there are a lot of people who say that Amon's {{spoiler|energy bending}} is a fares he's using to get more support. [ I direct you to this tumblr post for more evidence on that theory.]
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== Amon is Aang and Katara's fourth child. ==
* Related to the above. One Aang and Katara's children, in addition to Kya, Bumi and Tenzin, was a non-bender. He/she still felt all the pressures of living as the only non-bending child of the Avatar and his master waterbending wife, plus having three siblings as benders and eventually left home, never to be heard from again. All the resentment he/she had for his/her family lead him/her to create the anti-Bender movement. Katara has since stopped talking about this child as the memory of his/her leaving is still too painful. Aang and Katara did try to search for him/her, but the more they tried, the more resistance they felt from him/her and eventually decided to hope he/she would return on his/her own.
** Except that Bumi has been confirmed already to be a non-Bender. The unmentioned, hypothetical fourth child wouldn't have been the only non-Bender of the family as you suggest.
** Perhaps Aang and Katara had another non-Bender child? It would set up for a nice comparison: Bumi, the child who was proud of his non-bending and the mystery child who resented it. Either way, it's really disheartening to imagine the leader of the Equalist movement is not only Aang's child, but named after his best friend. But considering the series is supposed to be a lot darker...
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*** Woah, woah, woah. What?! When did Koh steal Iroh's face?
*** Before the show began. Iroh talks about how he had an encounter with the spirits that changed his life, and one of the faces Koh shows is a young Iroh. On the avatar wiki, it is the face on the bottom right row with the black mustache and hair. That's young Iroh.
*** The above theory is [[Fanon]]. The only confirmation we had from the stagnant site is he was a Fire Nation Soldier. Ummi, Kuruk's wife, whose face Koh stole, is treated as though she ''herself'' remains in Koh's custody when Aang tells Avatar Kuruk "He still has her" in the canonical motion comic "Escape from the Spirit World." Kuruk then presumably runs off to metaphysically retrieve her soul in some fashion.
*** Somewhat debunked by the fact that Amon's eyes are clearly visible in numerous shots.
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== Amon's mask covers up a horribly burned face. ==
He was injured as a child, a young adult, or otherwise: this could explain his fondness for masks and his hatred of benders.
* [[Mythology Gag|He got the scars from a waterbender.]]
* ''Confirmed'' in Amon's own words in "The Revelation"....but the man could be lying...
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Its physically impossible to take bending away from people who aren't even born yet. Thus, when the next generation of bender's are born, Amon's true motives will come to light. And it'll all start with Tenzin's kids, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo. All benders-AIRBENDERS at a young age, Amon'll kidnap them and will order that his men to keep Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Tenzin away while he...does his dirty work. They manage to time to save Jinora. Ikki and Meelo are now scarred since Amon took away their gift. And thus, that'll solidify Amon as a [[Complete Monster]].
* Oh crap this actually seems likely given the darker direction the show seems to be heading. Plus attempting to exterminate an entire bender faction this way would definitely fit into his plan to screw over the avatar cycle as well as benders
** This might actually be foreshadowed, since in the first episode, Pema wishes that her next child will be "normal" like her, thus making it a case of [[Be Careful What You Wish For]].
== Amon will be a [[Hero-Killer]] ==
Almost every other ''Avatar'' villain has, so he shouldn't be any different.
== Amon is secretly a Bender, or a public supporter of them. ==
And one so recognizable that he has to wear a mask to keep this a secret from his followers. When we see Amon, even when he's hiding in a private place and surrounded only by the Equalists, (and his Lieutenant) he still wears his mask. Either he's like Hitler who gushed over the Aryan ideals without fulfilling a single one of them himself, or he wants to wipe out the ''majority'' of the Benders so he can set up a ''real'' Bending dictatorship where the few remaining Benders are so paranoid that they will be willing to follow his rule and control the ordinary population with an iron fist, and uses his anti-Bending followers as mere pawns who can be wiped out once the plan is complete. In the latter interpretation he's trying to play both sides against each other, using his public persona to condemn the Equalists and use them as an example what happens without strong Bender governance, and his secret persona to use these actions as a "proof" that the Benders want to enslave all the non-Benders.
* ''Related Theory:'' Amon is [ this guy. This guy, right here.] He looks to be an important figure; a noble or industrialist, maybe?
* [[Archer|Nooooope.]] That's Tahno, an effeminate male pro-bender. An image of him was revealed during the Korra Nation Pai Sho game that went on while the 100K likes were still going.
** That doesn't really exclude him from consideration, does it?
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*** It also appears that Tahno and Amon appeared in a trailer together at the same time, so that might rule it out as well.
*** Jossed. Amon took Tahno's bending away in episode 6.
* Alternate theory: Amon is a bender, which is how he can energybend, but is merely using the equalist movement to further his own goals.
== Amon is a Bender [[Defector From Decadence]] who has seen the seedier side of bender culture and wants to destroy it. ==
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== The Equalists take orders from Amon, and Amon takes orders from... Chief Beifong. ==
Amon is a fake persona, a plant, concocted by Lin Beifong to co-opt rising anti-bender sentiments and discredit the whole movement through violent acts.
== Amon and his lieutenant will be expies of Lenin and Trotsky respectively. ==
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While he might be wrong on a couple things, due to being blinded by his [[Fantastic Racism]] and/or his aspirations of messiah-ness, Amon is not actively trying to lie about his past or the nature of his powers.
OK, I admit that this is mostly due to personal preference. I understand the appeal of the "Amon is lying to gain followers" idea, and if you support it, then all power to you. However, I personally believe that Amon's story gives him character depth and makes him a good villain with a bunch of interesting possible routes for him. In my mind, turning him into a liar just wastes a great deal of potential and turns Amon into a kung-fu evil televangelist. Which is less interesting then it sounds.
== Amon is an Airbender. ==
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* '''Warning''': Possible massive spoiler. {{spoiler|So I'm not sure if [ this] is real or not, but given we don't know how this scene will play out or what's happening here, it could be a case of [[Trolling Creator]].}}
** The character in that pic looks remarkably like an older version of {{spoiler|Tenzin}}. Now, which character would have {{spoiler|airbender tattoos}} and look like an older {{spoiler|Tenzin}}, but {{spoiler|his father}}? Even the nose shape and the eye colour match {{spoiler|those of Aang}}. The pic could be a fake, or it could be real one that depicts a dream or fantasy sequence instead of actual events, but if it's neither of those, we're in for the mother of all plot twists.
*** {{spoiler|Well Korra's existence is proof positive Aang is dead, but who else could look like an older version of Tenzin? His older brother Bumi.}}
*** Sorry, but this is totally [[Jossed]]. {{spoiler|Bumi's face has already been revealed in the official art, and he's inherited more features from his mother than his father, and most certainly doesn't have a bald head or tattoos.}}
* Or he could be a time traveling Meelo or even Pema's and Tenzin's 4th child from the futrue.
* Or, if that {{spoiler|really is Aang, he took the mask OFF of someone or was giving it to someone, rather than himself. Just because he is holding it doesn't mean that it's his. For all we know, the mask was, for instance, a gift to someone who would become Amon- at the time it was given to him, the mask wasn't sinister at all.}}
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== Amon doesn't make bending powers disappear, rather, he absorbs them. ==
He took scattered anti-bending sentiment that already existed and created a movement. He makes it appear that he can make bending powers disappear so his followers will bring him benders he can depower. However, what he's ''really'' doing is absorbing the bending powers and taking them for himself. He hopes to absorb so much bending power that he will become ridiculously powerful. He still believes in his own cause, but sees himself as an enforcer, that he can have bending powers because he won't (in his eyes) abuse them for his own gain. So he doesn't see himself as a hypocrite. He hopes to accumulate enough bending power to take over the nation, and then the world.
* Wow, that is a terrifying thought. Seconding this theory.
== Amon is "Protester", the angry guy with the megaphone. ==
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== The firebender who attacked Amon's family was Mako and Bolin's father. ==
Note that Bolin was the only person {{spoiler|chosen to get his bending taken away}} who wasn't a criminal...
* Bolin was present in a Triad meeting. Amon would have no reason to assume him anything but a Triad enforcer.
== There is more than one "Amon". ==
When your main identifying feature is a mask, it's no great feat to be in many places at once. "Amon" is actually a [[Collective Identity]] of two or more people who need each other's influence to build up the Equalist movement into a real political force, but both their methods and motivations are divergent. Only one Amon is capable of Energybending, and is the top dog compared to the other(s), and it was a different Amon who encountered Korra on the Memorial Island; after all, putting the only Energybender in the group to such great risk of falling into a trap, if Korra had been remotely devious enough for such deception, would have been incredibly poor planning. Hence why he had to present an excuse as to why he wouldn't strip his most dangerous enemy of her Bending then and there.
I'm inclined to believe that Tarlakk is one of the Amons, and uses his authority to take down small fish in the organization, convincing the rest of the reality of the Bending threat while simultaneously giving the general populance an impression that everything is under control, but his goals clearly can't involve Bending equality; the Energybending Amon is much more dangerous and driven to this goal.
* This could be, but in all of Amon's appearances so far we've seen that he has the yellowish eyes and fair skin of a Fire Nationer, which would seem to rule out Tarrlok, Bumi, and some of the other suspects, due to them having a different eye and/or skin colour. (Unless, of course, the Avatar world has some equivalent to our coloured contact lenses and body paint.) So far, the only important character with the same eye and skin colour that we've met is Hiroshi Sato.
* So, Amon is Anon(ymous)? Mind = blown.
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== Amon is Sokka ==
Sokka has been been known to be resentful of benders (see Sokka's Master in Book 3), and is one of only a few people who witnessed Aang energybend. He is "confirmed" dead, but Sokka is certainly intelligent enough to figure out how to fake his death. It might also give an extra reason as to why he doesn't immediately go after Korra. It also explains why he lets the other Equalists do most of the heavy lifting, because running around doing a lot of fighting isn't a great idea when you're eighty or so.
* The confrontation with Amon triggered Avatar-flashbacks in Korra. One of this flashbacks include Sokka.
* Sokka and Amon have huge interests in futuristic superweapons. Sokka in submarines, Amon in Mechas
* Sokka had Through Ty Lee and the Kyoshi-warriors access to the teaching of chi-blocking.
** Sokka is a very good strategist by the end of the original series--consider how far he would have developed that skill over time.
* Unlikely. Amon and Sokka have different skin tones and eye colors, so unless Sokka is using contacts (assuming those exist in the show's universe) and body paint, it's probably not the case.
** He could certainly use body paint, but this troper doesn't think they have contacts in the Avatar universe at that time. Although that ''does'' raise the question of why Amon's eyes are so weirdly colored. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't his eyes sort of a greeny-yellow color?
== Amon is [[Transformers Prime|Starscream]] ==
Line 443:
== Amon's spiritbending is different because he is not a bender ==
Aang touches two chakras while taking away someone's bending: Light, which signifies that all is one, including the elements, and Air, since he is an airbender. So the reason why Amon uses a different style to take away people's bending, is merely that he only has to touch the light chakra. Also, consider this: When Aang and Ozai matched spirits, we could see the glow for both of their native elements. The reason there is no glow for Amon's spiritbending is because he simply has no bending element to display. This could also mean that it is actually much simpler for non-benders to learn spiritbending (meaning Amon could teach it to his followers), since there is no way for a bender to resist.
* If Aang grabbed onto he Light and Air chakras, Korra would have to grab onto the Light and Water chakras. The Water chakra is tradionally located in your underpants (They didn't give away the location of the Water chakra on the show for censorship reasons). Naturally, this would lead to some very awkward moments.
Line 470:
== Amon requires a bender to be terrified in order to de-bend them. ==
Why did he give Lightning Bolt Zolt alone a chance to defeat him in single-combat? Because Amon needed to give the swaggering gangster a jolt of fear by kicking his ass. The other benders watching would in turn be terrified by Zolt's de-bending. Amon's terror campaign against benders is in part because whatever he does to them to stop their bending requires them to be filled with negative emotions. If benders, like Tahno, know that Amon can take away their bending with a touch, they'll be inclined to be afraid of Amon in a fight, playing into his hands.
Someone calm and unafraid won't be affected by Amon's technique.
** This goes well with the fact Energy Bending requires an unbendable will. Someone who is already frightened would be easier to use it against that someone that isn't.
Line 491:
* To support that, he touches the forehead and neck, which are the locations of two chakras Sound and Light, which are respectively blocked by fear (such as fear of him and of losing bending) and illusion (such as thinking your bending's gone when it's actually blocked off). Bryke are usually smart about these things, so...
** Actually, the sound chakra is blocked by lies.
* Also, since only Aang and the Guru knew about chakras in the original series, maybe not many healers know now so they can't diagnose it.
== At some point, there will be a "[[Code Geass|Million Amons scene]]". ==
Party for the sake of [[Rule of Cool]] and the homage it makes, but perhaps also as a calculated effort by the Equalists to obscure Amon's true identity by claiming, "We are ''all'' Amon!".
== Amon is the love child of Aang and Azula ==
Someone had to say it.
* WHAT?!
** What what? That would be amazing.
== Amon is Pabu ==
Line 562:
== Amon is [[Cowboy Bebop|Spike]] ==
See the "Amon is Starscream", above, for why. Spike somehow survived the end of the series and was transported to the Avatarverse, possibly rendering him immortal in the process so that he could not be [[Driven to Suicide]]. [[Fish Out of Water|Separated from the entire world he used to know,]] he decided to ''make'' it his world by removing bending and advancing technology until it's a perfect recreation of the world of [[Cowboy Bebop]]. The final stage of his plan includes him staging the disaster in the backstory of [[Cowboy Bebop]]. What? We know Bryke are fans.
* Or alternatively he is [[Toonami|TOM]], who also has his face covered. It's too much of a coincidence the same week Toonami returns while there is no new Korra episode. Amon made it into Space. [[Oh Crap|Oh sh--]].
* Under the mask is the face of [[Dork Age|TOM]] [[Uncanny Valley|4]]. We are all doomed.
Line 570:
== Underneath Amon's mask... ==
...Is another mask.
== Korra is the only one who can kill Amon and set him free ==
Line 579:
== Amon is Zuko. ==
We know that even extremely aged individuals can be extremely strong, both physically and in bending, as shown with King Bumi. Amon says a fire bender disfigured his face and destroyed his family. Zuko's father disfigured his face, got rid of his mother, messed up his sister... if that isn't the destruction of a family, I don't know what is. And it wouldn't be the first time Zuko has put on a mask to step outside the law. Zuko and Aang founded the city together to be a place where benders and non-benders could live in peace. But that isn't whats been happening. Unable to use his position as Fire Lord to solve anything, he steps down so he can makes strides to remove the classism inherent in the system. He doesn't actually want to destroy bending, he wants to scare benders straight. So far he has only done permanent harm to criminals and jerkwads. Everyone else has just been shocked into submission. Add to this that technological advancement is typically a Fire Nation trait, and there could be a case for this theory.
* The History Books on the website also indicate that Zuko was very concerned with equality during the reorganization of the nations following the end of the 100 Years war. In fact there was an Earth Nation equality movement that Zuko was extremely sympathetic to.
* This theory is also consistent with the mask (he's famous), his eye color (gold), and parts of his claimed backstory (scared by a firebender).
== Amon is Hope's Cousin Once Removed ==
Line 587:
Hope's first cousin once removed.
Tahn and Ying were the refugees who traveled with the Gaang though the Serpent's Pass. There was a girl with them as well. In the DVD commentary, she's revealed to be the sister of Hope's father, Tahn.
Years pass and Tahn's sister falls in love in Ba Sing Se. She and her husband settle down in the countryside and start a farm. They have a son, who they were expecting to be a girl. They name him Noma. In Japanese, the characters used to represent the name mean ''Beautiful correction.'' A rather haunting foreshadowing for his future endeavors. He's raised with his parents telling him about the old days, back when the war was their present, how the Fire Nation took control of Ba Sing Se, and they met each other at a special camp created for the citizens... What they don't tell their son is that after getting to know her well and sneak some food in for her, he prevented her from being raped by one of the guards, using a spear. Who was this guard? A fellow officer. In the midst of the final battle between Aang and Ozai, as well as the attack by the main members of The White Lotus, the incident was swept under the rug. Iroh was always the understanding type.
Amon is 13, and an escaping war criminal crosses their path. His parents decide it best to turn the man in, as his father knows fully well the crimes committed by him. The escaped convict overhears their conversation and kills them to keep them silent. Little did he know that they had a son who watched everything. Maybe it was a means to scare or disable him into silence. Maybe it was an attempt at murder that he unconsciously threw too gentle a strike to be fatal. But he burned their son's face. This young man traveled to a local justice department and informed them of the escaped convict. As a reward issued by Firelord Zuko, who looked over the case, instead of being sent to a local facility for orphans, he was sent to the recently established School of Hard Knocks, in Republic City. Halfway through his stay, and intense study inside his room, hiding from the ostracization of his classmates, their sports department is given a healthy donation. The school became centered on Probending, a sport which he, as a non-bender, was not suited for. The benders at the school climbed even higher on the social ladder, and he was pushed ever lower. While they were being given scholarships for their skills, he was forced to work on the streets to make money. Whereas in the average social world in which he was faltering, in the gang world he was triumphing. Then came the new rules. And it was time for initiation. He wasn't a bender, so he was already at a disadvantage, but now he had to kill people. Innocent nonbenders who he was equipped to take down with his martial arts prowess. He refused. The institution which had finally provided for him had become a slaughterhouse. One does not simply 'leave' a gang. So he started his own. He took the victims of the other gangs, victims who were defenseless that he and his gang had helped, and assured them that they could defend themselves, and he would teach them how. They would get security, and he would get a group of people who'd stand a chance against his gang. Noma, ever being the master of words, managed to make a peaceful leave. But he was now strong. Seventy members strong. With extra associates.
The benders ruled the streets, earned the money, gained the status, climbed up the social ladder, got off the streets through entertainment industries, and controlled the government. His entire life was spent being used and manipulated by the system. He'd attack its core.
That's when Aang knew there was going to be a problem on his hands. Things were escalating. Gangs were cropping up throughout the city and innocent citizens were endangered. He was on his deathbed and the epidemic he thought he'd cut at the root by defeating Tarrlok was cropping up again. So he wanted to ensure the safety of his reincarnation.
The Avatar Spirit had some plans. They would either be perfect or immensely flawed. The Avatar Spirit needed someone skilled who could take on the city's problems, a city which Aang had spent the majority of his life creating, helping and using as an inspiration and symbol for the future of peace in the world he had longed for. The Avatar Spirit needed someone who could hold the fort while the Avatar was gone. Someone who could defeat the gangs, by any means necessary. So the Avatar Spirit gave the ability to energybend away, severely hindering its connection to the Spirit World. These abilities were given to Noma. It needed someone skilled, but a nonbender. A bender who could energybend would be more dangerous. The Avatar Spirit gave instruction to remove the bending from those who were dangerous and oppressive. The problem was, it was expecting its wisdom to be passed on as well. It didn't know how vague and flexible these characteristics facetiously were. Nor did it realize just how dangerous they were in the hands of this man. In the week after, it had realized its mistake. And as Katara left for the South Pole, it followed her there. It knew that the next Avatar had to be powerful and prepared. And so she was. The youngest consciously aware Avatar in history. But because its spiritual core was given away, it had difficulty providing skill in the most spiritual of all elements, air. The most effort was forced into the remaining three.
The Avatar Spirit created a strong, tough, independent young woman; one who was slightly abrasive, stubborn, hot-headed, and passionate in her beliefs and convictions.
When Korra decided not to fight Amon when Hasook barged in the door, the Avatar Spirit knew it needed more control of the spiritual side before it could take on someone so powerful in that area. But when brought into the public's view and questioned about Amon, it was overwhelmed and angered. It had caused so much pain and struggle and it was all its own fault. It did what it had always intended to do. It called out Amon and called him out on his cowardice... Because it was ashamed of its own.
When Korra was captured and looked Amon in the eye, she was staring at the demon she created. The Avatar Spirit was captured and restrained by the creature it trusted to do the right thing with the gift it gave away. It was about to be murdered by the demon it created. But the demon was detached and twisted in a way it couldn't currently understand. It was calculating, methodical, strategic, almost diplomatic, in a way that drove it up the wall. The traits it had given away, lost contact with, we're being twisted and used in such horrifying ways.
Amon was going to let the spirit that empowered him watch as he achieved the goal it set him out to do. Whether it currently knew it was the correct way or had since forgotten.
After doing what the Avatar Spirit had set him out to do, taking away the bending of local gang lords, Amon ambushed and destroyed the pinnacle of the institution that drove him out onto the streets, the Probending Arena.
This isn't just Korra's 'Ozai situation'. It's her own problem. Which is why it's taken such an obvious psychological toll on her that Aang was slightly more detached from, as a more spiritual person. Not only does she lack the calm and slight detachment, she's dealing with the monster she created before she was born.
More interesting still, when Tenzin looked to his right after being informed of Amon's ability to take bending away, it was more of a shifty knowing glance.
Line 615:
== Amon is Tarrlok ==
How is it that everything Amon does gives Tarrlok more power? And given the fact that Tarrlok {{spoiler|is a bloodbender (who doesn't need a full moon), among other things}} and seems to be intentionally provoking people into joining the Equalists, it makes sense that Amon may actually be Tarrlok. As far as I recall, Tarrlok and Amon have never been shown at the same time.
* Two problems I can think of 1) Amon and Tarrlok have different eyes and 2) {{spoiler|Tarrlok seemed genuinely upset when Korra compared him to Amon. If he was Amon, he would not react to this taunt by basically going "Don't compare me with that madman!". After all, he was basically ignoring or refuting every other taunt Korra threw at him.}}
** As noted above, this is jossed in episode 9. {{spoiler|Amon confronts Tarrlok and takes his bending.}}
Line 625:
{{spoiler|In ''When Extremes Meet,'' Korra compares Tarrlock and Amon together. This seems to be the only thing that really gets under Tarrlock's skin, since he was ignoring everything else she said. This troper thinks it's possible that Amon and Tarrlock are/were related (not necessarily by blood) but something tore them apart and/or made them hate each other}}
== Amon and Tarrlok got their special powers from the same source. ==
Both men, using secret knowledge, opposed to one another yet each trying to corrupt Republic City in some fashion. Amon claims his ability came from the spirits opposed to the old Avatar. There is a spirit with a personal beef against Avatar Aang for a grave insult, a spirit who can dispense secret knowledge to willing agents: Wan Shi Tong.
Line 655:
== Amon and Tarrlok are the same person with split personality disorder ==
An extension of the 'Amon is Tarrlok' WMG. Tarrlok obviously has SOME kind of problem with Amon, yet he's just as bad. Them being the same person is a possibility, but in episode 8 when Korra mentioned Amon Tarrlok's expression leads me to believe that he isn't him, at least willingly. They are a lot alike, yet entirely different, if they're not brothers, I'd vote on this one.
* Jossed, since episode 9 shows both of them at the same time.
== Amon is Tarrlok's brother and both are sons of Yakhone ==
What else is wilder than guessing that Tarrlok is Amon? One possibility is that they're both working together to destabilize the city by pushing the bender-non bender tensions back and forth. Or Tarrlok fanatically supports bending while Amon wants to oppress it -- because it started out of extreme sibling rivalry. Tarrlok probably harassed his non-bender sibling enough to give him a full fledged hatred and vendetta for all bending.
* Backing this is in "When Extremes Meet",Korra pushes Tarrlok's Berserk Button by accusing him of being just like Amon, suggesting sibling rivalry.
Line 669:
== Tarrlok is Amon. Or at the very least he's hand and glove with the Equalists ==
Tarrlok has a strong resemblance to the man (maybe Yakhone) in Korra's flashbacks who faced the wrath of a very angry Avatar Aang, so they maybe related. Tarrlock and Amon have not been seen together so far. Somehow Tarrlock had intelligence about the location of one of the Equalists' training camps and for some reason he did not use Chief Bei Fong's assistance. Also in episode 4 he pretty much vanished and Korra was alone at Aang's statue in the night. The police backup he promised never came and probably was never there at all. Where was Tarrlock when Amon and his mooks appeared virtually out of nowhere. Also he has a strong motive for not cancelling the pro-bending finals - he looked like he was just waiting for Korra and Lin to barge in and protest, specifically Lin. The only motive that can be plausible is that it's a perfect opportunity to let the world know about the Equalists' ability to Curb Stomp even the powerful Metalbending police. Clearly the match was rigged to allow the Wolfbats to win - because Amon wanted to save Korra and co. for last. The Wolfbats aren't that great without their cheating and would be an easy target for Amon to take down and tell the city how even the best benders aren't a match for him.
We understand that the equalists could disguise themselves in the audience. But Amon? If his backstory is true, he couldn't hide in the audience wearing that mask. Which means he somehow he got special access which bypassed the audience and the entry queues (read VIP access). Tarrlock's skin tone is similar to Amon's. He claims he was granted Energybending by the spirits and if you've seen ATLA, the spirit world is easily accessible in the North Pole. And to cap it all off, the description of Episode 7 says that Korra suspects an insider is working for the Equalists and she's going to be playing detective.
* His whole plan of forcing Korra into his task force was probably to see how scared she was. If he is Amon then he can just use that to play mind games on her. Energybending is possible if the opponent's spirit is weakened for any it makes a good plan to save Korra for last, when she'd be at her weakest.
* Alternately, Hasook is Amon.
Line 679:
* He's playing an absolutely incredible [[Xanatos Gambit]]. He's got Lin out of the way, and manipulated Saikhan on his side. Now he controls the police. And with Sato's capture, the city's greatest bastion of industry has fallen as well. It doesn't matter what the outcome is, it's always working in his favor.
* Now it's episode 8, look at Tarrlock's eyes and his tone of voice. The color is the same, the timbre sounds almost exactly like Amon's as it gets deeper. Pretty sure Tarrlock is Yakhone's son, as both the villain in Korra's flashbacks and Tarrlock can bloodbend, not to mention the strong resemblance between them. And what about the fact that Tarrlock arrests Korra's friends right after they've taken down some Equalists. He and Amon are both at it trying to break Korra down psychologically. Comparing him to Amon pressed his [[Berserk Button]]. And his statement that "There are a lot of things you don't know about me." At the ''very least'' they have to be related.
* This also gives Amon a good motive for wanting to destroy Korra and a better one to take over Republic City. His anger against bending is directly related to his anger against the whole Gaang. Only revenge could be powerful enough to justify it. How? Aang probably Energybended Yakhone to stop his bloodbending. He must have then spent the rest of his life trying to figure out Energybending and Chi blocking and taught it to his son. In revenge Amon wants to wipe out bending. Now he has Korra's friends, and he wants to take over Republic City, which was Aang's dream for the future of a balanced world, basically trying to destroy everything that the Avatar has striven for - the bending arts, Republic City, Balance, even friends and loved ones and finally, Korra herself.
* And now he's trying to get Korra out of the city. With Korra out of the way, his next target will be Tenzin and the others. And whether she escapes him or not, it's going to help him declare the Avatar and probably Tenzin too, as a criminal and an enemy of the city, increasing opposition against her from benders, non-benders and Equalists.
* And besides, if you're thinking how being a Waterbender he can lead an Equalist movement, well, Tarrlock has shown that he can go very low to do anything to win.
* What if they're one and the same and everything is just a power play to put him in control of everything?
Line 697:
== Amon is one of Sokka's children. ==
Sokka and Suki are both heroes of the hundred year war. but unlike the Aang,Toph, Kattara and Zuko neither of them seems to respected or honored. Throughout all of Avater the last air bender Sokka is belittled seen as useless and mocked for not being a bender. It makes sense that a child of theirs would understand that their actions saved just as many if not more than what Aang did. Sokka is able to find the humor in his suffering but his child wouldn't see it that way. To him it's just a sign that those with the power to bend will never recognize the greatness of those who don't have bending.
* At least partially [[Jossed]] by episode 9. Sokka is shown as the representative of the Southern Water Tribe in the City Council. He did get recognition and admiration, and an important political position. And the interquel comic has shown that the Kyoshi Warriors gain international importance, as well.
== Amon is telling the truth about who he is... to the best of his knowledge. ==
Line 706:
That's why the writers had [[Chekhov's Gun|Sokka go on that extended speech]] about how Yakone's impossible bloodbending could exist. It's setting up the information in the viewer's mind to understand in the finale that Amon isn't an Avatar-style energybender. He's just a freak like Combustion Man or Yakone/Tarrlok. Unlike someone like Toph, whose blindness allowed her the insight to develop a teachable skill (metalbending), Amon's is a Combustion Man. Only instead of blowing up stuff with his mind he can disable people's bending. Amon's biology/chi is different enough from the human norm that Tarrlok's bloodbending could only partially affect him; maybe the abnormality that gave his uber chi-blocking also makes him partially resistant to bloodbending.
To put it in Warhammer 40K terms, Amon is a blank.
== Amon is not human ==
Line 734:
== Amon is [[Godwin's Law|Hitler]] ==
* Dunno, to me he seems to have much more in common with Lenin; utterly ruthless and merciless, but still genuinely believing that his ideology would make the world a better place.
== Amon is Yakone. ==
Line 743:
== Amon's body is largely not made of water ==
Bloodbending is possible because the human body is mostly water. Amon is able to resist it quite well, implying that somehow, his limbs partially/mostly are not made of natural cells. This makes it likely that his story about being attacked by a firebender is true. In that attack, he lost two or more of his limbs and had them replaced with metal prosthetics like Sparky Sparky Boom Man did. They're probably platinum because its unbendable.
== Amon is an [[Magic: The Gathering|hieromancer]] or an [[Warhammer Fantasy|hierophant]]. ==
Line 756:
== Amon is Aang...[[Bait and Switch|'s spirit]] ==
Ok, listen to me here. Aang is dead. Yes, quite dead, and the Aavtar Spirit has moved onto Korra. However, Aang became aware of a coming threat to the Avatar World, and watched Korra from the spirit world to see if she could handle it. Watching her progress, he would have seen that she was [[Unskilled but Strong]], lacking the spirituality an Avatar needs to master Airbending and access the [[Super Mode|Avatar State]]. So, he returned to the world of the living with nothing but a "semi-flesh" form and Energybending, posing as a new threat Korra would have to adapt new ways to deal with and learn from her fears, becoming a [[Stealth Mentor]] [[Big Bad Wannabe]], to prepare Korra for when [[It Got Worse|everything truly goes to hell]] when the true [[Big Bad]] shows up in Book 2.
== Amon's energybending is taking a toll on him. ==