The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Difference between revisions

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* [[Amplifier Artifact]]: According to Mineru, this is the purpose of the Sages’ Stones. They amplify existing power, but do not grant it. The new Sages (Tulin, Riju, Sidon, and Yunobo) use them to increase their own power and create spirit avatars of themselves to accompany Link.
* [[Anachronic Order]]: More than likely, the player will uncover the Dragon Tear Memories in the wrong order, making the flashback stories incomprehensible until they can all be viewed as a whole. In fact, it is possible the player can discover exactly what happened to Zelda long before the plotline that involves tracking her down is resolved. Of course, Link will never relate this information to inquiring NPCs until the plotline is resolved, suggesting that he is learning them in the correct order even if the player is not.
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: {{Spoiler|The final stage of the final battle with Ganondorf, where he turns himself into the Demon Dragon, is a cinematic masterpiece, and clearly a better fight than the last boss of the previous game. Still, as far as gameplay goes, it’s lackluster. Link rides into battle on the Dragon of Light’s back, paraglides onto the back of the Demon Dragon, and attacks the patches of Malice (not Gloom) on its back. Link cannot die by falling in this battle (every time Ganondorf shakes him off, Zelda is certain to catch him) and he doesn’t have much offensive powers at all. While it does put an extra spin on the skydiving ability and is a fun battle overall, it isn’t much of a challenge}}.
* [[Arc Symbol]]: Tears are an omnipresent symbol in this game. The gemstones worn by the Zorai and the Sage Stones are all tear-shaped. Plus, a vital part of the plot has Link looking for "Dragon Tears", mysterious pools of water within the geoglyphs that unlock Memories; it is eventually revealed that these are literally tears shed by the Dragon of Light - who is, in fact, Zelda. later revealed that these pools are literal tears shed by the Light Dragon, AKA the draconified Zelda.
* [[And Your Reward Is Clothes]]:
** Literally every Misko quest rewards you with a piece of armor, and in some cases a matching weapon, such as the Fierce Deity Sword.