The Medusa Frequency: Difference between revisions

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* [[Oracular Head]]: Orpheus. [[Theory of Narrative Causality|Justified]] by the myth, where Orpheus was torn into pieces by Thracian women who felt offended by his refusal to make love with female sex after the loss of Eurydice, but his head kept singing while it was drifting along the river.
* [[Powers That Be]]: hypothetically a part of the explanation.
* [[Psycho Ex -Girlfriend|Psycho Ex-Boyfriend]]: Istvan Fallok to Luise von Himmelbett.
* [[Reality Warper]]: primarily Fallok, but possibly also Orff.
* [[Shout -Out]]: to Lovecraft, more than once.
* [[Surreal Horror]]: cabbages and toys changing into the talking head of Orpheus.
* [[Surreal Humor]]: cabbages and toys changing into the talking head of Orpheus, again.