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→‎Live Action TV: Formatting fix
(Another view on Insurrection)
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== Live Action TV ==
* Another example from the [[Star Trek: The Original Series]] episode ''The City On The Edge of Forever''." In it, Kirk had to let Edith Keeler die to save his own timeline, because her peace efforts would have prevented the US from entering what would be World War II when they needed, and cause Hitler and Nazism to conquer the world by developing the atomic bomb first. To save all those of their future, Kirk must stop Dr. McCoy from saving Edith from getting killed in a car accident. Kirk can't speak when Bones exclaims: "Jim! I could have saved you know what you just did." Spock can only reply: "He knows, Doctor. Soon you will too. For what once IS again." In James Blish's transcript in "The Star Trek Reader" Spock also comes across as trying to help Kirk rectify this. "No, you acted. Because no woman was ever loved so much, Jim. Because no woman was ever offered the universe for love."
** A rather nasty version in "[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|In The Pale Moonlight]]", when Sisko enlists Garak in coming up with a scheme to draw the Romulans into the Dominion War on the side of the Federation. Garak succeeds, but has to assassinate a Romulan official in the process, along with the criminal who forged the recording they are using to fool the Romulans into thinking the Dominion was planning to attack them. When Sisko confronts him over this, Garak points out that they might have just secured a Federation victory in the war -- "and all it cost was the life of one Romulan Senator, one criminal, and the [[My God, What Have I Done?|self-respect of one Starfleet officer]]. I don't know about you, [[Utopia Justifies the Means|but I'd call that a bargain.]]"
* Once on ''[[Angel]]'' when the gang was on Pylea and making battle plans to free the downtrodden humans.
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{{quote|'''Delenn''': We had to choose between the deaths of millions and the deaths of billions.}}
* Walter O Brian of '''Scorpion''' is in fact more of a Spock, then, well Spock. But he is always pulling this. Except he is personally investing spectacular risk to his life for potential return on other people's lives. A real person like that would attract lots of loyalty from his companions as indeed he does in the show, but any life insurance company would be crazy to make a contract with anyone on his team.
== Theatre ==