The Nightmare Before Christmas/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** Shock is clearly in a witch costume. Maybe it could be a really bad wizard costume? Or if she was, as one fan theory states, a human child in a Halloween costume, maybe "he" had really gender-identity-liberal parents?
** I'm pretty sure "boys" wasn't actually referring to gender. Kind like saying "Hey, you guys!" when one of them is a she.
** Yeah, "Oogie's boys" is just a general way to refer to them. Using a gender neutral term wouldn't work, because "Oogie's gang" makes them sound worse than the sense of slight whimsy they're supposed to have, and something like "Oogie's minions" makes Oogie Boogie sound more like a supervillain than what he seems to be the equivalent of, a mob boss. I suppose he could have called them "Oogie's mooks", but the film's primary demographic might not know what a "mook" is, plus you're back to making them sound like hardened criminals instead of impish pranksters.
* A bit surprised it's not been mentioned yet—why had nobody else stumbled upon those holiday trees? Jack had only been walking for one night and he found it.
** I like to think that Jack has some unconscious powers that come directly from being synonymous with the holiday of Halloween, or at least it responds to him more than to other residents. He apparently had the ability to unfurl that [[Buffy-Speak|twisted hill thing]], so he was probably led directly to the holiday trees subconsciously while he was asleep through the same force that did the aforementioned unfurling of the thinggy.