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== The Wolves And The Girl In White Are [[The Fair Folk]] ==
All of the forest characters, GIW included, have a distinctly "elven" flavor to them, [[White -Haired Pretty Boy|Scarlet's Wolf]] not the least of them. This, combined with the [[Mind Rape]] experience you have in Grandmother's house for each of them makes me believe that the wolves are fairies of the worst kind, the type that just wants to have a bit of harmless fun, [[And Call Him George|and yet have no idea what "harmless" for a human means]]. The Girl In White is a bit more benevolent, and yet when all the reds are dead, she attacks Grandmother in the belief that it will bring them back. Then again, they come back, so...Maybe she was right.
== The Red's Mother is the Original Red Riding Hood ==
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Alternately, she drowned, which supports the water imagery around her.
** Or it could be an [[Incredibly Lame Pun]] on [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs?|"High"]]. Which works, considering how separated from reality she gets in her comments.
** I don't know about Rose, but I got the impression that Ruby is dying, possibly of an illness related to her having to wear the leg brace. I believe she says something like that she probably won't live to be an adult at one point in the game, and she seems to have a focus on death.
*** Ruby is actually one of the most straightforward girls if you don't take into account what the girls mean collectively. She met a bad guy, hooked up with him and got in a car/bike accident that cost her her leg. Note the automobile themes in her grandmother's house, and how her final flashes of imagery are pictures of her "shattered". She contemplates quickening death(via smoking) because she feels that she's screwed up her life.