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**Ilaloa, torn between her love for her people and her love for Sean ends up committing suicide.
*[[Bothering by the Book]]: It is against Nomad law to marry a native. So Joachim decrees that Ilaloa will ship as a "pet".
*[[The Chick]]: Ilaloa.
*[[The Clan]]: The Nomads are a tribe of wandering ships that meets regularly. Each ship is a single clan and always marries outside.
*[[Closer to Earth]]: The Alori are this in spades.
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*[[Generican Empire]]: The Nomads have no other name but Nomads.
*[[Going Native]]: Trevelan joins the Nomads because he is attracted to their culture and because his wife is there. He also muses that more Cordies will intermarry with Nomads and that might not be such a bad thing as they could help each other.
*[[Grey And Gray Morality]]: Both parties retain some sympathy and while the Alori are the aggressors they are also trying to protect themselves from relentlessly expansionist humans.[[The Heart]]: Ilaloa is a subversion. While her [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl|affection is attractive and her love of nature infectious]], a heart must teach or encourage his or her comrades and in the end she has only so much to teach humans who cannot live as she does, and [[Fatal Flaw|she cannot really understand]] why humans love their own creations as well as loving nature.
*[[The Heart]]: Ilaloa is a subversion. While her [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl|affection is attractive and her love of nature infectious]], a heart must teach or encourage his or her comrades and in the end she has only so much to teach humans who cannot live as she does, and [[Fatal Flaw|she cannot really understand]] why humans love their own creations as well as loving nature.
*[[Hidden Elf Village]]: The Alori are motivated by desire to preserve their world as this.
*[[Interspecies Romance]]: Between Sean (one of the Nomads) and Ilaloa.
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*[[Noble Savage]]: Both the Nomads and the Alori are subversions of this being neither savage nor completely noble despite first glance. The Alori are closer to earth and [[Holier Than Thou|never tire of reminding humans of it.]] They can also be treacherous and brutal. They are charming but not exactly noble. And they are not exactly savages in the sense of being primitive; rather they emphasized a different path to development. The Nomads have a romantic footloose existence but they are masters of technology and each ship has enough perks for a small town including books, music, and artwork. They are not always noble either; we find later that a pair of Nomad ships had tired of nomadism and used their possession of technology to become planetary conquerors and the descendants of this split off had given up wandering and now rule as a tyrannical oligarchy over an alien race.
*[[Order Versus Chaos]]: The Cordies who [[Space Police|enforce order]] find Nomads rather irritating. But they can get along and cooperate.
*[[Prequel]]: The story is integrated into the Psychotechnic League verse by the prequel ''Gypsy'' which tells of the founding of the Nomad culture.
*[[Romanticism Versus Enlightenment]]: Trevelan represents extreme enlightenment. The Alori represent extreme romanticism. The Nomads are romantic in a different way but they also have enlightened characteristics.
**The Alori represent Edenic nature, Trevelan represents reason, the Nomads honor and both Trevelan and the Nomads represent discipline.
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[[Category:Space Opera]]
[[Category:PagesScience needingFiction more categoriesLiterature]]
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