The Power of Friendship/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''Loners are losers.''|'''[[Frank Sinatra]]'''}}
{{quote|'''Fiore:''' And now, you die!<br />
'''Mina:''' Don't, don't! Sailor Moon has done more for me than like anyone!<br />
'''Lita:''' She's the best friend you could wish for; just ask Darien, and she could be your friend too.<br />
'''Amy:''' Join us Fiore! Put your powers towards building more friendships!<br />
'''Fiore:''' You think I'm an idiot? She did this to herself! You're just want to trick me so you can steal Darien away.<br />
'''Raye:''' HAHAHAHA! GUYS [[Subverted Trope|THAT WAS HYSTERICAL!]]<br />
'''Lita:''' I know! I can't believe I kept a straight face through that shit.<br />
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{{quote|''Friends will be friends''<br />
''When you're in need of love, they give you care and attention''<br />
''Friends will be friends''<br />
''When you're through with life and all hope is lost''<br />
''Hold out your hand 'cause friends will be friends''<br />
''Right 'till the end''|[[Queen]], "Friends Will Be Friends"}}
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{{quote|''Dear George: Remember, no man is a failure who has friends. Thanks for the wings. Love, Clarence.''|''[[It's a Wonderful Life]]''}}
{{quote|''We know the personalities of the four kids very well by this point, so now we're getting to see how those personalities mesh with new people outside their social bubble, and how in their own ways they're sort of reversing the antagonism of these self appointed adversaries and turning them into friends, even in spite of everyone's best efforts to avoid that outcome.''<br />
''As always, friendship prevails.''|[[MS Paint Adventures|Andrew Hussie]] on [ Formspring], explaining a major plotline in ''[[Homestuck]].''}}
{{quote|'''Turkey Creek Jack Johnson:''' Why you doin' this, Doc?<br />
'''Doc Holliday:''' Because Wyatt Earp is my friend.<br />
'''Turkey Creek Jack Johnson:''' Friend? Hell, I got lots of friends.<br />
'''Doc Holliday:''' ...I don't. |''[[Tombstone]]''}}
{{quote|''A Slayer with family and friends, that sure as hell wasn't in the brochure.''|'''Spike''', ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' (shortly after [[Mama Bear|Joyce]] hit him with a fire axe)}}
{{quote| Friends will help you move. ''Real'' friends will help you move a body.}}
{{quote|You and your friends vs 10 million zombies... They're gonna need more zombies.|[[Left 4 Dead|Left 4 Dead 2]] tagline}}
{{quote|'''Ven''': Whatever it takes. Anything to save Terra and Aqua.<br />
'''Vanitas''': Hmph. It's ''always'' about your friends, isn't it?<br />
'''Ven''': At least I have some! I've become a part of their heart, just as they've become a part of mine. [[Call Forward|My friends are my power]]...and I'm theirs!|''[[Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep]]''}}
{{quote|'''Sonic''': We'll show that creep the REAL SUPERPOWER of TEAMWORK!|''[[Sonic Heroes]]''}}
{{quote|''Well, the worst of times they, they don't faze me''<br />
''Even if I look and act pretty crazy''<br />
''I went way down, she betrayed me''<br />
''Now my vision is no longer hazy''<br />
''I'm very lucky to have my crew''<br />
''They stood by me when she flew''<br />
''I've been knocked down, beat down, black and blue''<br />
''She's not the one coming back for you''|[[Rancid]], "Fall Back Down"}}
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{{quote|'''Robin:''' Everything okay?<br />
'''Starfire:''' I am sorry.<br />
'''Robin:''' ''You're'' sorry? For what?<br />
'''Starfire:''' When things were...bad, there was a moment where I truly believed that you Slade. I doubted you. And for that, I am sorry.<br />
'''Robin:''' I doubted myself, Star. Focused, serious, much as I hate to admit it, [[Not So Different|he and I are kind of alike.]] But there's one big difference between me and Slade. (smiling) He doesn't have any friends.|''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]''}}
{{quote|'''Satan:''' What the devil? That Hell was practically inescapable.<br />
'''Sam:''' Sorry, Satan. Your demon impostor was no match for the true power of friendship and cooperation!<br />
'''Max:''' Plus I ripped out his kidneys.|''[[Sam and Max]]: What's New Beelzebub?''}}
{{quote|Friendship is Magic|''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]''}}
{{quote| '''Twilight Sparkle (at first)''': "The future of Equestria does [[Genre Blind|not]] rest on me making friends!"}}
{{quote|'''Twilight Sparkle (later)''': "I felt it the very moment I realised how happy I was to hear you... to see you... how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me, when I realised that you all... are ''my friends''!"|''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]''}}
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{{quote|''"Even in Hell, there is a single blooming flower of friendship. It rocks back and forth over the waves, leaving one single petal behind as a memento. Someday, it will certainly bloom. Okama Way!"''|'''Mr. 2 Bon Kurei''', ''[[One Piece]]''}}
{{quote|'''[[U.S. Acres]] Characters''': For a walk in the park, for a shot in the dark, friends are there!<br />
'''[[Deadpan Snarker|Garfield]]''': I don't care.<br />
'''[[U.S. Acres]] Characters''': But friends will care...for youuuuuuuuu!|''Friends Are There'', the first opening theme song of ''[[Garfield and Friends]]''}}
{{quote|'''Cora''': "Are we to be friends then?"<br />
'''Lady Grantham''': "We are allies, my dear, which can be a good deal more effective."|''[[Downton Abbey]]'', [[Averted Trope|averting]] this trope.}}