The Prestige/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== Lord Caldlow survived. ==
Or at least {{spoiler|another Angier did}}. The two tricks that had much focus in the film, apart from the transporting man, were the catch-the-bullet trick and escaping from a tank of water. Considering that earlier in the film, Angier said {{spoiler|"every night, I stood in that box, wondering if I would be the one on the stage, or under it"}}, might it be possible that perhaps one night, even offstage or before the occurrences, he simply got... careless<br />Explanation of how this could work: {{spoiler|Angier has the key on him when he's duplicated. The original thinks of it when he's in the box and gets out, then the blind stagehands move out the only slightly less heavy box. The prestige doesn't bother checking, either because it makes him feel guilty or he's so desensitized after twenty or so nights that he gets bored and doesn't bother checking, and intentionally (at least from his subconscious) brushes off thinking too much about the key.}}
