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''And anythin' can happen...'' }}
Released in 2009, this is [[Disney]]'s 49th animated feature, as well as the first since 2004's ''[[Home on the Range]]'' to be traditionally animated. It's inspired by the novel ''The Frog Princess'', [ E.D. Baker's] take on the classic fable "[[The Frog Prince]]", and written and directed by Disney staples John Musker and Ron Clements. It is also notable for introducing the first black Disney princess into the official line-up.
The story centers on Tiana, a 19-year-old waitress in 1920's [[New Orleans]] who encounters a talking frog. In reality, the frog is the egotistical Prince Naveen, who was transformed by Dr. Facilier, an evil voodoo doctor. When she agrees to kiss him, the result is that ''she'' becomes a frog too, and from here they embark on a journey across the lush Louisiana swamp to seek out the voodoo priestess Mama Odie, the only one who can help them. Along the way they meet up with Louis, an alligator jazz enthusiast, and a Cajun firefly named Ray, all the while avoiding Facilier's creepy shadow goons.
For almost a decade, Disney had been firmly entrenched in the growing 3D/CGI movement; a Disney exec announced that ''Princess'' would be a long-overdue return to the animation tradition the company maintained for over fifty years. Randy Newman composed the songs for a film that harkens back to the age of Disney where music played as much a character as the actual cast members themselves. The end result was a film that was extremely well-received by critics and easily equaled the greats of the Disney Renaissance, although it was only a modest financial success, coming out in the same year as ''[[Avatar (film)|Avatar]]''. To add insult to injury, the critically-panned ''[[Alvin and the Chipmunks|Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel]]'' beat it in the box office, as well. However, Tiana being an official [[Disney Princess]] solidified that the film would be a major money-earner through merchandise at the parks.
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Before adding examples, note that tropes pertaining to the more sensitive political issues (gender and race) have been moved to the analysis page.
* [[Actor Allusion]]: The weird psychadelic filter effect on Dr. Facilier's face as he sings ''"I hope you're satisfied"'' during his [[Villain Song]] seems to hearken back to [ one of the posters] for ''[[They Live!]]'', a horror movie in which [[Keith David]], Dr. Faciler's voice actor, starred prominently.
** May or may not be intentional, but when you think about it, doesn't Dr. Facilier {{spoiler|end up as a kind of a [[Gargoyles|gargoyle]] at the end?}}
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* [[Bad Samaritan]]: Dr. Falacier.
* [[Baleful Polymorph]]: The whole plot of the movie, since Naveen and Tiana are turned into frogs.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Facilier, in a [[Gender -Inverted Trope|rare MALE example]].
* [[The Barnum]]: Dr. Facilier, using his charisma to scam people and manipulate them to his own ends.
* [[Beautiful Condemned Building]]: The abandoned sugar mill that Tiana - and her father before her - wants to convert into her restaurant.
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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Charlotte
** Also Mama Odie. She falls asleep mid-conversation, kisses a snake repeatedly on the mouth, and changes topics almost mid-sentence. But she also moves the plot towards resolution better than anybody else in the movie.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: Dr. Facilier wears a black Baron Samedi-esque outfit while Mama Odie wears white, which is the traditional color for voodoo garb. This also fits with the way they represent shadow and light respectively.<br />Purple, traditional hallmark of comic book villains, is part of the Doctor's costume and no one else, even though it's one of the standard Mardi Gras colors (Purple, Green and Gold).<br />The person who wrote the color script made a conscious decision to include the three Mardi Gras colors: Facilier has purple in all of his scenes (since, of the three colors, purple is the most "unnatural"), the scenes in the swamp with frog Tiana and Naveen are green, and Mama Odie's scenes are awash in gold.
* [[Comically Missing the Point]]: Tiana, after the "Dig A Little Deeper" sequence, in which Mama Odie explains that you have to find out what you NEED to do, not WANT to do, and she asks Tiana if she understands. Tiana's answer: "Yes! I need to dig deeper, and work even ''harder to get my restaurant!''" [[Face Palm|Mama Odie's response is something the internet knows too well]]. She does realize the point eventually, though.
** Louis makes the exact same mistake, though he also gets the point later. It's more understandable since the song wasn't directed at him.
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** But a closer look at the cards shows that the writers at least knew what the cards were supposed to mean. They even use minor arcana correctly!
* [[Digging Yourself Deeper]]: Naveen, {{spoiler|when he tries to propose to Tiana.}}
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: {{spoiler|It is suggested that Tiana's dad died at some point between her childhood and teenage years, perhaps while fighting in [[World War One|World War I]], since at one point we see a photo of him in a WWI-style uniform on Tiana's dresser. Not only is he wearing a uniform, but there's a Distinguished Service Cross on the frame. Since that's a step below the Medal of Honor, Tiana's dad probably died doing something significant.}}
* [[Dish Dash]]: Tiana's waitressing skills include being able to catch and carry flying plates full of food stacked on every available extremity and her head.
** Naveen eventually picks this up too, {{spoiler|dancing around Tiana's restaurant with loaded trays}}
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* [[Dramatic Necklace Removal]]: {{spoiler|Lawrence rips the voodoo talisman from around his neck. Facilier ties it back on later, though, and Lawrence never tries it again.}}
* [[Drop What You Are Doing]]: Blink and you'll miss it. Naveen almost buried in gold coins during "Dig A Little Deeper" but the he turns and sees Tiana, and he drops the coin he was left holding after Mama Odie rescued him and pointed him at Tiana.
* [[Dueling Movies]]: Disney released ''The Princess and the Frog'' against 20thCenturyFox[[20th Century Fox]]'s ''[[Alvin and the Chipmunks|Alvinandthe Chipmunks]]: The Squeakel'' and ''[[Avatar (film)|Avatar]]''. Disney fans as well as non-Disney animation buffs question on how Disney made such a big mistake.
* [[Dumb Blonde]]: Charlotte.
* [[Eccentric Mentor]]: Mama Odie, who says and does more than a few odds things between teachings the protagonist to 'dig a little deeper' and find what will truly make them happy.
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* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Dr. Facilier to Mama Odie.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Dr. Facilier, in grand ol' Disney tradition. His shadow has one, too!
* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]: {{spoiler|As Facilier finds out when his 'friends' turn on him. As generous as they are, they expect payment in exchange for their power.}}
* [[Evil Is Stylish]]: Facilier is this all over.
** [[Evil Is Sexy]]: And according to the fangirls (and [[Stupid Sexy Flanders|some fanboys]]), he's also this.
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* [[The Hedonist]]: Naveen.
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend|He Is Not My Boyfriend]]: Tiana says this about Naveen. Ray assumed so because their (long froggy) tongues were ridiculously tangled up all around them.
* [[He's Dead, Jim]]: We actually see {{spoiler|Ray give his last words and close his eyes for the last time, but then the shot pulls back and we see his firefly light flicker then finally fade out, removing any hope that this was a [[Disney Death]].}}
* [[Hell Gate]]: The giant mask Dr. Facilier summons during his [[Villain Song]] and later {{spoiler|he gets dragged through it by the Shadow Demons when Tiana breaks their talisman.}}
* [[Here We Go Again]]: Ray [[Medium Awareness|attempting to restart "Dig a Little Deeper"]] (but immediately averted).
* [[Heroic Dimples]]: Tiana, who was the first Disney Princess in the Animated Canon to have them.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: {{spoiler|Ray singlehandedly fights off Facilier's shadow minions so Tiana can escape with the blood talisman, only to have his triumph cut short by Facilier ''stepping on him''. He at least lives long enough to see Naveen and Tiana together and gets a great reward for his sacrifice.}}
* [[Hidden Depths]]: While deliciously suave, Facilier seems like a standard Disney villain until {{spoiler|it turns out his actions are him trying to pay back the Friends On The Other Side so they don't do something horrible to him. Doesn't make him much more sympathetic, but definitely more complex and relatable.}}
* [[He's Dead, Jim]]: We actually see {{spoiler|Ray give his last words and close his eyes for the last time, but then the shot pulls back and we see his firefly light flicker then finally fade out, removing any hope that this was a [[Disney Death]].}}
* [[Hidden Depths]]: While deliciously suave, Facilier seems like a standard Disney villain until {{spoiler|it turns out his actions are him trying to pay back the Friends On The Other Side so they don't do something horrible to him. Doesn't make him much more sympathetic, but definitely more complex and relatable.}}<br /><br />Facilier seemed genuinely frustrated and bitter with his lot in life, (likely due to being black in 20's New Orleans). Probably what sparked his original deal with his "Friends", and after that just [[Dark Reprise|dug a little deeper each time...]] This gets obvious when he is convincing Lawrence to follow his plan, saying how he (Lawrence) should be tired of being in poverty while the big shots only get richer and richer. The expression in his face pretty much tells that he wasn't speaking much about Lawrence as he was about himself.<br /><br />Facilier was apparently supposed to be a Creole, and hence an ethnic minority to boot. Free African Americans and Creoles of mixed ancestry would have been lumped in under Jim Crow laws after the Civil War. The ''LaBouff'' family were probably Creole too, but would have been considered "French" and white. Facilier also had economic motives as well as racial ones. New Orleans is run by a capitalist white patriarch, and {{spoiler|by turning everyone into just souls for his "Friends" to collect}}, he's equalizing everyone--no more class system. The undertones are clear because he teams up with Lawrence, who is obviously unhappy with his role as a servant and would like to move farther up the totem pole.
:Facilier was apparently supposed to be a Creole, and hence an ethnic minority to boot. Free African Americans and Creoles of mixed ancestry would have been lumped in under Jim Crow laws after the Civil War. The ''LaBouff'' family were probably Creole too, but would have been considered "French" and white. Facilier also had economic motives as well as racial ones. New Orleans is run by a capitalist white patriarch, and {{spoiler|by turning everyone into just souls for his "Friends" to collect}}, he's equalizing everyone--no more class system. The undertones are clear because he teams up with Lawrence, who is obviously unhappy with his role as a servant and would like to move farther up the totem pole.
** Naveen also seems like a smarmy, cheesy "no-account, good for nothing" as Tiana calls him, but he displays resourcefulness, adaptability, scientific knowledge, and multilingual knowledge, plus a willingness to learn. To say nothing of his musical talents, which mainly enhanced his image as a himbo. Combine this with the fact that a lot of his behavior is used as a mask to hide deep insecurities about literally not knowing how to do ''anything'' for himself due to his parents spoiling him most of his life and then kicking him out and he almost goes straight into [[The Woobie|Woobie territory]]
** Charlotte, {{spoiler|despite her lifelong dream, takes about a second to decide to kiss Naveen with no strings attached for Tiana's sake. She may be [[The Ditz]], but she doesn't even have to ''think'' before sacrificing for her friend. Not only that but, when the kiss doesn't work, she seems genuinely upset and repeatedly tries to make it work.}}<br />After Tiana's accident at the party, Charlotte immediately leaves Prince Naveen on the dance floor to help Tiana clean up and change her dress. She also offers Tiana a ridiculous amount of money for beignets. This may just be Charlotte having no concept of the value of money, but it gives Tiana enough cash to buy her resturaunt.
*** Also a Character Establishing moment. It would not have been unthinkable at that point for her to have reamed out Tiana, and demanded more of her "man-catching beignets", but being a true friend, promptly took her leave, helped Tiana get herself cleaned up, and loaned her one of her dresses. She may be spoiled, and not exactly deep, but she knows what's truly important to her.
** Ray appears at first to be a stereotypical hillbilly-type. He actually turns out to be one of the most insightful, caring, and helpful people in the group. He's also competent, which goes a long way when the first two things he does are untying Naveen and Tiana (after Louis's well-meaning attempt made things much worse), and pointing out that [[No Sense of Direction|Louis had been leading them in the wrong direction]]. The rest of his family (who also appear to be hillbilly-ish as well) are just as helpful for the brief amount of time they do show up, helping the group find the way to Mama Odie's home.
* [[Hollywood Voodoo]]: Well, that is already explained above, at [[Did Not Do the Research]]. But Disney did a better job than usual, by even mentioning Hoodoo.<br /><br />They also give themselves a bit of an [[Author's Saving Throw|escape hatch]] in the next line--"I've got things I ain't even tried." Facilier isn't stuck on any one tradition, he'll work with anything and anyone that can give him power.
:They also give themselves a bit of an [[Author's Saving Throw|escape hatch]] in the next line--"I've got things I ain't even tried." Facilier isn't stuck on any one tradition, he'll work with anything and anyone that can give him power.
** It's a step in the right direction that Disney also made a 'good' Voodoo priestess [[Color Coded for Your Convenience|dressed in the traditional white]], since Voodoo is usually seen as only something evil in Hollywood Voodoo.
** Facilier makes use of Voodoo dolls, usually the only known object in Voodoo. But the use of this object is only used in Louisiana Voodoo. So that is again a thumbs-up for Disney. But they do exaggerate it a bit.
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** "La Bouffe" in French means "The Grub" as in "food". Appropriate for the [[Big Eater]] father...
** Ray also, to an extent, as in "ray of light", reflecting his optimistic attitude. And how he {{spoiler|attacks Dr. Facilier's friends.}}
** Also "Evangeline", since it's the name of a Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem about a woman looking for her lost love. It's also the name of a parish in Louisiana.<br /><br />Specifically, "Evangeline" is meaningful in that the Longfellow poem is about an Acadian woman looking for her lost husband after they were separated in the ethnic cleansing of Acadians from their homeland that started in 1755. Some Acadians migrated to Louisiana after this and over time became known as Cajuns. Of course, Ray is a Cajun firefly, so the name of his true love is ethnically significant.
::Specifically, "Evangeline" is meaningful in that the Longfellow poem is about an Acadian woman looking for her lost husband after they were separated in the ethnic cleansing of Acadians from their homeland that started in 1755. Some Acadians migrated to Louisiana after this and over time became known as Cajuns. Of course, Ray is a Cajun firefly, so the name of his true love is ethnically significant.
** And let's not forget the very-briefly-seen character Beau...a moth who functions as a bow-tie.
*** Also the slang used for Voodoo and other practices or being involved in them is usually described as getting/being in some "Bad Juju".
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** And Facilier. [[Evil Is Sexy]], after all.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Charlotte.
* [[Multi -Armed Multitasking]]: The guy in the octopus costume.
* [[My Card]]: Facilier to Naveen.
* [[My Instincts Are Showing]]: While Naveen attempts to satisfy his Frog Form's taste for insects when he gets hungry, when Tiana tries to resist her own tongue rebels against her.
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* [[Nice Hat]]: Dr. Facilier sports a ''very'' nice hat indeed.
* [[Nice to the Waiter]]: In a very literal example, Charlotte and Big Daddy La Bouff. They're a bit oblivious to Tiana's problems and come across as [[Idle Rich|airheaded socialites]] sometimes, but their kind treatment of servants and workers shows that their hearts are in the right place.
* [[Noble Demon]]: The Friends on the Other Side were generous with Dr. Facilier. However, they decide to take his soul when he fails to repay his enormous debt.
* [[No Except Yes]]:
{{quote|'''Mr. La Bouff:''' All right now, princess, you're gettin' that dress, but that's it. No more Mr. Pushover. Now who wants a puppy?}}
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** Mama Odie seems completely senile at first, but she's very wise and clever - she just went a little strange from all the voodoo.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Dr. Facilier.
* [[Soul Jar]]: Dr. Facilier's amulet, though probably not granting him immortality, as in the traditional definition of this trope, still fits since he appears to have sold his own soul to the Friends on the Other Side for the source of his powers. {{spoiler|You break it, you bought it!}}<br /><br />That's a legitimate Voodoo fetish. A skilled bokor (witch for hire) can trap souls in a ouanga (spirit talisman) to fuel his own magic. However, he can only hold onto the spirits for so long, because all souls belong to Bondye (the one true God) and have to go back to him. It's still considered dark magic because you're interfering with them going to the afterlife.
:That's a legitimate Voodoo fetish. A skilled bokor (witch for hire) can trap souls in a ouanga (spirit talisman) to fuel his own magic. However, he can only hold onto the spirits for so long, because all souls belong to Bondye (the one true God) and have to go back to him. It's still considered dark magic because you're interfering with them going to the afterlife.
* [[Southern Belle]]: Charlotte.
* [[The Southpaw]]: Tiana is meant to be left-handed, as a [[Shout-Out]] to her voice actress, Anika Noni Rose. (Close viewing, however, reveals that she's more ambidextrous than anything else).
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* [[The Unfought]]: {{spoiler|The "Friends On the Other Side". Arguably justified in that, once they got what they wanted (Facilier's soul), they had no more reason to harass the heroes.}}
* [[The Unintelligible]]: Two-Fingers, one of the frog-hunting rednecks, speaks with mumbles and grunts. Darnell and Pa have no trouble understanding him, though. In some scenes, he's only speaking very quietly rather than unintelligibly.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: {{spoiler|Facilier, after the talisman is destroyed. Seeing as his Friends On The Other Side are [[You Have Failed Me...|about to kill him in a terrifying manner]], it's very understandable.}}
* Unfunny: Tiana, occasionally. Her status as such is actually something of a plot point - in the end it's not because she doesn't have a sense of humor or fun, it's because she's filed away that sort of thing in order to focus on her ambitions.
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: When Naveen crashes the Mardi Gras wedding, Charlotte exclaims, "Cheese and crackers!"
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** Also Why Did It Have To Be Frogs. Tiana is afraid of frogs, making it very awkward that she has to kiss one and then ''be'' one.
* [[You Go, Girl!]]: Basically the plot of the movie outside the [[Baleful Polymorph]] conflict.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: {{spoiler|A plausible alternate explanation for Dr. Facilier's final fate. With the talisman broken, the plan he'd sold his "Friends on the other side" on, promising them the wayward souls of New Orleans, was now impossible. He tried to tell them it was a "minor setback (to a major operation)" and they were... [[Fate Worse Than Death|unimpressed]].}}
* [[You Need a Breath Mint]]: Ray complains of Louis' breath while the latter is trying to revive him from having nearly drowned.
{{quote|'''Ray:''' ''I'm fine. But your breath done near killed me to death.''}}
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