The Princess and the Frog: Difference between revisions

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** [[Evilly Affable|Which is, of course, the only reason his scheme gets off the ground at all.]]
* [[All Work vs. All Play]]: Tiana is All Work, The Prince is All Play. It Gets Better.
* [[Almost -Dead Guy]]: {{spoiler|Ray the firefly, after being stepped on.}}
* [[Almost Kiss]]: Naveen and Tiana, after their [[Dance of Romance]].
* [[Always Check Behind the Chair]]: This trope usually only applies to video games, but pay attention to the wallpaper behind Dr. Facilier's chair during his [[Villain Song]], particularly when his shadow first passes over it. The pattern turns into {{spoiler|skulls and crossbones.}}
* [[American Accents]]: Most of the accents sound more Dixie than Yat, though Tiana uses "y'all" as a singular noun, which is more of a Yat tendency.
** Ray has a Cajun accent. [[Shout -Out|Who Dat!?]] His voice actor, [[Jim Cummings]], actually lived in New Orleans before he began his voiceover career, where he worked constructing Mardi Gras floats alongside actual Cajuns. This explains how he was able to pull off the difficult accent.
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: ''Naveen''.
* [[Amusing Injuries]]: The frog-meets-book [[Running Gag]] is powered by this.
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{{quote| ''[[That Guy With the Glasses|"What's up with all the loopholes!? Was this fairy tale written by a lawyer!?"]]''}}
* [[Daddy's Girl]]: Both Tiana and Charlotte.
* [[Sir Not -Appearing in -In-This -Trailer|Dame Not Appearing In This Trailer]]: Charlotte LaBouff, at first. She did make an appearance in the last trailer, causing some people to call shenanigans due to the movie featuring a "blonde princess" as well as a black one. See Never Trust a Trailer, below.
* [[Dance of Romance]]: Naveen teaches Tiana how to dance after she teaches him how to to mince.
* [[Dark Reprise]]: "Almost There" gets a short reprise after Tiana loses the restaurant.
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* [[Deal With the Devil]]: The source of Dr. Facilier's powers. With the [[Moral Event Horizon|souls of the entire city of New Orleans as an installment]]. {{spoiler|It doesn't work out so well.}}
** This is also Facilier's method of choice. It's apparent that he can't just kidnap the Prince by force, his magic will only work if he gets Naveen to make a deal with him first (although Naveen of course has no idea what he's really agreeing to).
* [[Deep -Fried Whatever]]: All of the [[Food Porn|delicious]] [[wikipedia:Beignet|beignets]] that appear through the movie.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: Louis mentions [[wikipedia:Bananas Foster|bananas Foster]] as one of the dishes he'd like to eat, when they were invented in 1951.
** Minor one; Tarot cards are a European form of fortune telling strongly associated with [[Roma]] (although the author who first popularised their divinatory use was actually Swiss), not related to vodoun or American folk magic, and in the 1920s people hadn't yet started mashing "exotic" magic together so much that Facilier could be expected to use them. Possibly excused by his "friends" providing them--or simply how far outside his main focus he had gone in a sort of in-character [[Shown Their Work|Shown His Work]]; the "High Magic" tradition and particularly the English Golden Dawn group had integrated them, but this type of practice was far less widely known then than now.
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* [[Four-Temperament Ensemble]]: Tiana is choleric, Naveen is sanguine, Louis is melancholic, and Ray is phlegmatic.
* [[Fourth Date Marriage]]: The relationship Tiana and Naveen create is the typical speed for a Disney movie.
* [["Friend or Idol?" Decision]]: {{spoiler|Dr. Facilier offers to give Tiana her hopes and dreams in return for his voodoo pendant. He makes the mistake of reminding her that her father never reached his dream... Because not only does she realize that her father was still a happy man, thanks to his family, but it reminded her that she always believed in ''working hard'' to reach her goals.}}
** It's a real idol, too.
* [[Frogs and Toads]]: [[Captain Obvious|No duh]].
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* [[Girlish Pigtails]]: Tiana as a child.
* [[Good Witch Versus Bad Witch]]: Though they don't technically directly do battle, it's assumed that Mama Odie is aware of Facilier's dark doings with the shadow demons. At the very least, she knows his reputation enough to accurately surmise that the shadows that attacked Naveen just before she turned up belonged to Facilier.
* [[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]: {{spoiler|Brave Ray, who survives being stepped on [[Almost -Dead Guy|just long enough]] to see that Tiana and Naveen have declared their love for each other. This makes him smile to his tearful companions before he finally fades.}}
* [[Gorgeous Garment Generation]]
* [[Gray Rain of Depression]]: {{spoiler|When Ray dies.}}
* [[Groin Attack]]: With a ''[[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|shotgun]]''. Don't worry, he only takes [[Clothing Damage]].
* [[Happily Ever After]]
* [[Hands -On Approach]]: When Tiana teaches Naveen how to mince vegetables.
* [[Hard Work Hardly Works]]: You may ''think'' the movie's going to end with this, but Tiana {{spoiler|refuses to take Facilier's offer of the easy, magical way out. And in the end, even after she marries Naveen, and he reconciles with his filthy-rich family, it's still ''her'' money, the coffee cans full of the cash she scraped together from her tips from three jobs, that gets her that building. All it takes is a stare from her new alligator best friend to get those bankers to accept the original offer. It's possible the extra money is only used to help fix the place up, but even then Tiana and Naveen do all the physical labor by themselves.}}
** However, Tiana's dad fits this trope.
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* [[The Jeeves]]: {{spoiler|Though equipped with a British accent and clearly more level-headed than his master, Prince Naveen's pompous valet, Lawrence subverts this. It's made obvious from day one that he completely envies and resents the young prince.}}
* [[Jerkass]]: The two real estate broker brothers, revealed as such by both their choice of costume and how they treat Tiana. There was also Buford, the short order cook, in the beginning of the movie, who mocks her dream of opening a restaurant.
* [[Just -So Story]]: {{spoiler|Stars are actually indeed the ghosts of dead fireflies. Looks like [[The Lion King|Timon]] was actually right after all.}}
* [[Just the Way You Are]]: The lesson Louis learns is that he doesn't have to become human to fulfill his dreams.
** Likewise, Tiana and Naveen declare their love for one another not caring anymore if they're humans or frogs.
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{{quote| '''Louis:''' It didn't end well.}}
* [[Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate]]: '''Dr.''' Facilier is a '''witch''' [[Stealth Pun|doctor]].
* [[Morally -Bankrupt Banker]]: Two of them.
* [[Motor Mouth]]: Ray.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Oh ''lord'', Naveen! And totally on purpose! According to the commentary, they were down to three options for Naveen's voice so they ''gathered together female members of the crew and asked them to pick the most attractive voice.''
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* [[No More for Me]]: The partygoer dressed as an octopus.
* [[Noodle People]]: Facilier definitely fits.
* [[No Self -Buffs]]: The Shadow Man's magic won't work on himself. He even gives us the page quote:
{{quote| '''Faciler:''' Fun fact about voodoo, Larry... can't conjure a thing for myself!}}
* [[No Sense of Direction]]: Louis
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* [[Orbital Kiss]]
* [[Orphaned Punchline]]: {{spoiler|Ray delivers this when they're eating swamp gumbo.}}
* [[Pale Females, Dark Males]]: Despite Tiana having a darker skin tone than Naveen, her frog form is lighter than Naveen's.
* [[Parental Bonus]]: So much so, yet another Classic Disney Tradition!
{{quote| '''Mama Odie:''' It's good to see you again, Ray. How's your grandma?<br />
'''Ray:''' Oh, she's fine. Got in a little trouble for [[Incredibly Lame Pun|flashing]] the neighbors again! }}
* [[Picture -Perfect Presentation]]: The "Down in New Orleans" number introducing the main characters has several, newspaper photographs turning from black and white to color and coming to life.
* [[Pimped-Out Dress]]: Tiana's magic lily pad dress, as well as the hundreds of pink monstrosities [[The Oprah Winfrey Show|Tiana's mother]] makes for Charlotte.
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]: "It's not slime... it's MUCUS!"
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* [[Really Gets Around]]: ''Strongly'' implied for Naveen, as strong as one can imply in a G-rated movie. He even says at one point that he has dated ''thousands'' of women. [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?|Unfortunately,]] it's when he's trying to {{spoiler|propose to Tiana.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Really Dead Montage]]}}: {{spoiler|Ray gets a funeral fit for a firefly king.}}
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: ''Subverted'' with Juju the snake. Facilier has [[Purple Eyes]]. Played with. Ray's eyes don't turn red when he's enraged, but his firefly butt does.
* [[Reformed Rakes]]: Naveen.
* [[Refrain From Assuming]]: Without looking at the soundtrack listing, it's easy to assume that "Gonna Take You There" is actually called "Going Down the Bayou".
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*** Explanation: Mardi Gras is Fat Tuesday, basically the day to run through all your excess before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. (Lent being the extended period of time prior to Easter Sunday). For a Mardi Gras to [[Did Not Do the Research|take place in April]] is to have an Easter in June (or maybe even July).
* [[Running Gag]]: "Allow me to introduce myself! I am Prince Naveen!" ''[freaked out girl slams a book on him and from crumpled lips, he finishes]'' "...of Maldonia."
** The many many [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] seem to be this due to just how numerous and ''obvious'' they are to people who can recognize them.
* [[Scary Black Man]]: Averted. Dr. Facilier's menace does not come from him being ''physically'' imposing...but don't think, even for a minute, that he ''isn't'' menacing.
* [[The Scottish Trope]]: The animators clearly did some research on Vodou imagery, but refused to use [[wikipedia:Veve|actual symbols]] for Dr. Facilier's [[Instant Runes]], and instead used fake ones that kept the style.
* [[Sealed With a Kiss]]
* [[Senior Sleep Cycle]]: Mama Odie falls asleep in the middle of talking with Naveen and Tiana.
* [[Setting -Off Song]]: "Gonna Take You There."
* [[Shadow Discretion Shot]]: Played with, and [[Played for Laughs]]. It looks like Big Daddy is going to give Little Charlotte a stern talking to because she's so spoiled, but then he produces {{spoiler|a puppy out of nowhere!}}
* [[She's All Grown Up]]: Charlotte.
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** {{spoiler|And eventually Louis and Ray have become Team [[Portmanteau Couple Name|Tianaveen]]. Mama Odie doesn't take long to join in. Charlotte wanted to marry a prince for more than half of her life, and even she thought Naveen should marry Tiana. It's easier to list by the end of the movie who ''isn't'' [[Everyone Can See It|shipping those two]].}}
** Of course, Dr. Facilier's pushes for the (disturbing) Lawrence/Charlotte ship, going so far as to bet his {{spoiler|talisman and soul}} on it.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Charlotte's dance scene with 'Naveen' closely resembles the dances [[Cinderella]] and [[Sleeping Beauty]] had with their Prince Charmings. The reason for these dances being duplicated in previous films was to save time and money but this time it's deliberate.
** When Ray goes up to be a star with Evangeline, it brings to mind the song in ''[[Peter Pan]]'', "The Second Star To The Right".
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Disney chief John Lasseter, the Pixar head whose brainchild it was to bring back 2D animation, insisted on setting the film in New Orleans. When he found out Disney Renaissance directors Clements and Musker had never been to [[The Big Easy]], he paid them to visit the post-Katrina city three times. Their research strongly influenced the plot as well as the look: Tiana's character was based on a person they met who dreamed of opening a restaurant.
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* [[Soul Jar]]: Dr. Facilier's amulet, though probably not granting him immortality, as in the traditional definition of this trope, still fits since he appears to have sold his own soul to the Friends on the Other Side for the source of his powers. {{spoiler|You break it, you bought it!}}<br /><br />That's a legitimate Voodoo fetish. A skilled bokor (witch for hire) can trap souls in a ouanga (spirit talisman) to fuel his own magic. However, he can only hold onto the spirits for so long, because all souls belong to Bondye (the one true God) and have to go back to him. It's still considered dark magic because you're interfering with them going to the afterlife.
* [[Southern Belle]]: Charlotte.
* [[The Southpaw]]: Tiana is meant to be left-handed, as a [[Shout -Out]] to her voice actress, Anika Noni Rose. (Close viewing, however, reveals that she's more ambidextrous than anything else).
* [[The Speechless]]: Juju, even though all the other animals can talk.
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: Charlotte, Tiana's best friend since the two of them were small children. She's shallow and spoiled but still willing to {{spoiler|give up her dream of marrying Prince Naveen to give Tiana her chance at true love. Heck, she's the ''freaking trope picture'', for crying out loud!}}
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* [[Sweet and Sour Grapes]]: The plot.
* [[Synchronized Swarming]]: The fireflies.
* [[Talented Princess, Regular Guy]]: Tiana is tough, hardworking, and a great cook, whereas Prince Naveen is apparently unable to take care of himself. This is debateable, though, since he does play the ukelele and speak three languages.
* [[Talking Animal]]: The transformed Prince Naveen and Tiana. As frogs, they can understand other animals. It's a little inconsistent, though, as regular people can also understand Louis.
** Louis is a bit unclear, people react to him but he never actually SPEAKS to other humans.
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* [[Troperiffic]]: Just look at this page's [[Running Gag]].
** Y'know, unless you actually [[Trope Overdose|read everything before making it down this far.]]
* [[True -Blue Femininity]]: Tiana is given a blue dress by Charlotte. This convinces Naveen that she might be a princess to break his curse.
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Ray the firefly and his love Evangeline the evening star. [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Hot wife, indeed.]]
* [[The Unfought]]: {{spoiler|The "Friends On the Other Side". Arguably justified in that, once they got what they wanted (Facilier's soul), they had no more reason to harass the heroes.}}
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* [[Warts and All]]: Naveen to Lawrence. Boy, does he regret it. {{spoiler|Amusingly, Naveen asks Tiana if she loves him, "warts and all", making it more literal than figurative "warts and all"}}
* [[Well, Excuse Me, Princess!]]: Tiana and Naveen. Early in the film, they both think that they're better than the other. {{spoiler|Naveen believes himself to be superior to Tiana because he is a debonair and optimistic prince, while she is a pessimistic & cranky waitress. At the same time, Tiana thinks that she's above Naveen because he's a lazy, good for nothing philanderer, while she has tirelessly worked hard for the things she wants in life. Hence, the throwing of insults begins.}}
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: Pardon the [[Incredibly Lame Pun|pun]], but {{spoiler|Facilier's "friends" from the other side promptly take his soul once he defaults on his loan.}}
* [[With This Ring]]: {{spoiler|Naveen, on realizing he's fallen in love with Tiana, fashions a ring for her out of champagne cork wire and a Mardi Gras bead.}}
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?|What Happened To The Cat?]]