The Prism Pentad/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[General Failure]]: As his campaign against the Urik proceed he starts to lose men and charisma as he fights.
* [[Halfbreed]]: Part man part dwarf.
* [[I Surrender, Suckers]]: Use this tactic against Maetan in the second book.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: {{spoiler|When he realise that there was no mole in his army, and that his failures where his own doing.}}
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: In his first appearence he states nonchalantely that he could kill four armed guards in the time he took to scratch himself.
* [[Punch Out a God]]: He {{spoiler|speared Kalak, killed the Shadow Leader Umbra and finished off Borys.}}
* [[Red Right Hand]]: {{spoiler|When Tamar possess him there's a ruby embedded in his chest and the skin around it is rotting.}}
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: In book two, against the noble who owned him in the past.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Get tons of them in his book, thanks to [[Idiot Ball]].
=== Neeva ===
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* [[Halfbreed]]: Half elf.
* [[Hot Witch]]
* [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad|I Hate You, Elf Dad!]]: She really hates Faenaeyon's guts, not that [[Jerkass|we can blame her for that.]]
* [[Idiot Ball]]: Expecially after book one, where some of her selfish actions come back to bite her curvaceous ass.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]
* [[The Power of the Sun]]: Her newfound powers allow her to drain the energy from the sun, making her extremely powerful during the day.
* [[Super Strength]]: As long as there's sunlight.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: For her cause she ends up {{spoiler|causing Nok's death and the defilement of the gardens of Nibenay.}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: {{spoiler|When she drain too much energy against Dhojakt and defile the gardens, spoiling them forever.}}
=== Agis of Asticles ===
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* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: No wings, very slim body, spits sand and is a master of sorcery and psionics.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: {{spoiler|His stomach is full of obsidian orbs, required for his spellcasting.}}
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: His sacrifices {{spoiler|keep the even more dangerous Rajaat sealed.}}
=== Kalak ===
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* [[Evil Old Folks]]
* {{spoiler|[[Impaled With Extreme Prejudice]]: Twice.}}
* {{spoiler|[[One -Winged Angel]]: What he's going to do. Thankfully he's attacked while still in larval phase, making that a [[Clipped -Wing Angel]].}}
* [[Really 700 Years Old]]: At least more than 1500 years old.
* [[Sorcerous Overlord]]
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* [[Magic Knight]]: He's one of the physically strongest Sorcerer Kings.
* [[No Sell]]: {{spoiler|He's totally immune to the Scourge of Rkard, because Rajaat made him a champion later in order to substitute another one.}}
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: {{spoiler|Turn in a giant lion man in order to crush the tyrians.}}
* [[Panthera Awesome]]: His symbol is a walking lion, he looks like a lion {{spoiler|and can turn into one.}}
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: {{spoiler|To ordinary steel.}}
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* [[The Caligula]]: The members of his council have been blinded and had their tongues cut. Why? No reason....
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]: And also [[Spikes of Villainy]].
* {{spoiler|[[Laser -Guided Karma]]: Rajaat seals him in the Black.}}
* [[Pig Man]]: Hinted to look like one.
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* [[Flunky Boss]]: She brings along her whole army.
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]
* [[Eerie Pale -Skinned Brunette]]
* [[We Have Reserves]]: Show little concern for her troops.
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* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]
* [[I Surrender, Suckers]]: When his army is almost gone, he surrenders to Rikus, {{spoiler|and try to kill him.}}
* [[Mind Rape]]: A master of the "Way", does several of this to Rikus.
* [[Smug Snake]]
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* [[Big Creepy Crawlies]]: He's a mantis-man.
* {{spoiler|[[Defiant to The End]]: He dared to bite King Hamanu as he was crushing him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Family -Unfriendly Death]]: Hamanu laughs off his poison, rip off his armor and proceed to crush his flesh.}}
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]
* [[Poisonous Person]]: His bite is poisonous.
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* [[Noble Demon]]: Has his own limits.
* [[Not Distracted By the Sexy]]: Sadira's charms fail on him.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Chews Sadira out for {{spoiler|defiling the Gardens of Nibenay.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Worf Effect]]: New Sadira destroys him without much pain.}}
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* [[The Brute]]
* [[Cool Sword]]
* {{spoiler|[[Family -Unfriendly Death]]: He falls in the Saram's sacred pit and is mauled by the ghosts of the deceased animals.}}
* [[Our Giants Are Bigger]]
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* [[Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever]]: Though he's smaller than Mag'r.
* [[Owl Be Damned]]: Has the heas and feathers of an owl.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: {{spoiler|Reveals to Tithian that the Dragon can't turn him into a Sorcerer King.}}
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: The ownership of the Oracle allows him to keep the Saram intelligent and protected from the ghosts of their former human parts. ([[It Makes Sense in Context]])
=== Jo'orsh and Sa'ram ===
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* [[Sealed Evil in A Can]]
* {{spoiler|[[Weaksauce Weakness]]: His shadow.}}
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: Wanted to revert the world to the Blue Era, but the price (the death of millions of people) is too high.