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[[The Real Man]] is the [[Tabletop RPG]] player who plays the game for the visceral, action-packed experience. Any character played by this guy will invariably be a [[Badass]] whirlwind of death -- rarely do they play any sort of sneaky or supporting character. If by chance they have to play a [[Squishy Wizard|wizard]], he'll either be [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|loaded to the gills]] with [[Stuff Blowing Up|fireballs]] or decidedly [[Magic Knight|non-squishy]]. The real man may do some [[Min -Maxing]] (though not to the insane heights of the [[Munchkin]]), but he's just as likely to select abilities based on [[Rule of Cool|"cool factor"]] [[Awesome but Impractical|alone]].
These players are most interested in the parts of the game that involve fighting. Their strategies tend to be simple; run up to the enemies and hack them to bits (or blast them with [[BFG|the big guns]] in a modern setting). However, the more imaginative among them may employ some killer stunts, such as shield-surfing or swinging on chandeliers. Unlike [[The Loonie]] (whose stunts are [[Rule of Funny|played for laughs]]), this guy is doing it purely for the [[Rule of Cool]].
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* in [[Fallout 3]]:
** a Big Guns optimized character have little choice but to be this. Not only the stats required for Big Guns already provide the [[Required Secondary Powers]] for Big Guns (damage resistance and carry weight for instance, due to them being, well, ''heavy''), as well as Big Guns penalizing Sneak. This makes Big Guns character a primarily a charging character that relies on tough defense (and a healthy dose of Stimpaks hotkeyed) and the guns doing the killing before the character gets killed.
** a Small Arms optimized one can be too if a player prefers [[Boom! Headshot!|blowing the enemies heads easily]], and not to mention [[Cool Gun|the Chinese Assault Rifle]] and [[Shotguns Are Just Better|the Combat Shotgun]]
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[[Category:Tabletop Games]]
[[Category:The Real Man]]