The Remake: Difference between revisions

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* The 2003 miniseries and 2004-2009 version of ''[[Battlestar Galactica]]''.
* ''[[Gundam Seed]]'' of 2002-03 was admittedly a remake of the original ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam]]'' from 1979.
* A good chunk of Hispanic [[Soap Opera]]s are either remakes of previous soaps (TV or radio) or adaptations of famous romantic books. One example who combine both is the famed "CorazónCorazón Salvaje" (title translates to ''Savage Heart''), who began as a romantic novel, then was adapted as a soap in [[The Sixties]], then later as a movie in [[The Seventies]], and then again as a soap in [[The Nineties]] who unusually for the trope was claimed as the better version of them all.
** Sadly, they remade it again in 2009, and [[Ruined FOREVER|ruined it again]].
* Game shows do this all the time. The best ones came during the '70s and '80s, where ''The Match Game'' became ''Match Game '7x'', ''The Price Is Right'' evolved into ''The (New) Price Is Right'', ''Pyramid'' kept climbing in dollar amounts, and ''Password'' would become ''Password Plus'' and later ''Super Password''. There were numerous "Same shows, new hosts" examples as well, such as ''Family Feud'' (Richard Dawson, then Ray Combs) and ''Card Sharks'' (Jim Perry, then Bob Eubanks). More recent revivals tend to fall a bit flat by comparison (''Match Game '98'' with Michael Burger, ''Card Sharks '01''...just, ''Card Sharks '01'', ''Family Feud'' with pretty much everyone since Ray Combs—even an aged Richard Dawson—until John O'Hurley came along, and ''Pyramid'' with Donny Osmond).