The Ren and Stimpy Show/Tear Jerker: Difference between revisions

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* "Son of Stimpy". That is all.
* From "Sven Hoek-" the scene of Stimpy and Sven hugging each other, crying and shaking in sheer terror as Ren threatens them with all sorts of kinds of graphic, specific forms of bodily harm.
{{quote| '''Stimpy:''' We don't like this, Ren!''<br />
'''Sven:''' Yeah- you're scaring us!'' }}
* Kowalski's "Goodbye Daddy!" at the end of the episode "Fake Dad".
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* [ The Music Video "Ren's Pecs."] Based off the episode of the same name.
* At the end of ''Stimpy's Fan Club'':
{{quote| '''Ren:'''''Looooove-it says love-...[[Break the Haughty|Stimpy]].''<br />
'''Stimpy:''' [[Fan of the Underdog|I meant every word]]. ''*hugs a sobbing Ren*'' There, there, Ren. THERE, THERE. }}
** When Ren broke down in tears at the beginning of the episode, believing he was not loved like Stimpy was. "Everyone loves the stupid one! No one loves the jerk! Everyone loves YOU... But I NEED LOVE, TOO! I JUST WANT TO BE LOVED, LIKE YOU!" The way he was crying was just heartbreaking.